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Stolen S13 Silvia Hurstville Area

slow ride

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Some arsehair posing as a buyer stole my s13 yesterday 10th march. He was last seen heading towards Hurstville on Railway Parade around 3PM. If ANYONE has any info whatsoever please contact me.

The car will definately stand out. Its got a BN sports kit, Apec apache 18s, loud exhaust, RB20, ns.com sticker. It's white with duct tape on the front bar. The plates are red KLR 02L mounted to the side on the front bar.

Please if anyone sees it call 0423 451 346. I was gonna use this money to get out of debt and take my GF on a holiday but the stupid crack head need a quick fix I guess.

He mentioned living around Maroubra so everyone around there please keep an eye out for it.

Also, if anyone comes across cheap used Apec apaches in shadow chrome or RB20 parts, Autogage gauges, HKS turbotimer or Apexi pod please be suspicious and ask where they got them from.

For photos go here:


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Damm! I've been looking at carsales and seen that car a few times, looks great!

Pitty about the bastard who stole it, but, I live around the beaches so I'll keep an eye out.

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slow ride, how did they steal it?

Like were they going for a test drive and just never came back??

if you can provide with some details, come in handy for other people thats selling their cars. if they did it to you they prob have done this kinda shit before

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Thanks a lot for the support guys. It just really sucks because today I got about 6 calls from interested buyers and I've had to turn them away.

The guy was aussie, in his late 20s early 30s, had chicken pox, sany blonde short hair, about 175 cms, slim build.

My biggest lead is that he was wearing a blue polo shirt which said Eastern Sydney Construction or East Coast Construction. If this sounds familiar please let me know.

If you see the car it's got some unusual features. It has no spoiler, no antenna, the doors need a respray, the front bar is cracked and has duct tape, loud BOV and exhaust. It just plain stands out.

Again, thanks so much for your support.

Use this as a warning guys. If anyone wants to test drive your car, meet them in a neutral place where they can't escape too quickly. And always hold onto their licence. Make that the first thing you do. If they refuse, don't show them the car.

I took him for a spin and I got out and he goes "can I drive" I agreed and as I was opening the passenger door he drove off.

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man thats just f**ked up, stolen right in front of your eyes. have you gone to the cops and gave them a description of the guy? maybe they can check their records against previously convicted thieves and you can spot them out?

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I stupidly didn't get any of his details but I've given the cops a pretty good description of the guy. You just don't think to get their licence until it's too late. Be careful guys, I don't want anyone to go through this shit.

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I stupidly didn't get any of his details but I've given the cops a pretty good description of the guy. You just don't think to get their licence until it's too late. Be careful guys, I don't want anyone to go through this shit.

when he originally rang you to organise the test drive did he call your mobile?

im pretty sure you can ask the phone company or cops to do a trace and see where he was calling from, if he was dumb enough to call from hes house or hes mobile, they can easily catch the bastard

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I took him for a spin and I got out and he goes "can I drive" I agreed and as I was opening the passenger door he drove off.

What kind of person is that? geez.. Stolen right in front of u. :no: Feel for u dude.

Always have someone in another car to help u out.

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when he originally rang you to organise the test drive did he call your mobile?

im pretty sure you can ask the phone company or cops to do a trace and see where he was calling from, if he was dumb enough to call from hes house or hes mobile, they can easily catch the bastard

yeah this is actually a good call. See if u can get his mobile number or soemthing

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God damn that shits me! I hate bastards like that. Man if you find out who it is. pm me then we should hunt them down and give em a beating. No probs man, Ill keep a look a out

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holy shit. that sucks. yes i always get a photocopy, or just copy the details of anyones licence that looks at the car. if you are letting them test drive. take the key out, get out of the car, hop in passenger side, then give them the key once you are both back in the car. i also only let them come alone with me so there is no chance of a mate pulling any shit in the car.

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thats just fuct up...

I would start looking up every construction company in eastern sydney. If he was wearing that tshirt and said he was from maroubra ...chances are he works around that area.

Although if i was to steal a car I wouldnt be telling the person where i lived ....or wear a work shirt ....

then again some theives are just plain stupid.

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