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Appealing For A Suspened License For Thoese People Has Done This Before

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To start off with mate, i'm not prejudging you - you are giving some guy on the internet advice on how to evade getting his license suspended, when from the look of things, it is rather deserved that he lose it... don't you think thats a bit... um... wrong?

what the hell does having '30 years of accident free driving' have to do with anything? some of the worst drivers in the world can get through their life without having an accident... what they don't take into account is the amount of people they affect with their shit driving, whether they cause an accident and just don't realise it because they're off in la-la land, or run people off the road, etc (no, i'm not referring to you like this, merely using it as an example)

Does it matter WHY you lost your licence? No. The fact is... you lost it... all 12 points... then they gave you a second chance... and still you decided to flaunt it... and expect to get away with it... (unless you lost it through parking fines or something, in which case i can sympathise)

Nobody is 'bagging' the dude, they're telling him to man up and face his actions, instead of mollycoddling him like everything else in todays society.

Nobody is prepared to account for their actions any more, i think this thread is more than proof of that.

Again, i wasn't meaning for it to be a personal attack on you, i'm just sick and tired of people today not being prepared to take responsibility for their actions, and was getting rather frustrated.... so, i do apologise for taking it out on you, you didn't deserve it.

As for what breed the horse that i ride is... its a shetland pony, coming in at approx 5 hands, so its not a very high horse at all... :)


And just so you know, there was only one line of text actually aimed at you in this entire thread, which was:

What i don't agree with is the way you seem to think you can thumb your nose at/flaunt the law, and think that it doesn't in some way affect everyone else.

and even that wasn't aimed DIRECTLY at you as a personal attack, more at the way you were thinking

Well excuse me,,

which God empowered you to prejudge me?,,

It just so happens that I am coming up on 30 years of accident free driving,,

How about you?

how would you know why I lost my licence or anything to do with me?

The dude asked for some advice,, everybody seemed to just bag him, so I told him what he wanted to know,,

how can you say that it is people like me ( or what even gives you the right to judge anybody) that give imports a bad name,,you don't even know me,,

It is people like these---


That give skylines a bad name,,

What sort of breed is the horse that you are astride?

it must be a fair few hands, as you seem to be riding fairly high on it

Get a life


Blah Blah Blah.

Anyway. I too was in the same situation. So no one has a go at me. 1 point, mums car baled tyre didnt know it was there, wrong spot wrong time. 3 points (14kmh over 13kmh was 1 point) approx 11months after defect. I was in a 70zone just going in to the 60 zone (compton rd sunnybank end right near beauy road) cop was VERY well hidden, he was there because some drunk 16yo ran a red light in to a truck the week before... So thats 4 points on my Ps. Needed it for work so option was good behaviour. Then 9 months in to that (one month off my opens, as you can still get your opens even while on probation) I was done going up Mt Cootha by our hawian shirt wearing friends. They were not particuarly nice, were VERY rude to my lady friend who was in the car at the time, once again JUST on that 3 point mark, and I didnt realise Mt Cootha was a 50kmh zone, at night suprisingly enough I was watching the road... So then thats probabtion licence gone. There are NO busses to my work, and as an estimator I need my licence to do site measures. My sister was also working in the Vally as a chef at the time, and I would need to occasionally pick her up (you do NOT let a 17yo girl walk around that place at night ever) So, if you wish to say to the crime do the time... Go for gold, however 3 tickets, and just unlucky, almost the least amount of points and the most amount of time to loose it. So HA! BTW speeding doesnt kill, its peoples inablity to know how to drive with it. You crash because you dont understand what the speed is doing. The crash is the problem.

So anyway...

What you will need to do is... PAY THE FINE asap, you are not admiting you were not in the wrong. You are appealing against the suspension. You then need to go to YOUR local court, this is based on your registered home address. You need to let them know everything, they will give you a hearing date, and some forms etc. By doing this keep in mind you have NO points, and your licence is suspened, however you are allowed to keep driving until your court date as you have appealed the suspension.

You will need a letter from your work to say how important it is that you keep your licence. You will also need to wright (yourself) an afidavit. This will need to basically outline why you feel you need to keep your licence. So once again the work issue, say no public transport to work, anything else as well such as defencive driving courses (unless you did one before ALL of your tickets, then the judge will feel it was pointless you doing the course). The court will hand you a list of your traffic offences. Look neat and tidy in the court room. Be well spoken, answer all questions promptly and politely as posible. He/she is 'Your Honour'. I was in and out within 2mins. I just had to see out my probabtion period (2months by this stage). My father also came along, also dressed nice. It was obvious to the judge he had taken time off work to give me moral support.

After this you will then be given a form, and need to go to DOT to sort out some more paper work.

I have also heard of a number of cases where people have been stupid enough to get done again. They then get another 12months probabtion.

Hope that helps :domokun:

Blah Blah Blah.

