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Greetings to everyone, allow me to introduce myself. My name is is Ivan Tan from Speedworks in Osborne Park Western Australia.

Recently its been brought to my attention that a lot of things are being said about Speedworks and JUN.

I have read many of the postings and replies and find some statements interesting, others quite derogatory, & yet others rather amusing.

These statements apply to those said about Speedworks and other workshops.

As a member of a professional automotive workshop, I have chosen not to partake in the discussions in this forum as I feel it is more for the enthusiast and members of Skylines Australia.

It is very interesting to see public opinions of workshops and the general motor sport community, however I am disappointed to see that businesses are publicly making defamatory remarks about other businesses.

Concerning derogatory, slanderous or frivolous posts; I shall further decline to make any statement in regard to Speedworks, however I will state that JUN has been around for many years, even before John Tang became involved with Speedworks.

I would also like to invite everyone to view some of the achievements that JUN has accomplished in their humble motor sport career by visiting their website:


Thank you all for your time.

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Hi Ivan.

You guys need to stop Denver shooting his mouth off.

Read his post and see were your problems are.

Ivans a top guy with very good ethics and I wish him well

with his new Dyno. He would do better on his own as many

shops like mine would use his Dyno for our 4wd work

but as it is in Daves hands we must update our own dyno

to 4 wheels.

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Another point of view (from a simpleton):

Something went wrong with an expensive engine, ie, big money has been spent on it.

I myself, would never spend such an amount on a car and thus, the problems associated with in-depth tuning and the like wouldn't apply to myself and most of the people here.

Most of us want new exhausts, cams, AFC's, dyno runs and the like. Simple stuff so to speak. Therefore most of the slandering that goes on I take no notice of.

Don't know if I'm making much sense but that's how I see it.

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i say settle it in a 'track duel' like gentlemen.

Grudge match racing, hey thats gona work for all sides and provide some 'good' PR. You might even end up with a tribal sort of rivalry amongst the supporters of each tuning house (kinda like the holden and ford thing).

I believe this sort of tuning house competition is common in japan and would provide a bit of entertainment for the punters.

We could have a points system for the year and have a big industry party and award presentation at the end of the competition year. This sort of thing would be good for the profile of businesses involved in jap-performance tuning.

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When you do visit the JUN website, you MUST MUST MUST download the Quicktime of the Hyper Lemon EVO 5 lapping Tsukuba. This is one of the hottest laps on one of the most technical circuits you'll see - simply awesome !!

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Keep this civil please people.

To Ivan welcome to our little corner of the net. We'd love the tuners to get on and have a chat give some advice etc.

Yes the forum rules state no company bashing etc, its a legal document and by agreeing to those rules when signing on your stating you will abide by those rules.

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Denver should never have said a thing.

All work shops have things go wrong but don't have a Denver

to spit out stupid statements like no time to check an

expensive motor before assembly.

Speedworks should be left out of this now and we can all

beat up on denver as he has small guy syndrome.

Speedworks are a premier WA speed house that just need

to lock out a few idiots.

Don't let this incedent stop you going to Speedworks as it

really is a bad luck story and wont stop people getting quatity

work or parts.

Denver is the problem not Speedworks.

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Steve, you know what, i have a tendency to agree with that. After all the stupid statements that have come from both sides in the past few days. The one thing we can all agree on is that denver should have kept his gob shut. :)

Hes done nothing to enhance the rep of SW and everything to ruin it. Things would have been better left unsaid.

And Denver, im a good mate of yours but, gotta say mate, you ****ed up. As im sure Ivan and AJ will confirm.


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tuning houses in japan blow their engines so why shouldnt speedworks blow up some rb's. and they fixed it at no cost!!!! whoa!!! anyway hook us up with some discounts on labour since you r one of us mischief. ive been in nortons type r and thats one fast ride u guyz built there.

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An opinion from a girl who isn't completely with the technical side of running a car. Just to give you auto business people an idea of how you may appear to the 'non too knoledgeable'

Basically when I am looking to get anything done to my car, I get as many quotes as I can, and I ask people where they have had good service, and no problems. I generally like to stick with one person on each area of my car, because they know what has previously been done.

When I am talking to people to do work on my car, I would generally go with the person who explains everything in detail, and takes the time to show me parts etc. Maybe that is naive, but when you don't know much, you appreciate the time people take to explain what they are doing.

I have to admit that it is very offputting when you hear bad things about a place. I would usually still check them out for price and just to get a feel for them. But for that reason business owners have a right to be upset because of bad press.

I always assume that the larger more popular places are more expensive, I like to go with smaller businesses, because we run a small business, and I know how hard it is. I find small places take a bit more time, and are a lot more willing to follow up on problems later on. If I get an excessively cheap quote I won't go near the place.

It may sound strange, but it is the follow up service that is most important to me. If you have a problem, you like to know that whoever did the work is willing to check it and fix it promptly. It is the most annoying thing when you wait ages to get a job done, it is done, there is a problem, and you have to wait weeks for the person to check it out again. There are always going to be problems in any mechanical device, and I accept this. Having a few problems with things does not phase me, so long as they are fixed.

I hope this gives you auto business people something helpful to improve your service. I have been lucky, not too many problems at all. There are only a few places I would never go to again.

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I agree that the Parkerbitch should have his mouth sewn shut. Speedies has enough fools on the payroll without getting a hanger on to do the talking. :P


Mods: I'm pulling the pi$$ so dont delete the thread

GTAAH: Point taken

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