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I've been told many things about tinting rules and regulations.

Where you can have a certain percentage etc..

I want some closure after been told so much.

Lets take a pic of you're average R33 (which so happens to be my r33 :D )


As you can see, the quatrepanel has a significantly darker tint.

I've been told by people this is legal, and others that it isn't.

I'm thinking it's legal, considering it's not pitch black, and you don't physically have to look through the quatrepanel. Can anyone confirm this?

Also the final percentage for legal tint.. In a recent thread there was a little debate. Im thinking it's 35%?

:P kids.

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VSI03 - Vehicle and Windscreen tinting

- 35% VLT (vehicle light transmission) as a minimum to all side and rear windows for a car first registered after 1/8/94

So if your rear quarter is darker than that, it's illegal.

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God dam... nice gts.. except I'm not a fan of the chrome..

I just need those 400r skirts, wheels, coils and I'll be set.

I have the same tint as you, except my passenger windows and windscreen are stock tint... I can't see a thing at night when I'm reversing :D

Edited by ignuz
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God dam... nice gts.. except I'm not a fan of the chrome..

I just need those 400r skirts, wheels, coils and I'll be set.

I have the same tint as you, except my passenger windows and windscreen are stock tint... I can't see a thing at night when I'm reversing :D

Thanks mate.

Yeah the rims aren't the best.. I'll probably eventually change them when money is better. =]

The skirts are veilside btw.. just a 400R Front bar :D

Reversing at night isn't too hot.. I've had some VERY close encounters.

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If your car was built before August 1990 when the law came into effect then technically you can get a pink slip (sans dodgey mechanic) with darker than 35% tint.

BUT that's not to say counstable (<--why do I keep hearing that word a different way :() joe schmo won't defect you for it.

Also it seems alot of pink slip mechanics don't get out the tint tester anyway.

o/t: Br3tt, I would absolutely hate driving on your driveway!!! If my driveway was built that way with those angles I'd kick my landscaper in the NUTS!

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Tell me about it mate.. Definately wasn't built for Skylines.

My dad's R33 GTST Series 2 (stock height) gets up *fine*, going down needs a bit of an angle.

Mine, lets just say I have metal strips under my front bar for a reason.

I should really upload the pics of the gutter, and what we've done to try and make it Skyline friendly.

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Thanks mate.

Yeah the rims aren't the best.. I'll probably eventually change them when money is better. =]

The skirts are veilside btw.. just a 400R Front bar :ermm:

Reversing at night isn't too hot.. I've had some VERY close encounters.

My bad :P

Those skirts look very nice with the front bar none the less..

Maybe even better than the 400r.. not sure though, because, 400r ones look pretty tough.

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I had my windows tinted not long ago at 30%.

The lady said that 35% is that legal tint but they do some police cars

and the cop told her they dont really make a fuss if you do go 30%.

But was gonna go darker on the quaters and the rear but she said thats

illegal on non-comercial vehicles.

And they did have the silver tint though doesn't show up as nice as

what black does. And i think its kinda gay lookin. But thats just my opinion.

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I got my car done with 35% as I did not want any hassels. The Tinter had a old Lexus Sorer with 10% all around and it was like black paint, he has had several encounters with cops, but as he is a tinter he seems to avoid a defect.

While the cops may pick on you if you go darker than legal, you need to remember that "if" the tint causes an accident, your insurance could be voided, this is also the case if you run someone over. Your car is technically unroadworthy.

I nearly ran a person over at night when turning into a side street in the wet. I had 20% tint and only missed them by a mm, it was way to close.

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