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Gday Everyone,

I have finally organised some money (and set it aside) for some HSD coilovers. I will be looking into castor. I was also going to buy after market tie rods so I can get more steering lock.

This setup is for drifting. It is not a dedicated drifter, but monthly it will see the track.

I was told the other day by a friend that he has just put a spacer (washers) on his tie rod to give him more steering lock?

I don't understand exactly what he did as I haven't seen it, but I assume that someone here would know. Is there anything wrong with doing this? Is it not safe etc etc? If there is a thread on how it is done, please link me, otherwise I can get him to help me.

If it isn't safe or whatever. Are after market tie rods safe? Does anyone know of some good ones to look at for a 32 GTST?



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this can be unsafe yes, the more you space them the less thread you will have. What most of the aftermarket tie rod ends use is a little spacer thing, which screws in (and has it's own thread), to avoid this problem.

I'm not sure how safe the aftermarket solutions for extra steering lock are, my understanding is the spacers change the angle of the tie rod. I'll be installing spacers on my tie rods shortly, might post pics

The kits come with a steering rack extender, sometimes 2. They bolt onto the end of the steering rack, between the rack and the stopper/seal. The tie rod screws into the stopper/seal block. This effectively lengthens the rack itself giving more steering lock.

The extenders are around 10 mm thick, giving 20 mm extra rack length. This adds a few degrees of additional steering lock/wheel turning. There is not enough thread on the rack to fit even 3 mm of washers. So you are looking at less than 1/6th what the aftermarket parts give, hardly worth the risk or time and effort.

:) cheers :)

PS, have you already run out of lock while drifting? Because you really need to be pretty damn sideways before the extra lock comes into effect.

Edited by Sydneykid
The kits come with a steering rack extender, sometimes 2. They bolt onto the end of the steering rack, between the rack and the stopper/seal. The tie rod screws into the stopper/seal block. This effectively lengthens the rack itself giving more steering lock.

So the spacer is just a threaded pipe? So I could make it up quite easlier?

I haven't even looked how the steering arms attach as yet, I am just guessing from what you said.

PS, have you already run out of lock while drifting? Because you really need to be pretty damn sideways before the extra lock comes into effect.

Run out? Well depends on how you define it. I am not at the point where I need the lock every corner, however I have wanted the extra lock on quite a few occasions.



Hey Chris :sick:.

I added a 4mm spacer to my tie rods (S13) and thats about all you can do before you run into issues elsewere.

You start to run into problems of clearance to the inner guards, and in some cases (like my S12) you came very close to overcentring your steering knuckle/tie rods which isn't so flash.

On my S13 i just hit the inner guard sometimes and the stock stopper on the control arm hits the tie rod end.

If i want any more lock i'll have to go to some longer control arms to change the angle i can get before the tie rod and knuckle go overcentre and most likely cut the stopper off the arm and weld another one on a few mm further back.

And yes sydneykid extra lock really does help.

I use pretty much all my lock on two of the corners at oran shortcourse. A bigger factor is giving you that little margain of error should you overthrow it, turning a lose into a messy drift insted.

Ask me about it tonight Chris.

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