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An online register stating officer's names and badge numbers for cops demonstrating shit behaviour/picking on people/issuing yellow stickers etc.

Searchable by state/officer/badge name etc

Pretty cool idea to let the cops know what we think of them and thier actions.

Any legal implications on doing this ? (Anyone know)

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What do you all think ?

An online register stating officer's names and badge numbers for cops demonstrating shit behaviour/picking on people/issuing yellow stickers etc.

Searchable by state/officer/badge name etc

Pretty cool idea to let the cops know what we think of them and thier actions.

Any legal implications on doing this ? (Anyone know)

bad idea they will defect you for your website :P

What do you all think ?

An online register stating officer's names and badge numbers for cops demonstrating shit behaviour/picking on people/issuing yellow stickers etc.

Searchable by state/officer/badge name etc

Pretty cool idea to let the cops know what we think of them and thier actions.

Any legal implications on doing this ? (Anyone know)

Grow up.

With that kind of attitude i wouldn't bother ringing them the next time you need help.

Haha I love the posts that say "don't bother, don't call the cops if you have trouble" - WTF is wrong with you people? You have turned your brains off and submitted to the state?

Really a police officer is just as much accountable to us the citizens as the government is. Obviously in practice it's not always easy to pursue but with the kind of attitude in this thread we may as well just get rid of the branches of government which are designed to protect oversight and accountability.

As for keeping our own registerer I don't really think that's helpful to anyone - if you have a bad experience and are legally in the right then just make a complaint through the systems already established - they are after all the authroritative ones.

If you think a cop is pickin on u start to keep a record of when he pull u over what he said so on , when i was younger i had this cop would pull me over for no reason so i started to keep a record after 2 months i went down the cop shop and asked the boss why this cop had pulled me up 48 times (no shit) and never booked me , I NEVER got pulled over by this cop again. I was driving a diesel gemini at the time so dont suggest i was speeding around

As for calling the cops when your in trouble why waste the time

What do you all think ?

An online register stating officer's names and badge numbers for cops demonstrating shit behaviour/picking on people/issuing yellow stickers etc.

Searchable by state/officer/badge name etc

Pretty cool idea to let the cops know what we think of them and thier actions.

Any legal implications on doing this ? (Anyone know)

I'm questioning the reason why you would be speaking to a police officer in the first place. :mage:

Grow up.

With that kind of attitude i wouldn't bother ringing them the next time you need help.

This is pretty questionable in its self.

Everyones heard the story about the guy who had burglars in his home, rang the police, they said they'd be there in a half hour, he rang back and said he'd shot them and they were there in 30 seconds.

They only show up when you least need them, but there has been one exception; (Even then they were useless)

Recently a very dangreous violent drunk pr!ck came up to me and a couple of friends, skylines and a vlt, and proceeded to ear bash us that we knew nothing about turbos and that the vlt is not a turbo because it doesn't have an fmic. He said the fastest car he's been in was a street XD that ran 9.00. And that his VH had a 400 BB, then a 350, then it had a 253, then a 202. He was in stubbies, a bluey, thongs, and had a vb stubby in his hand.

This guy went for a ride in the vlt, so my mate could prove him wrong.

In the mean time my other mate and myself signalled to a passing patrol car to stop, and help us get rid of this deranged lunatic.

They stopped, listend to us, and then kept driving, and we didn't see them again until after we had taken our cars and gone.

That same mate told me 'They're bastards, but you can't live without them'.

I can.

Edited by Mulkers
He was in stubbies, a bluey, thongs, and had a vb stubby in his hand.

This guy went for a ride in the vlt, so my mate could prove him wrong.

In the mean time my other mate and myself signalled to a passing patrol car to stop, and help us get rid of this deranged lunatic.

They stopped, listend to us, and then kept driving, and we didn't see them again until after we had taken our cars and gone.

errr... let me see if i got this straight....

..... you're saying that you allowed a deranged drunk lunatic that you'd never met before, to get into the car with a mate in order to try and prove that the car could run a 1/4 mile in less than 9 seconds on the street, then you flag a Police car down?

What did you expect them to do..... other than arrest your mate?


In the mean time my other mate and myself signalled to a passing patrol car to stop, and help us get rid of this deranged lunatic.

They stopped, listend to us, and then kept driving, and we didn't see them again until after we had taken our cars and gone.

You should have dropped a filthy big burnout, and when the cops decided to actually do their job say it was your bogan "friend" behind the wheel.

