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How Dumb Can People Get?!?!

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K, driving home from the shops just a few minutes ago, came to the big arse roundabout close to my house. Big two lane roundabout that have seen many accidents due to the pure stupidity of many dumb arse people.

Today was no different, cept I actually saw a dumb b!tch cause one. And dumb b!tch don't even describe this woman. I came up to the roundabout and it all unfolded before my eyes. Her and her two small kids in a four wheel drive, the dumb woman decides to turn right from the left hand lane at the last minute and cut off the truck next to her.........honestly, who did she think would win?

Luckily for her, it was one of those small trucks not the big ones and plus they weren't going fast enough to cause a HUGE accident. Kinda regretting not pulling over and taking a pic with my phone, coz damn that woman was STOOOPPIID! Shoulda seen the face on the bloke drivin the truck, 'NOT happy Jan!!'

Seriously tho, any1 stpid enough to make these kinds of decisions on the road, should not be on the road. Specially when she's driving the bubs around.



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lol had 2 roundabout incidents both the same

i'm taking a right turn in aroundabout and the opposite lane decides to take off when i'm

coming around and almost head on into them :D

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Cab drivers....Some are ok, but I'm talking about the ones who stop where ever the hell suits them.

For example I was in Bondi Junction, two lanes, one turning right one going straight. Lots of incoming traffic, to slow down the person turning right. A cab infront of me decides to stop and block all the traffic from behind so his passenger can pay by credit card or something. I literally had to wait there for 2 sets of lights before he moved. And by moved I mean no more than 2 metres, the stupid dumbass tried to take off as the pedestrians were crossing, almost hitting a guy, if not slightly love tapping him. That guy who got slightly hit blew up at him rightfully so. I don't have bad road rage, so I wasn't about to get out of the car, but I'm sure some of you would have been out there slapping the cabby :D

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Anyone had a run in with posties on bikes? I had this asshole think he is a car... trying to take up so much room with his skinny ass motor bike... and doing about 50 in a 60 zone while clearly aware that I was behind him... even kept turning his head to look at me... ffs use the boke track to the left of the road since you are as big a s bike and go just as quick! :rofl:

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yeah there needs to be more shit on how roundabouts work. especially multi lane ones...

theres one here that is 2 lane one way and a single lane the other way. i see heaps forgetting to stay in their lane on the 2 lane part and some even think they have the right of way thru there. including a woman in a hilux who caused $2k damage to my car... he fault and i scored a front end repray and a new bumper. anyhoo thats not the point.

Roundabouts = Give way to right. stay in your lane. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

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Don't know about anyone else but the two lane roundabouts are crazy places. over the last few yrs i have almost had the front of car taken out several times by idiots drifting over from the inside lane to the outside lane upon exiting the roundabout ( always women in 4x4 or old volvo drivers) Good damn some people are dic$heads

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yeah i see this happen all the time on the way to work. we got about 4 of those 2 lane roundabouts and the amount of stoopidity i see happen, makes me wanna run the person off the road and beat them to death!!

worst thing ive seen is fool pull in front of a loaded truck and hit the brakes.


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yeah there needs to be more shit on how roundabouts work. especially multi lane ones...

Roundabouts = Give way to right. stay in your lane. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Ahem, WRONG!

I'm sure you meant well, but you forgot about-

*Give way to traffic ALREADY on the roundabout (what the accident havers/causers forget)


*No righthand turns from the left lane on 2 lane 'bouts (or left from right, either)

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"I'm sure you meant well, but you forgot about-

*Give way to traffic ALREADY on the roundabout (what the accident havers/causers forget)"

think he ment that when he said give way to the right

funny, I've actually cuased an accident once, anyone game to admit it ?

though i wasnt actually inside a vehicle and when i say cuase i mean i owned the car and contributed to the incident, I DIDNT THINK which caused the problem !!

but yes, i have been a bonehead and cuased an accident albiet minor on the public roads !!

oh and i once on private roads where I was so smashed while on the back of my grandparrents farm backed my shagin wagin into a tree almost 3m wide.. but that dont count does it? it was packed with the mates, people could crawl faster than i was moving, this car couldnt get that fast having a busted cam cover an f**k all compresion, we were making for the house and we got, you could guess it, 2M.

i had just gone 13 and i wasnt in the tory, just the old banger we had the roof ripped out of. GENIOUS !!

my accident, well that was when i was 16, no smarter and well no for puby consumption ! p.s. dont enlighten em hun

Edited by gts-4 dreamer
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Ahem, WRONG!

I'm sure you meant well, but you forgot about-

*Give way to traffic ALREADY on the roundabout (what the accident havers/causers forget)


*No righthand turns from the left lane on 2 lane 'bouts (or left from right, either)

See, you are also wrong. There is a round-a-bout near my house, and I can tell you what if you went by those rules I would blast you.


