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Well first off here is the ad.

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Met the owner today checked out the car a bit and he drove as I don't have my manual licence yet lol. From the e-mails I wasn't sure if this was all legit or it was a lemon so I wanted to see it in person. Its a GTS25 so insurance should be a little lighter then the turbo models so thats a bonus.

The "Aftermarket exhaust" looks like a an average 3" with cannnon.

The "Stereo" is a pos, but it plays music so yeah..

The "Full GTR Interior" is the seats and interior panels such as the door panels and whatever the ones in the back are called. OMG at those seats so awesome compared to stock ones. As I assumed the GTR seats apparently just use the same rails etc as the normal ones and just slot right in without need for modification to anything, well by "as I" is he also told me that and thats what I had originally though.

The "Strut brace" is... MEH to say the least but it does its job.


Car is consmeticly average, requiring alot paint work to be completed."

Guy ran into a fence, apparently swerved to miss a roo on a wet day. All seems to be in order except the post went into his right fender and the left one had to be replace even he had no idea how that one got damage. There is a big dent in the hood near the right headlight. Both fenders have been replaced, the right one with the same color and left was white which he just sanded back and undercoated cause white looked dodgey on it (gun metal grey). He got the panels off SAU and same with the right mirror which had been damage, unfourtunately it is red...

His left rear fender was beaten up a bit by 2 hit and runs in a car park, and then a roo jumped into it but didn't do any more damage then was done. Got it panel beat and then just undercoated.

Front bumper is the one from the accident afaik, it has a 6-8cm crack in one place and signs that it was dinged up a bit but its not in to bad nick. Pics he sent me were from back a while with the bumper off, I remember him saying something about the front bar support was slightly off after the accident and was replaced or something... i'm not quite sure I don't remember.

Only thing that worries me is that now that I think about it the headlights looked so damned clean and in perfect condition I think they may be new headlights. I didn't pick it up at the time but I'm going to find out.

"Appart from the comsetic problems the engine is very sound and the iterior is also in great condition. Car drives well and is currently daily driven."

I checked out the engine bay, it hadn't been cleaned so looks as if there was no trying to cover up problems. It was relatively clean, everything looked in order. It has a new altenator and water pump. His radiator top was cracked and they just replaced it with a new radiator.

Tires are definately newish and equal wear so he at least hasn't thrashed it since he got them on. Went for a drive (me in the passenger seat lol). Checked out all the electronics worked such as climate control, sun roof etc. I listened for anything that sounded dodgey. Couldn't pick up on anything myself all sounded in working order. After while the car was still running opened up the engine bay, again to show something.. can't remember what. But engine sounded fine and looked fine.

Car was a auto converted to a manual and has the RB20DET transmission apparently, I haven't looked at any paper work for the conversion. The speedo is off by a bit due to the transmission change he says. I have no idea about that, he said something about needing to get something adjusted.

It definately showed a bit of age in the interior but overall it was in very good condition. The vents up on the dash near the windshield were a bit retarded but everything else looked good. The steering wheel is a bit of a mess, I forget if it was a really worn cover or not but i think it was as it looked to thick to be the normal leather or whatever they are made out of.

At the start I just asked a few questions and then let him say what he had to say and he actually went through all the damage and paint issues (being a lot of scratching etc on the hood and some chips on the roof, all with light rust didn't look to be anything to serious) and I then looked at everything and he seemed pretty legit and I didn't manage to see anything he didn't tell me about. Looked in the boot, the side was a bit loose but there was no rust, shoulda checked out the spare tire but had a sub and all his work stuff in the boot.

The car drives fair nicely, the suspenssion seems fairly tight but rides very softly, didn't feel any drifting or dodgey steering.

This is the first second hand car i've looked at in person. I'm interested in it cause if it all turns out to be good i'd like to buy it. Could anyone give advice or offer suggestions. There probs are a few minor things I haven't written here but will post em as I remember I guess. I'm to the stage i'm thinking about bringing it to a mechanic and getting him to check it out. He is asking 6800 neg on it, the paint will need a lot of work, could 'patch' it up for fairly cheap but would probs be best to sand back to metal then re do the enter body as there are a fair amount of scratches.

Unfourtunately I don't really know anyone to do with cars in canberra (where I live) so will have to find a mechanic, suggestions would be nice.

EDIT: sry for the long post but wanted to be thorough.

EDIT 2: He said the accident was two years ago, and that the front bar didn't sit right and he sent me pics from the start of this year showing the car with the bumper off and i think the support was replaced or something as it now sits perfect.

Edited by Orphan
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The "Strut brace" is... MEH to say the least but it does its job.

R32 Nismo brace in for sale section: $150 neg


Car is consmeticly average, requiring alot paint work to be completed."

Only thing that worries me is that now that I think about it the headlights looked so damned clean and in perfect condition I think they may be new headlights. I didn't pick it up at the time but I'm going to find out.

If both fenders were replaced and the boot damaged, the headlights will be replacements. That in itself isn't a drama, provided they still sit correctly.

Even a cheap (read: nasty) respray will cost $2000.

"Appart from the comsetic problems the engine is very sound and the iterior is also in great condition. Car drives well and is currently daily driven."

RB25DE would be hard to break. Interior is a replacement. GTS25 would be a very nice daily driver.

I checked out the engine bay, it hadn't been cleaned so looks as if there was no trying to cover up problems. ...But engine sounded fine and looked fine.