This is pretty questionable in its self.

Everyones heard the story about the guy who had burglars in his home, rang the police, they said they'd be there in a half hour, he rang back and said he'd shot them and they were there in 30 seconds.

They only show up when you least need them, but there has been one exception; (Even then they were useless)

Recently a very dangreous violent drunk pr!ck came up to me and a couple of friends, skylines and a vlt, and proceeded to ear bash us that we knew nothing about turbos and that the vlt is not a turbo because it doesn't have an fmic. He said the fastest car he's been in was a street XD that ran 9.00. And that his VH had a 400 BB, then a 350, then it had a 253, then a 202. He was in stubbies, a bluey, thongs, and had a vb stubby in his hand.

This guy went for a ride in the vlt, so my mate could prove him wrong.

In the mean time my other mate and myself signalled to a passing patrol car to stop, and help us get rid of this deranged lunatic.

They stopped, listend to us, and then kept driving, and we didn't see them again until after we had taken our cars and gone.

That same mate told me 'They're bastards, but you can't live without them'.

I can.

You think police have nothing better to do then tell a drunk to go home?

Lots of people say 'cops are bastards/dogs/whatever' but then when they have a problem or need something done, who is the first person they call?

Im sick of that kind of attitude.

Originally posted by PHATR32:

and what would you do if this jerk off cop pulled you over? run untill a nicer cop stopped you?


Im with lastlineofdefence....


Mulkers wrote:

Recently a very dangreous violent drunk pr!ck came up to me and a couple of friends


They were drunk and violent so you let them into your car...SMART!!!! ....AND to prove a drunk guy wrong!...DOUBLESMART!!!

"ummm....excuse me officer, I was proving to these drunk, violent lunatic strangers how fast my car goes on the street by taking them for a thrash...anyways, can you help me?"

Edited by R33_STEALTH

I wouldn't call the cops.

Not after my previous experiences, some are good, but the majority of the time it is a major inconvenience.

To clarify;

My friend (the on with the Vlt, which is stock,) reluctantly accepted said drunk luntic's offer for a ride, to prove that the car was a turbo.

This raving drunk lunatic was also throwing VB stubbies and handing out threats to us.

-He was smart enough to pick fights with the bouncers at three different pubs.

-He also wasn't going home, as bendigo is a fair walk

-I was in no way letting him any where near my car, but my mate was stupid enough to let him in his vl, to prove it was turbo, not that it was a 9 second car.

that's his business not mine.

-The '9 second car' was a stock XD belonging to drunk lunatic.

He wouldn't leave us, even after we turned away from him and the silence lasted a good 40 seconds.

On a saturday night (at 7pm) in a quiet country town i doubt that they would have anything more important to do.

The police just cruise around until ridiculous hours of the morning making sure drunk people dont wreck property, start fights, and pull over cars for rbt's. I don't have a problem with this, but what they did was not right.

So i highly doubt that the local police have 'nothing better to do'

'Serve and Protect' my ar$e

Edited by Mulkers
Haha I love the posts that say "don't bother, don't call the cops if you have trouble" - WTF is wrong with you people? You have turned your brains off and submitted to the state?

Really a police officer is just as much accountable to us the citizens as the government is. Obviously in practice it's not always easy to pursue but with the kind of attitude in this thread we may as well just get rid of the branches of government which are designed to protect oversight and accountability.

As for keeping our own registerer I don't really think that's helpful to anyone - if you have a bad experience and are legally in the right then just make a complaint through the systems already established - they are after all the authroritative ones.

Umm, obviously u dont know how the police and in general every single govt dept works. Pure incompetency. Ur complaint will be read by about 3 levels of management and then 2 months later be sent to the "offending" officers superiors. If by that time it hasn't been lost yet, the police will read it and laugh, then throw it in the bin. Then u will become a bigger target. The cops all protect each other. If they can protect proven corrupt offices with gangland connections, why wouldnt they protect a traffic guy.

This thread is a good concept but instead of good/bad nice/mean register, we should just have a register of corrupt cops. Ie cop pulls u ova and says u were speeding when ur not. Cop threatens physical harm on you coz u question his authority/motives. Cop unprovokely assaults you. Cop delibrately picks on you for reasons of race/religion/sexual orientation/politacal opinion, cop does damage to ur vehicle to make it defectable.... u get the picture.

This does not include cop picks on u for ur car type, cop gives u an EPA, cop asks u to leave public place

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