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Check out the circuit racing down in Tassie! Targa Class where the only rule is no slicks. ANY & ALL modifications are allowed. Heaps of GTR's INCLUDING A MINES, GTS-t's, 300ZX's and a mean black 600hp Nizpro 200SX/R!! Check out the photos including White's Targa winning R34 GTR V Spec II N1

They are running against Evo 6'S & 7's, STi's, twin turbo Porsche's and RX-7's, even Chevy V8 Torana's. All on the track together! No restrictors, no minimum weights, NO RULES! It is on for young and old!!

Check it out at www.trdc.net.au

They are only charging $170 entry for 40 laps of racing!!!

Why don't they have this everywhere? Who knows but for the hottest Skyline racing in the country, check out Targa Class in Tassie.

Go to the website, check out the dates and get down there

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Dunno about no rules, you still have to meet CAMS standards don't you? ie no bolt in rollcages etc.

But still looks pretty good, and $190 (non member price) for a full day is good value.

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CAMS rules for all levels below National Series or Championships are that if the car is ADR approved it does not require a roll cage! Although you would be a little silly not to have one but we have had some GTR's run without them.

The car does need to have a kill switch, fire extinguisher and 3 inch harnesses but a race seat is optional. the driver needs to have the full kit of racegear too.

The `no rules' was meant in the way that there are no eligibilty rules unlike Sports Sedan and Improved Production etc meaning the car doesn't have to be factory, you can fit any modification you can afford so a lot of the cars are making well over 350kw at the wheels and throw flames a mile long!!

Like I said the only rule is no slicks

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Good idea letting everyone know whats happening down here Mark, for the pics that seem to have screwed up go to - http://trdc.net.au/circuit/players/group/index.htm

I look after the series website and from here in will be updating it with images from the rounds.

I've got a R32 GTR that I race down here, but plan on soon swapping to the lightweight R32 GTSt.

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sounds like great fun if you have a lot of cash. if you dont, you will be stuck up the back.

I ran 26Motorsport's car two years ago and spend under $4000 for the year in running costs and finished a close second in the championship. A well set up GTSt is a very cost effective option as we group all cars into four different groups based on total lap time to make sure of really close racing.

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Let me start off by apologising for CAMS bashing on SAU, but it’s better that everyone understands what is going on and why Tas has this sort of racing and other states don’t.

I have always liked the “Targa” Class, it caters for cars that otherwise might sit idle for 11 months of the year.

What you guys have done is to develop a new class because you don't like the CAMS classes. Basically. neither do I, restricting turbo engines in Improved Production and not restricting other engines is totally illogical. Sometimes we feel like a few lone voices in the wilderness on this subject. Personally I would be much happier if you lobbied CAMS and had the Improved Production rules amended. There are enough “Targa” Class competitors to have a voice, but taking your bat and ball and playing another game isn’t going to achieve anything.

The Improved Production Nationals are in Tasmania this year, it would be nice to see some of the “Targa” class guys make an impact.

:O cheers :dry:

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Let me start off by apologising for CAMS bashing on SAU, but it’s better that everyone understands what is going on and why Tas has this sort of racing and other states don’t.

I have always liked the “Targa” Class, it caters for cars that otherwise might sit idle for 11 months of the year.

What you guys have done is to develop a new class because you don't like the CAMS classes. Basically. neither do I, restricting turbo engines in Improved Production and not restricting other engines is totally illogical. Sometimes we feel like a few lone voices in the wilderness on this subject. Personally I would be much happier if you lobbied CAMS and had the Improved Production rules amended. There are enough “Targa” Class competitors to have a voice, but taking your bat and ball and playing another game isn’t going to achieve anything.

The Improved Production Nationals are in Tasmania this year, it would be nice to see some of the “Targa” class guys make an impact.

:mad: cheers :no:


I squezzed through a loop hole at the 2001 IP Nationals to run my heavily restricted GTS-t on the back of the rules saying `models' only and R32 GTR's were sold here, meaning I could run as a modified GTR. I was later charged by the stewards for running an illegal car and had to face the CAMS Technical Commission along with Greg Garwood who ran an EVO VI RS. We both got off and I lobied hard at this meeting for one of two things to happen. 1- Change IP Rules to allow the thousands of import cars to run IP, after GTR's were the most awesome Production Touring Cars ever made and in a class where it is ok to run a 6 Litre Chevy powered Torana, Hello!! 2- Create a class for import jap cars!

Guess what happened- 1- IPRA altered their rules to ensure cars like mine and Garwood's would never run again and 2- CAMS still hasn't set up a class for MODERN production cars, citing that they simply validate IPRA rules and it is up to them to change them.

