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You Know, That Really Grinds My Gears Thread.


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And Double Demerits. I'm a P-plater, so if I lose 4 demerits at one time I lose my license. Least amount of demerits you can lose at one time is 2. Double that makes it 4. Therefore you your license. And with all the cops and cameras around, its getting harder!!

Yea i dont think u lose ur licence for getting more then 4 points in one hit.

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Housemates that have a f**ked JOB and dont get paid when they should im talkin like has been paid $200 or so every few weeks which only JUST pays rent, if that , sometimes i have to help him out ... therefore f**king you over for rent and making you look like a shit kicker when they could get a new f**kING JOB where he actualy GETS PAID !

Also, finding Pubes on the soap in the shower, like fair enough it could be armpit hair which doesnt freak me out that much, but when its a curly pube that you know is a f**king pube it makes me angry that they didnt wash off the pube.

Whenever i wash my balls with soap i make sure there aint no PUBES on the soap when i put it back in the little holder thing .,..

Also SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE , has to be the lamest f**kin show on TV , it makes me so so so so sooo angry that crap like this keeps australia entertained...

now big brother i can understand , but dancing , ffs, they dance for like 1 min and what does that prove ... NOTHING and what do they win .. some money , not a mil nothing like that , and what else ???

"omg this top bloke lookin guy can dance really good n stuff WOW " so what !


Thank god for underbelly !

Edited by coFF33
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WGMG is waking up in the morning to find out your car has been badged. Now I've got to fork out an absurd amount of money for some new ones from nissan :D

Was bound to happen with all the school kids who walk past drooling at it.

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when you break down or something and when you get back to your car its been f**ked with!!

I just got a little bush basher and had to drive it the last 50 ks home (albany) and it got a flat. then I find the spares no good.

finaly got a ride ( 35 ks out of town 130 this morning). get back to the car with a spare this morning , and surprise some lowlife

has broken into it an stolen the spotties, lame. get it home and half an hour later the kid I got it off rings me and says " oh I've left my gps in the glovebox"............ guess what , thats right no gps in the glovebox, just the power cord for charging it from the ciggy lighter....

now I.ve made about $40 in phone calls on the offchance someone seen something , or hears about a cheap gps for sale.......

just cause the kid says it was in there!

so what grides my gears? people who sell cars know the car is sold and don't bother to get their sh*t out off it untill your there to pick it up and forget to empty the glovebox ( nothing else in there but service record, glue and a broken mirror )


end rant

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people who show no appreciation for your extended efforts

AND people who think they know better than you and dont care what you have to say because whatever they have to say is far more important

mix the two together and you have someone whom i have no patience for.

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oh man

today in a lecture. this dood rocked up late.

so i guess he didnt want to disturb the lecture so he acted really quiet. he had to get his laptop out

so he spent... i kid you not. 25 minutes slowly undoing the velcro strap on his laptop bag. then he took it out and spent another 5 mins wiping the screen.

by the time he got it fired up the lecture was over.

25 minutes of listening to velcro slowly being ripped apart. OMG wtf? I was going insane. rrriiip riiip riippp ohshshshsh ripp riiip riiiiip riiip. oh shoo shsssh shshsh

and everytime he made a noise that he considered too loud he'd go "oh shshhshhs"

wtf is wrong with some people?

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^^ kinda to do with the above post

The reeeeallllly fat Transit gaurd / officer / rent a pig that works at the esplande train station( i know anyone that has been there has seen him). He thinks hes the ducks nuts and holds people he doesnt like the look of for lik 5 - 10 mins while he checks there tickets! Get a f**kin life he is an asshole! everyone give him evils.

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Tonight a random guy came up to me in the parking lot when I was getting into my car at The Saint and said he'd pay me $10 to take him to Scabs. I said no, so he offered $15. Once again I said no. This guy starts getting pissed off that I won't take his money and take him to scabs, even though I say I'm going in the opposite direction. Eventually he gets the message, calls me a c**t and walks off.

Thats wgmg. People like that. Bloody bogans! Get a damn taxi!

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