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Yep i have the same issues :O with my 1989 R32 GTS but i dont think there exists an easy fix for this kind of problem, other than replacing the dash $$$ :( or peeling back the dash vinyl and replacing it which would be tedious and difficult. :yucky:

If any1 has any suggestions i would love to hear them!

Edited by LoNg_ShaNks
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Tools required:

* good strong hair dryer or heat gun (careful that you don't scorch the vinyl if you use a heat gun)

* 10 or 20 mL syringe with narrow gauge needle.

* large tube/bottle of Super Glue

* Acetone for removing spilled glue (and cleaning needles/syringe if reusing)

* "1/4 round" wooden moulding for pressing into the crease of the dash

Reading the list of tools you can probably work out the sequence of repairs:

* heat one "bubble" at a time so the vinyl becomes soft and pliable

* have a (very freshly) loaded syringe and needle ready and inject into the bubble from the side

* press firmly into the crease with the quarter round moulding and hold for a few minutes (take care if glue spills that the molding doesn't stick to the vinyl)

* clean up any spilt glue with acetone and wash syringe/needle if you don't have any extras at hand.


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Thanks for the reply gav. Sounds interesting

Have u done this before? I wonder what kind of hole the syringe will leave. Obviously ill go for the thinnest point i can find.

1/4 round mould. is this something u can pick up from diy homewares store?

1/4 round mould is simply doweling that's been halved and then halved again - available from hardware stores. I just happened to have some lying around at the time.

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