I again chat with Peter Lawrence (CAMS Technical Director) in Jan this year and five years later, he is saying that IPRA really do need to make some changes and said that CAMS are working on a set of rules to recognise a production class for late model imported cars. This is not so much because we are doing this Targa thing, but SA and WA have similar events to Targa and now wish to follow our lead to bolster field numbers at their race meets like we have.

This is the reason for Targa Class. ALL these cars should be in Improved Production, they are after all production cars made in numbers far in excess of anything racing in IP. When an 808 wagon can win the Nationals legally, that you run cars with engines they were never made with, one wonders where the rules have gone wrong. A class that calls a 92 EB Falcon modern, c'mon! And then let it run as a GT when in fact is 4/5th's a V8 Supercar!!

I would love to run IP, we have watched IP remain stagnant and the guys here running them get frustrated by the growth of Targa Class but everyone who is in there has built a car that is suitable to Targa and then taken it to the track. The IPRA has not welcomed these cars at all and even the ones that can run are heavily restricted to ensure they are not competitive.

Yes, we have the IP Nationals this year at the best short track in the country, Baskerville. I am the Head of the organising committee at the TRDC for this event and I do support IP. I have worked really hard here on the admin side to help IP as the TRDC are the official IP club here. I really hope that plenty of mainland guys come down, especially the under 2 litre guys because they will have a real show at Basky of winning outright.

I would again love to compete but unfortunately my GTS-t remains ineligibale, which is a shame. Who knows when IPRA are here and see Targa Class they may ask why aren't all these cars running IP too and we'll see some change. There is an opportunity for the IPRA to be HUGE.

So, we haven't taken our bat & ball, there simply has been little choice and creating this set up has saved circuit racing in Tasmania that was all but dead 5 years ago with over 50% of total entries now in Targa Class. Like HQ racing did in the 90's when it was invented in Tasmania and eventually went national, we hope that either the IPRA, CAMS or both will have the wisdom to bring ALL Production Car Racing under one set of rules.

IP can't keep survivng on rules that are biased towards 30 year old cars forever. The days of having to turn an ordinary car in to a good one are gone. Anyone who owns a Skyline, EVO or WRX knows that and all these cars are dirt cheap to race in comparison to a lot of the front running IP cars. I'm guessing spectators too might be a little more thrilled by GTR's than 808's too!! 5,000 plus crowds at our race meets confirms this. When I have been to State Rounds in Vic and NSW, there are more people in pitlane than out of it!

Lets all pray for some sanity on this, lobby Peter Lawrence at CAMS, lobby the IPRA and we can force change!!



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I squezzed through a loop hole at the 2001 IP Nationals to run my heavily restricted GTS-t on the back of the rules saying `models' only and R32 GTR's were sold here, meaning I could run as a modified GTR. I was later charged by the stewards for running an illegal car and had to face the CAMS Technical Commission along with Greg Garwood who ran an EVO VI RS.

Your not going to endear yourself to anyone with this sort of stunt, least of all your fellow (potential) competitors. Believe me you need their support or at least their indifference to your presence in the class. I'm just amazed you were allowed to compete at all, and I suspect you 'got off' because the fact your car is obviously ineligible meant exclusion is automatic from future events.

In any event, you need to submit an application to the CAMS Recognition Committee in the first instance to have your vehicle 'type' recognised...but that's just the first hurdle.

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Your not going to endear yourself to anyone with this sort of stunt, least of all your fellow (potential) competitors. Believe me you need their support or at least their indifference to your presence in the class. I'm just amazed you were allowed to compete at all, and I suspect you 'got off' because the fact your car is obviously ineligible meant exclusion is automatic from future events.

In any event, you need to submit an application to the CAMS Recognition Committee in the first instance to have your vehicle 'type' recognised...but that's just the first hurdle.

You're right, it wasn't a stunt though. My car was approved pre- 2001 Nationals by the CAMS Technical Director- Peter Lawrence!!! I turned up with his paperwork, that is why they let me run, which was a waste of time anyway with a 36mm restrictor fitted, struggled to keep up with the fire ute!!.

The IPRA set the rules to which CAMS ratify, so any recognition paperwork goes to them. CAMS have little to do with IP at all in terms of its rules and unfortunately most of the guys who run have RX somethings and do you think they are going to let in a whole bunch of Nissans?? Don't think so.

Rightly or wrongly, Targa Class is where it is at down here at the moment and I hope that in time we will all be under IP but whilst there are over 50 cars running Targa Class out of 100 cars that actually race in total in Tassie, why would you run anywhere else?

It does annoy me though that I can only run at events like the 6 hour Winton relay over there.

