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How Dumb Can People Get?!?!

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name='Freddy Kruger' date='19 Apr 2006, 03:54 PM

yeah there needs to be more shit on how roundabouts work. especially multi lane ones...

theres one here that is 2 lane one way and a single lane the other way. i see heaps forgetting to stay in their lane on the 2 lane part and some even think they have the right of way thru there. including a woman in a hilux who caused $2k damage to my car... he fault and i scored a front end repray and a new bumper. anyhoo thats not the point.

Roundabouts = Give way to right. stay in your lane. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

No! I'm going to reinforce R32's first and operatonally legal point here. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...ic=114134&st=0#

That you give way to vehicles already on the roundabout. No if's no but's.

Meaning; that when *you* approach a roundabout AND a vehicle on your left ALSO approaches AND ENTERS in FRONT - AHEAD of you, *you* give way it, rather than driving on through and impacting that drivers door.

And yes, you ALSO give way to the right IF that traffic is already on the roundabout. One does not, or should not stop at the roundabout whilst waiting momentarily for a car to enter from the right.

RIGHT is not might. And I must say this has been found proven at law, and to me the regulations in ARR are quite stone clear. Indeed, our operational regulations in relation to roundabouts are EXACTLY the same as applied in GB, India, NZ, Malysia, China and elsewhere.

On some larger roundabouts in particular - OBEY the arrow markings on approach. SOME roundabouts allow a right turn from the left lane. Here, the right lane is a right turn only lane and this will be marked so.

Ditto, where the roundabout has a left lane bias. The markings matter so note them, and do not ram that vehicle ahead IF it has entered first regardless, you *will* lose in court.

Edited by Keepleft
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I don't think it's really a matter of who's right and who's wrong. At the end of the day, it's about safety and common sense. Ppl who enter the roundabout even when they see u already coming in or in it is still STOOPID and dangerous. Personally, if ppl are gonna be lazy when it comes to driving safely then that's their prerogative. They can go risk their own lives and kill themselves but doesnt mean that the rest of us on the road wanna be involved in their stupidity. I'd like to keep my car and my life.

Road rules are only as good the drivers that use common sense to follow it.



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not everyone can be smart or a good driver

if everyone was schuey then schuey would just be average

the dumb people out there are what makes us 'good'. they make us smart. if it weren't for them we would all be the same!

think about it...

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I go by giving way to the right... because it logically makes sense.

Who ever made the law to give way to traffic already in the roundabout is stupid - all it causes is people trying to beat each other into the roundabout and hence causes more confusion and probably accidents. Makes absolutely no sense at all and if I were to follow this road law I think I would of pissed of so many people already because like I said I'd just rush through to claim I was first in.

Edited by ToF
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This happens at chadstone shopping center all the time. The roundabout in front of myer - many people use the right lane, and go straight ahead. As a result, I always go around the back way - safer for my car. Dont want some stupid ass hit me on the side, then play the blame game that because I drive an import i dont know how to drive.

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I go by giving way to the right... because it logically makes sense.

Who ever made the law to give way to traffic already in the roundabout is stupid - all it causes is people trying to beat each other into the roundabout and hence causes more confusion and probably accidents. Makes absolutely no sense at all and if I were to follow this road law I think I would of pissed of so many people already because like I said I'd just rush through to claim I was first in.

But if you allow the people trying to enter the roundabout priority, then every 2 or three seconds all of the cars in the roundabout would be forced to stop. This would definitely cause far more accidents than making people wait an extra 10 seconds to get into it.

The roundabout around the Arc de Triomphe in Paris is my favorite. They don't even have any lanes drawn in!


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But if you allow the people trying to enter the roundabout priority, then every 2 or three seconds all of the cars in the roundabout would be forced to stop. This would definitely cause far more accidents than making people wait an extra 10 seconds to get into it.

The roundabout around the Arc de Triomphe in Paris is my favorite. They don't even have any lanes drawn in!


I don't follow... :

But think about this situation: 2 cars approach the roundabout at the same time... refer to pic


Now say we follow the stupid law to give way to traffic ALREADY INSIDE the roundabout, well in that case no one is in there... cars A and B are legally allowed to rush into the roundabout at the SAME TIME in an attempt to be the first... now if you think about it, how safe is that? Let's make it a bit more real, add cars C and D respectively, now when you think about it, if they all go in at once and don't make contact I guess that saves everyone time but I seriously doubt if all 4 rushed in there would be no accident.

OK, apply the age old logical rule to it, give way to the right. Well car A must give way to B, which means only 1 car goes through at a time in this example, which imo is safer. As much as we like to get to places quicker sometimes actually have to give way, everyone has to give way at least once in their daily drive...

EDIT: I can see a situation you might ask about... OK say all 4 cars get to the roundabout at the same time, using the give way to the right would mean no one would go... the giving way would just keep getting looped around and around. I guess in that case one of the cars must make a move so the others can continue... But it is still a lot safer than all 4 rushing in imo. :(

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can anyone confirm or deny this. Roundabouts have only been introduced to roads for twenty or so years. they are not an original idea back from when cars were introduced. reason i ask is, mother got licence from local copper in toowoomba where she grew up who took about five minutes to go, alright, you gotcha licence luv, and she never had to go through any sort of road rules booklet like most of us have had to. had her licence ever since. (that being said, mother does not drive volvo and has never had an accident on a roundabout, unlike son :( she does however possess common sense) so if true could this be a possible cause for ignorance on correct roundabout usage.


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I've driven a bus around the arc de triomphe and as you said there are no lanes and seemingly no rules but very rarely is there an accident apparently! The few people I spoke to said it's because you only ever attempt it if your confident in your driving.

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K, driving home from the shops just a few minutes ago, came to the big arse roundabout close to my house. Big two lane roundabout that have seen many accidents due to the pure stupidity of many dumb arse people.

Today was no different, cept I actually saw a dumb b!tch cause one. And dumb b!tch don't even describe this woman. I came up to the roundabout and it all unfolded before my eyes. Her and her two small kids in a four wheel drive, the dumb woman decides to turn right from the left hand lane at the last minute and cut off the truck next to her.........honestly, who did she think would win?

Luckily for her, it was one of those small trucks not the big ones and plus they weren't going fast enough to cause a HUGE accident. Kinda regretting not pulling over and taking a pic with my phone, coz damn that woman was STOOOPPIID! Shoulda seen the face on the bloke drivin the truck, 'NOT happy Jan!!'

Seriously tho, any1 stpid enough to make these kinds of decisions on the road, should not be on the road. Specially when she's driving the bubs around.



i had the exact same thing happen to me yesterday. i was going straight from the right lane, she was going straight from the left lane. just about to give it a boot full to go past her, as she doing 20 kph under the speed limit, and she decides that she wanted to turn right all of a sudden! didnt even look or indicate! i had to hit the skids and swerve right along side her. i went off my brain! i can understand the idea that she may have been lost, but thats no excuse to dis-obey the basic road rules..... not happy jan!

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