What I am saying is, they are not all the same, do not assume they are. Look for signs and road markings.

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"I'm sure you meant well, but you forgot about-

*Give way to traffic ALREADY on the roundabout (what the accident havers/causers forget)"

think he ment that when he said give way to the right

funny, I've actually cuased an accident once, anyone game to admit it ?

though i wasnt actually inside a vehicle and when i say cuase i mean i owned the car and contributed to the incident, I DIDNT THINK which caused the problem !!

but yes, i have been a bonehead and cuased an accident albiet minor on the public roads !!

oh and i once on private roads where I was so smashed while on the back of my grandparrents farm backed my shagin wagin into a tree almost 3m wide.. but that dont count does it? it was packed with the mates, people could crawl faster than i was moving, this car couldnt get that fast having a busted cam cover an f**k all compresion, we were making for the house and we got, you could guess it, 2M.

i had just gone 13 and i wasnt in the tory, just the old banger we had the roof ripped out of. GENIOUS !!

my accident, well that was when i was 16, no smarter and well no for puby consumption ! p.s. dont enlighten em hun


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ive had something similar to this.. except on a big 3 lane round about...

all lanes go straight, and left lane has choice of left or striahgt, middle lane striaght only, and right lane straight or right... very easy concept.. aswell as this.. there are MARKED lanes.. so when you drive through the round about you stay INSIDE your own lane...

mr 70 year old in lexus next to me (middle lane) decided that he doesnt have to turn to keep inside his lane.. instead he'll keep his steering wheel centred and continue to cross into my lane (inside lane) and nicely cuting me off forcing me to mash brakes,... thank god for ABS i say.. and only jsut clipping my freshly painted 400R kit on the round about curb....

lucky there wasnt anyone behind me.. because he was oblivious to the fact he had even cut me off, let alone the fact that his poor driving could have sparked a multicar pile up...

<_< fool

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roundabouts have ther own signage

theres one here in WA coming outa kingspark you actually have to stop in teh roundabout to let people from the left get on

very very wierd - lots of people foget about that one

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Theres one near my house that I have to go through ever single day. When its rush hour its like bloody russian roulette no joke. Ive lost count of how many accidents that has occured and the times when some fool have nearly taken me out. Now days Im just more alert when comming to these two lane round abouts.

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you guys should try living in a town with more japanese tourists than any other city in oz... I find it confounding that the same race of people who produce the most fantastic sportscars on the planet are completely incapable of piloting a rented hyundai getz in any degree less than downright DANGEROUS.


I'll probably be accused of generalising but I'm on the road for 8 hours a day... I form my opinion based on experience... I think i just needed to have a little rant/rave. much better now.... :laugh:

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i was going side by side with a big 4wd into a round about on a wet night. my car handels a lot better than his but being smart i slow to a reasonable speed. he on the other hand decides to boot it for a bit of a show off. he managed to do a 540 in front of me without hitting anything(including me which i am thankfull for). man there are stupid dirvers everywhere

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I had a good one the other day. I came out of a sidestreet and admittedly, i didn't check properly for traffic to my left and pulled out a little too close to a Honda CRV (which, was doing at least 80 in a 60 zone anyways) it wasn't like they had to slam on the brakes, but they really didn't take it to well.

To get back at me, this tool floors it, crosses DOUBLE LINES infront of oncoming traffic coming up to a roundabout, and tries to cut infont me. There's already a car infront of me. I had to slam the brakes on to let them in, otherwise they would have ploughed into a median strip and 'Keep Left' sign at about 80-100km/h.

I'm a firm believer two wrongs don't make a right. I made a stupid decision, but this woman had her kids in the car on the way to McDonalds. If i'd been a prick and not let them in, they could have potentially died, they were cutting it THAT close just to get back at me. IDIOTIC.

So, i made a point of cruising past their car when they parked and copying down the rego. They better hope i don't run into them again or they will cop an earful.

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I had a good one the other day. I came out of a sidestreet and admittedly, i didn't check properly for traffic to my left and pulled out a little too close to a Honda CRV (which, was doing at least 80 in a 60 zone anyways) it wasn't like they had to slam on the brakes, but they really didn't take it to well.

To get back at me, this tool floors it, crosses DOUBLE LINES infront of oncoming traffic coming up to a roundabout, and tries to cut infont me. There's already a car infront of me. I had to slam the brakes on to let them in, otherwise they would have ploughed into a median strip and 'Keep Left' sign at about 80-100km/h.

I'm a firm believer two wrongs don't make a right. I made a stupid decision, but this woman had her kids in the car on the way to McDonalds. If i'd been a prick and not let them in, they could have potentially died, they were cutting it THAT close just to get back at me. IDIOTIC.

So, i made a point of cruising past their car when they parked and copying down the rego. They better hope i don't run into them again or they will cop an earful.

Good on you for rising above it and not being petty about the situation. :D

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