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I hate idiots - plain and simple... Oh Yea almost forgot - I hate sl#ts that try cracking onto your bf, the ones that ring non-stop and make up a new crisis everyday just for a shoulder to cry on... Stupid Fkn ugly sl#t - she knows who she is :D

http://www.xspeed.com.au/ being down more often than it is up. Where is it hosted? Behind the outhouse under the leaky air-conditioner?

P.S. If xspeed happens to read this: If you want cheap hosting and powweb aint doin it for you, I've been with 2mhost for about a year now and they've been pretty reliable for me. Although, I don't do much traffic, its just my non-existant porfolio that's there atm.

Edited by diamondjo


ugly chick sunglasses,.

those really big lens ones they started out as a good fashion thingy for chicks but now ungly chicks wear them cos they cover up their face, all of a sudden they think their hot but................

there not :/

Sam - so cruel ... jokes >_<

what sh#ts me - this morning a di#ckhead chick in her blue/purple mazda 6 with plates "SHARLEE" - learn to check your blind spot ass wipe you nearly ran me off the road ... stupid b#tch.

actually yes that was cruel, really im aiming it at one person, i was annoyed wen i wrote that :(

wgmg sometime - my dad - sometimes

some of you already know my car went over the pits today to remove the yellow sticker and you may also know i got to take my dad to take it for me, know i shouldnt be complaining seeing as he bought me the car :mad: HOWEVER wen he came back i got the lecture of a life time, some quotes from my dad

"the stupid thing isn't fu**ing comfortable to drive"

"i cannot drive with the stupid effin exhaust, gives me a headache"

"the clutch is too effin hard to use"

"the car makes i effin grinding noise wen i change, why have you been hooning it u idiot" (synchros)

and that was wen he got back, this arvo i put my pod and bov back on, he went out in it again and came back with......

"every time i change the gear it scares me with effin pppptttssshheeeww"

"wen i put my foot down makes a sucking 'sssshhhhh' sound" (pod)

he has only just calmed down, i know he bought the car for me and all but you dont like how it drives then get back in ya taxi daddy ;)

alright enuf shit outa me, im gonna go and calm down now :)

hmmm taxi drivers f**kin annoy me

u drive behind one when he has someone in it... u see him slowing down for a green light waiting for it to turn red... acting like "oh i'm a safe driver"

then when no ones in the cab they speed everywhere

pet hate c**ts that dont indicate or dont know how to use dual lane roundabouts now im not talkin about just young drivers cutting through lanes but older people that stop on the outside lane when someone is going round on the inside lane

roundabouts are suposed to help traffik

work with me here people

actually yes that was cruel, really im aiming it at one person, i was annoyed wen i wrote that :)

wgmg sometime - my dad - sometimes

some of you already know my car went over the pits today to remove the yellow sticker and you may also know i got to take my dad to take it for me, know i shouldnt be complaining seeing as he bought me the car :P HOWEVER wen he came back i got the lecture of a life time, some quotes from my dad

"the stupid thing isn't fu**ing comfortable to drive"

"i cannot drive with the stupid effin exhaust, gives me a headache"

"the clutch is too effin hard to use"

"the car makes i effin grinding noise wen i change, why have you been hooning it u idiot" (synchros)

and that was wen he got back, this arvo i put my pod and bov back on, he went out in it again and came back with......

"every time i change the gear it scares me with effin pppptttssshheeeww"

"wen i put my foot down makes a sucking 'sssshhhhh' sound" (pod)

he has only just calmed down, i know he bought the car for me and all but you dont like how it drives then get back in ya taxi daddy :mad:

alright enuf shit outa me, im gonna go and calm down now :(

i rofl'd

thank you! lol

actually yes that was cruel, really im aiming it at one person, i was annoyed wen i wrote that :)

wgmg sometime - my dad - sometimes

some of you already know my car went over the pits today to remove the yellow sticker and you may also know i got to take my dad to take it for me, know i shouldnt be complaining seeing as he bought me the car :P HOWEVER wen he came back i got the lecture of a life time, some quotes from my dad

"the stupid thing isn't fu**ing comfortable to drive"

"i cannot drive with the stupid effin exhaust, gives me a headache"

"the clutch is too effin hard to use"

"the car makes i effin grinding noise wen i change, why have you been hooning it u idiot" (synchros)

and that was wen he got back, this arvo i put my pod and bov back on, he went out in it again and came back with......

"every time i change the gear it scares me with effin pppptttssshheeeww"

"wen i put my foot down makes a sucking 'sssshhhhh' sound" (pod)

he has only just calmed down, i know he bought the car for me and all but you dont like how it drives then get back in ya taxi daddy :mad:

alright enuf shit outa me, im gonna go and calm down now :(

And that my friend...

Wins you the!!


That Really Grinds My Gears Grumbler of the Week Trophy!

WGMG.. :mad: some little small d!ck of a human being that decided that my bonnet wasnt good enough :( and all it needed was a figure 8 scratched into it.. my bonnet is screwed because of some f@ckin lowlife that has no respect... :) just hope i dont find out who it is cause ill probably end up on a breaking news bulletin :P

ohhh crap sorry to hear, i hate people that do that shit :O after my cousin had just got his 5k respray a fat middle aged lady put a scratch on his front fender and door, she got away with it in the end and didnt have to pay, justice system my ass :P

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