See above re: hard to break RB25. Good result regarding electrics. Until you see receipts for work done, it's heresay. The 100km service would be a win.

Car was a auto converted to a manual and has the RB20DET transmission apparently, I haven't looked at any paper work for the conversion. The speedo is off by a bit due to the transmission change he says. I have no idea about that, he said something about needing to get something adjusted.

That speedo problem is a pain in the arse. I had a 180SX with similar issues. $300 for an interceptor box to adjust the speedo pulse, or a lot of heartache with me pulling the dash apart and recalibrating manually.

It definately showed a bit of age in the interior but overall it was in very good condition. The vents up on the dash near the windshield were a bit retarded but everything else looked good. The steering wheel is a bit of a mess, I forget if it was a really worn cover or not but i think it was as it looked to thick to be the normal leather or whatever they are made out of.

As the model is old now, they are a bit rough around the edges. Good news is, the parts can be picked up cheaply from SAU if you're keen on slowly restoring with good condition spares.

...all with light rust didn't look to be anything to serious

Provided it is surface rust, you can have that tidied if the car was to be painted.

This is the first second hand car i've looked at in person. I'm interested in it cause if it all turns out to be good i'd like to buy it. Could anyone give advice or offer suggestions. There probs are a few minor things I haven't written here but will post em as I remember I guess. I'm to the stage i'm thinking about bringing it to a mechanic and getting him to check it out. He is asking 6800 neg on it, the paint will need a lot of work, could 'patch' it up for fairly cheap but would probs be best to sand back to metal then re do the enter body as there are a fair amount of scratches.

Dude if it were me, I would value the car around $5000. It is a non-turbo, converted manual, accident repaired and in need of a respray. GTR interior is nice and worth $500-$1000 depending on where you shop but that shouldn't be the decider. (Yes, all R32 seats use common rails).

May I respectfully suggest seeing at least two more cars? See what $10,000 buys you. I imagine GTS25s are hard to find but perhaps check out a GTSt just for comparison.

If you are happy with a fixer-upper, you could dive in at $5000. If you are after a hassle-free R32 that you can just cruise around in and enjoy, I'd keep looking. As you don't sound DIY minded, you'd have to budget for the repairs to be done yourself. Even at $5000 you're looking at $3000 for a quick respray (that'd likely be a mask and not windows out) plus the other minor things you've mentioned. I have recently had my car painted to repair damaged sills and fix up a cheap-ass Japanese respray. It took a looooooong time.

Hope this helps, cheers dude. :(

I had no intention of paying near 6800, was thinking 5-6k at most. Yeah seen a few good deals on GTST's for 10kish but they are few and far between. Lately there has been nothing, they are really over priced. Best i've seen is one for 9.9k ask and has 41,000 'genunie' km's, its in pretty good nick etc but seems a bit to low to be genunie but it could be I guess..

I've started asking around about paint jobs and I didn't see even just re doing it in gun metal grey costing any less then 2800. It would have been ok if there wasn't any chips on the roof because the door panels are fine and besides the rear left fender and the left fender and hood all the paint is fine. Even the front bar is ok besides the obvious accident and crack on it.

If I go ahead with a mechanic check I was thinking of maybe offering 4500-5000 due to the work needing done and high cost of a decent respray. If there was any place I could do the sand down myself I have the time and its just paint on metal so I don't see it being that hard just time consuming. I've sanded down metal before and its not that difficult so that could be an option. I know more basic paints don't cost that much and may be able to find a place to get it sprayed, and some coats of clear as well I guess. I think 4500 for the car is reasonable considering the work needing to be done to the paint.

He keeps saying first with cash gets the car but I don't care probs just wants to sell it to whoever asap and if it does sell then oh well i'll find another deal im interested in.

EDIT: is there any proper second hand car check up places in canberra? or any mechanics that are specialised in this, maybe even a place that writes up a report etc on it.

Edited by Orphan

It sounds like you have it all sorted! Nicely done.

If you approached him with $4500 in cash, take it or leave it, he may well see it your way :O

When I lived in Braddon (2000) there was a place called CT Performance or something like that. It was about the only place in Canberra and was in that suburb on your right as you take the main road from Dickson -> Belconnen.

If I had a GTSt with 41,000 genuine kilometres, I can't myself selling it for 9.9k! :D

Cheers dude... and you're welcome :D

ugh back lol, sry net was out for the weekend... will see about getting this car checked out this week, the sellers 32 GTR is in one of the shops I am looking at getting it checked out lol. I guess I don't really have anything more for this thread until the car gets checked out.

Piccys of the car

Geordie listed it on SAU with some new pics. Thats the car i'm talking about. No pics of the dent in the hood near the front right head light but oh well. Doesn't look to bad at all in those pics but there were quite a few little rusted nicks on the front end and on the area around the sun roof opening.

He seems like a pretty straight guy from what i've seen of him. Which is harder and harder to find with all the turds selling rubbish these days.

You can see what I mean about the steering wheel though.

EDIT: 4500 in cash may be a bit low but at least its a good starting point, no way i'd pay 6800.

Edited by Orphan

pay $5k.. pay 3-4k for a decent quality paint job, and you have yourself one clean looking GTS..

the values are a bit askew on R32's and R33's like you say.. but no, not much chance of anything lower than $12k or so on a reasonable one.

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