Anyway. I too was in the same situation. So no one has a go at me. 1 point, mums car baled tyre didnt know it was there, wrong spot wrong time. 3 points (14kmh over 13kmh was 1 point) approx 11months after defect. I was in a 70zone just going in to the 60 zone (compton rd sunnybank end right near beauy road) cop was VERY well hidden, he was there because some drunk 16yo ran a red light in to a truck the week before... So thats 4 points on my Ps. Needed it for work so option was good behaviour. Then 9 months in to that (one month off my opens, as you can still get your opens even while on probation) I was done going up Mt Cootha by our hawian shirt wearing friends. They were not particuarly nice, were VERY rude to my lady friend who was in the car at the time, once again JUST on that 3 point mark, and I didnt realise Mt Cootha was a 50kmh zone, at night suprisingly enough I was watching the road... So then thats probabtion licence gone. There are NO busses to my work, and as an estimator I need my licence to do site measures. My sister was also working in the Vally as a chef at the time, and I would need to occasionally pick her up (you do NOT let a 17yo girl walk around that place at night ever) So, if you wish to say to the crime do the time... Go for gold, however 3 tickets, and just unlucky, almost the least amount of points and the most amount of time to loose it. So HA! BTW speeding doesnt kill, its peoples inablity to know how to drive with it. You crash because you dont understand what the speed is doing. The crash is the problem.

So anyway...

What you will need to do is... PAY THE FINE asap, you are not admiting you were not in the wrong. You are appealing against the suspension. You then need to go to YOUR local court, this is based on your registered home address. You need to let them know everything, they will give you a hearing date, and some forms etc. By doing this keep in mind you have NO points, and your licence is suspened, however you are allowed to keep driving until your court date as you have appealed the suspension.

You will need a letter from your work to say how important it is that you keep your licence. You will also need to wright (yourself) an afidavit. This will need to basically outline why you feel you need to keep your licence. So once again the work issue, say no public transport to work, anything else as well such as defencive driving courses (unless you did one before ALL of your tickets, then the judge will feel it was pointless you doing the course). The court will hand you a list of your traffic offences. Look neat and tidy in the court room. Be well spoken, answer all questions promptly and politely as posible. He/she is 'Your Honour'. I was in and out within 2mins. I just had to see out my probabtion period (2months by this stage). My father also came along, also dressed nice. It was obvious to the judge he had taken time off work to give me moral support.

After this you will then be given a form, and need to go to DOT to sort out some more paper work.

I have also heard of a number of cases where people have been stupid enough to get done again. They then get another 12months probabtion.

Hope that helps :bunny:

finally someone gives me some decent information cheers mate that was alot of help !! i think i might hire a lawyer to represent me

It will still be a waste of time. They will only consider something if there is any doubt. It may also be a good idea to write a letter to the local police station who issued you with the ticket. But I am yet to see what you will base your case on. You were caught doing 107 in a 90 zone, and as far as the court is conserned thats that.

It will still be a waste of time. They will only consider something if there is any doubt. It may also be a good idea to write a letter to the local police station who issued you with the ticket. But I am yet to see what you will base your case on. You were caught doing 107 in a 90 zone, and as far as the court is conserned thats that.

As I said, you dont try and convince them you werent in the wrong. I dont think he is saying he wasnt. It is 17kmh over, its enough but he hasnt given us how it happened, and I dont believe its really our business to know. He has asked a question, and asked for help. Not a bloody witch hunt.

You appeal against the suspension. It just means a lot of stuffing about for 2 days. The day you pay the fine, and the day of the court hearing.

I would think most people would learn not to do it again once going to court. Its really not fun.

Chris is right you know...

What i was trying to say in my last post is that i sat there and watched the proceedings and no one was granted a work licience (execpt one with a very good reason). The gudge cut them all down, he was very hard on all of them.

My understanding is that you need to be lucky on the day to win.

but lets be honest, if we are pulled over for speeding, we are speeding, we drive skylines,, occasionally they go a little faster than the legal limit..

i got done doing 124km in a 100 zone, which wasnt too bad considering i was braking from what i was doing.. but that was with my old car, i lasted 6 months before buying the skyline and the last 6 months probation i almost got cuaght every weel, doesnt stop me, i have fun in the car when need be.

back to the point, i was speeding i accepted it, i got over it.

Ummm be careful about saying you were not speeding tho...

One of the guys who was caught and faced court said "I didnt speed, they are wrong"

The officer presented a recording and it went a little something like this.

*Officer is walking towards the car. All you can hear is breathing

Officer says "What is your reason for doing (blah) in a (blah) zone"

Guy says "Ummmmm.... I dont have a reason"

Officer continues on from there presenting the ticket and so forth with no word from the guy saying he was not speeding. No mention about it at all til the end when the guy asks how do you appeal tickets.... LOL... All on digital recorder....

The gudge looked at this guy with like a weird grin and said "Nuts" or something allong those lines. He got pinned to the wall. Was quite funny to be honest, the guy didnt say another word and just accepted the fine.

My friend was caught and apparently he had a radar detector in his car. The police sifted through his car on the side of the road. They didn't find it cause he didn't have one. He had the police take the car for inspections, they took it to three places and they could find NO sign of a radar that had been fitted in the car. Now when it came to court day, guess what even with three letters confirming no radar was fitted to his vehicle and police unable to find it, he still lost.