Can anyone tell me if GTS-t's are eligible in the NSW set up? What are the rules etc? Would love to go up there for a run



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Why not just run the production car rules like in NSW they are 90% the same as targa rules, exactly why we picked GTRs, Production Racing and Targa in the first place.

I'm interested to know what the rules are as I'd love to come up there for a run and there would be a few who'd come up too from down here. We took a team of Nissans to the Winton 6 hour, which was a bit of fun but didn't think there was much else our cars were eligible for

Can you enlighten me as to the restrictions and car eligilbility etc?

Is it listed in the CAMS manual, if so what page/s

Cheers and thanks for your help


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You're right, it wasn't a stunt though. My car was approved pre- 2001 Nationals by the CAMS Technical Director- Peter Lawrence!!! I turned up with his paperwork, that is why they let me run, which was a waste of time anyway with a 36mm restrictor fitted, struggled to keep up with the fire ute!!.

The IPRA set the rules to which CAMS ratify, so any recognition paperwork goes to them. CAMS have little to do with IP at all in terms of its rules and unfortunately most of the guys who run have RX somethings and do you think they are going to let in a whole bunch of Nissans?? Don't think so.

Sorry, but all this proves is that CAMS - and certain people in CAMS - couldn't organise a chook raffle. Peter Lawrence doesn't have the power to 'approve' your car, period. That fact was rightly upheld by the stewards of the meeting. Hopefully one of them took the time the report the matter officially back to CAMS, but even if that were the case I doubt anything would come of it, knowing CAMS.

IPRA - or more accurately the class governing body commission - certainly helps set the class rule framework BUT it is CAMS that holds recognition authority. IPRA is Group 3J and it didn't take me long to find this:


which clearly states that to be eligible:

'....the models of vehicle must be or have been mass-produced touring cars, the model of which has been:.....otherwise recognised by CAMS, at its sole discretion, for Group 3J....'

There's more to it, but it's pretty straight forward, and you can read for yourself that 'sole discretion' DOES NOT mean that one person in CAMS can make arbitrary inclusion decisions.

I do know something about this having been involved in a failed attempt to get a certain model recognised for Group Sb.....all I can say is, good luck dealing with CAMS.

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Sorry, but all this proves is that CAMS - and certain people in CAMS - couldn't organise a chook raffle. Peter Lawrence doesn't have the power to 'approve' your car, period. That fact was rightly upheld by the stewards of the meeting. Hopefully one of them took the time the report the matter officially back to CAMS, but even if that were the case I doubt anything would come of it, knowing CAMS.

IPRA - or more accurately the class governing body commission - certainly helps set the class rule framework BUT it is CAMS that holds recognition authority. IPRA is Group 3J and it didn't take me long to find this:


which clearly states that to be eligible:

'....the models of vehicle must be or have been mass-produced touring cars, the model of which has been:.....otherwise recognised by CAMS, at its sole discretion, for Group 3J....'

There's more to it, but it's pretty straight forward, and you can read for yourself that 'sole discretion' DOES NOT mean that one person in CAMS can make arbitrary inclusion decisions.

I do know something about this having been involved in a failed attempt to get a certain model recognised for Group Sb.....all I can say is, good luck dealing with CAMS.

Thanks for your help Steve, we have a TRDC meeting next week and I will ask our delegate to the IPRA to discuss the eligibility of Skylines with them as there are plenty of Targa guys here who would love to run the Nationals at Baskerville in October and if there is a way to make then eligible would be great.

Lawrence did make the right call, he wasn't approving my car as such but simply following the rules in the 01 manual and as Nissan brought in 100 complied GTR's, that made them eligible under the rules at that time and as the rule talked about models not derivitives of models, meaning any R32 Skyline was eligible.

The arguement after the fact was that being a GTS-t, was it eligible? The technical commission deemed it was as the R32 Skyline was released in Australia as was the Lancer. Funnily the 100 car minimum rule in IP was changed for 2002 to 200 cars!! Can't think why!!

Thanks again, I'll let the world know if there is a change


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Lawrence did make the right call, he wasn't approving my car as such but simply following the rules in the 01 manual and as Nissan brought in 100 complied GTR's, that made them eligible under the rules at that time and as the rule talked about models not derivitives of models, meaning any R32 Skyline was eligible.

I think Lawrence and yourself have made a fundamental misinterpretation of the class rules. My interpretation is that the R32 GTR is eligible, but the R32 GTSt is not....simply because they are distinctly different models and that's what the class rules dictate. Granted they are from the same model series, but they aren't the same model (Nissan certainly see it that way). AFAIC the stewards made the right call and, frankly, if I were a fellow competitor, I'd protest your car as soon as I became aware of it. No offence, but that's just pit politics :(

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