And he was pulled over in peak hour traffic, so could of easily been someone else. But because the cop told the Judge he was sure it was his car he lost. Its not a fair world out there, and things do not work as they should.

Its not your word against the police, its your word against the Judge and the police. So unless you had a reason for speeding or there is some doubt in the speed you were doing AND you have evidence, you do not stand a chance.

The people who have actually been to court will vouch for this statement. The people who turn up to court ALL drive high performance cars. The day I went there was someone with a WRX STI, Porsche turbo and a 360 Ferrari to name a few. I do not think they were there because of reasonable doubt or because they had a reason for speeding, except for their addiction to speed.

You must remeber, an authority has caught you speeding, so its quilty until proven innocent.

No top shot lawyer will be able to pull anything out of the woodworks for a reasons for speeding or a valid reason for having a work licience, particulary after the new laws and Crackdown on speeding etc.

However saying this you may have a reason for speeding that I have been made unaware of. But giving the circumstances and information i was given that you were caught doing '107 in a 90 zone' it does not look good.

If this happened to me, from my experiences its best you just pay the ticket.

Your best approach is to admit to speeding straight up,

then try to mediate a solution. The judge will not be interested in mediating a solution after you deny speeding. because they know just as well as you and the cop and the audience that you were infact speeding ( I am only going on the information presented, this may not be correct, that infact you may not have been speeding).

Sorry Col-gtsx, I am not trying to get my post counter up, I am not sure what that even means or what significance that has. I am just trying to help him out, and give him an insite into how it all works. The reason for the large post amounts was because the more I think about it, the more information I have to hand over to him. Thats all,

Thanks, Goodluck mate,

Edited by COP_TZR

And as I am TELLING, not suggesting etc. Is that you pay the ticket, and appeal the suspension of the licence. If he has the option of a probational licence without needing court, you go that option, get a $500 shitbox and just only drive to work and back.

Because as you say, you are never going to beat the cops on a speeding ticket in court. Especially when you have admited being in the wrong.

Yes ive already paid the fine when i was doing 107 in a 90 zone which was 150 bucks 3 point >13<20 i was on my good behaviour period when this happened. My good behaviour started on last year 24/08/05- 23/08/06 in that time frame i was supposedly caught speeding on the western freeway going on the toowong roundabout on 08/03/06 about half way through my good behaviour period 6 more months to go.

Now during my good behaviour period i didnt speed at all i drive like a normal person doing the speed limit required etc.

so i get on the western freeway on that night of 08/03/06 there not a single car in sight ,as i got towards end of the freeway going on the big roundabout at toowong the cop bike pull out of of no where and ask me did i know what the speed limit was and how fast was i going? i've always thought it was 100 alone western freeway so i told the officer i was doin about 90-100 i was definite i wasnt going over 100 the officer then said no its a 90 zone. I think there where i admited i was doing over the speedlimit and asked for a speeding ticket upon myself !!

Then the officer proceeds to ask for my licence i gave it to him, he comes back in afew mintues time and wrote on the ticket 107km i saw the ticket think to myself i wasnt even going that fast ? then i ask him to show me the method you used to detect my extact speed ,the officers replies saying my bike is calibrated to your speed anyone heard of this before ??

Question that has being in my mind since i got the ticket was how the hell can you measure the speed i was travelling at when i didnt even see him or any vehicles when i got on the freeway ?? maybe he was hidden in the bushes or something who knows or he saw my car ages away speed up to catch me because im driving a import

I was f**ken pissed off that night and the next day so i decided to call them up and ask them this is their extact words get your speedo checked, and then the officer goes on to say if you take this to court i quote " YOU WILL LOOSE BADLY" i got sick of their shit and hang up !!

I thought about it about contesting the speed fine that i was what i gonna do at first but heard others say you wont win specially if you've got a driving history before i went on good behaviour period when i was on my Ps i was doing over 30 but under 40 took 6 points 350 fine i know i was young and dumb learnt my lesson this license thing is pissing me off big time if i didnt speed the first place non of this shit would of happened i will just cope it and try to appeal in courts for work i guess and prey to god i will get it back !!

have a nice read !!

Edited by MFC05
Well excuse me,,

which God empowered you to prejudge me?,,

That would be me.

On a seperate note though, MFC05, you will have no luck appealing this. Just cop it sweet like you deserve to. You can try the things that 33GTT is suggesting but I would be very surprised if you had any positive result whatsoever - the reason for this is - a good behavior licence is exactly that....good behavior, if you are bad then you will be punished...and the judge will see it that way also.

  • 2 weeks later...

im in a process of hiring a lawyer ive spoken to them they think i should get it no hassle the law firm told me they did a few speeding offences last couple weeks all of them got it back expect for one person, cause he had bad driving history plus it was his 3 time in the courts after the judge gave his 12 months good behaviour, so i can do i prey and hope i will get it back!!

  • 1 month later...

My court date was today 2/6/06 the judge gave me back my license but im not too sure how many points i get etc btw there was about 12 people appealing their licenses 3 of them had legal representive inlcluded me i was accompanied by a lawyer the people who had lawyers all got theres back dont about the others though because people who had lawyers went first !!

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