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You know what really grinds my gears:

1. Banks, banking hours, the relation to eastern states banks to western banks, fees, the time it takes to clear money and they factor that the eller chicks arn't even hot.

2. The price of a 600mL coke at a servo - $3.25 WTF!?!

3. P Plated Skyline Drivers who think that everyone else not driving a skyline is either a bogan or a tool...dickheads stop complaining and learn how to drive.

4. P Plated asian drivers in cars THEY DID NO BUY THEMSELVES. Dont f**king talking to me if you did not work your arse off for the car especially if its a 100K+ Merc filled with stuffed animals.

5. Rice burners filled with stuff animals.

6. The road works. Yep not just on the narrows and in the city but throughout perth. Is it that hard to have one day without roadworks.

7. Those people that ask if I have spare change.

8. Hippies.

9. Paris Hilton.

10. Emos - f**k I want to headbutt them all and then give them a haircutt

11. Victorians.

12. Woolworths the freshfood people.

13. The optus adds.

14. Australian music.

15. Swedish Yodelling.

16. Steve-the -crocodile hunter. God damn

That does it for now.


And this cocky 'fanta pants' guy at my work who has a one of those gay arse goatee's without the moustache bit, so he looks like a stupid leprechaun. And when he walks his arms dont move - WTF?

I also believe he may have mild tourettes - he does random things like opening the door to the test lab and yelling into the office area 'BURN'.

Hey Liz, one for you!


The Leprechaun on the Simpsons told Ralph to 'BURN them all!!' So maybe this guy is a Leprechaun! :D

Ok what grinds my gear are the stupid drivers that are currently operating a vehicle on WA roads. Especially on those huge two lane round about, I dont want to b!tch about its like every drivers think that they are chuck norris or something. Nearly had another accident today (lost count of how many hahaha) on these natorious round abouts. Also damn Mormen whats with them they aways pick the right time to wake you up early in the morning after a long sleepless night. Still got more but that'll do it for today.

Also damn Mormen whats with them they aways pick the right time to wake you up early in the morning after a long sleepless night. Still got more but that'll do it for today.

We should be able to go to THEIR house and preach to THEM what we think! That also grinds my gears!!

some more

ex gf's

agree with tofu emos are a waste of space, there a bad excuse for a goth.

road workers that stand around

crackheads and junkies

ben lee

big brother 6

leyton and bec .... who g a f

the indian people who call at dinner time trying to sell stuff

nothing to do with fuel prices, but those idiots that work at those juice bars, and how over happy they are, they have their little boom box with there bubblegum music playin, and there all so over the top happy, and when im having a bad day and i walk past them it makes me want to load the colt up... they are not groovy, they are not cool...

there is a fat asian girl who works at java juice in town up near 78's, if men could hit chicks she would be my number 3 on the list.. advice to her.. buy a pair of shoes the same color because diff color shoes isnt cool, and when you have them, go running, (you all know the one)

:) I hate juice bars

Fuel price grinds my gears, it's all BS as does people merging on freeways, shit drivers etc etc

You know what really grinds my gears:

1. Banks, banking hours, the relation to eastern states banks to western banks, fees, the time it takes to clear money and they factor that the eller chicks arn't even hot.

2. The price of a 600mL coke at a servo - $3.25 WTF!?!

3. P Plated Skyline Drivers who think that everyone else not driving a skyline is either a bogan or a tool...dickheads stop complaining and learn how to drive.

4. P Plated asian drivers in cars THEY DID NO BUY THEMSELVES. Dont f**king talking to me if you did not work your arse off for the car especially if its a 100K+ Merc filled with stuffed animals.

5. Rice burners filled with stuff animals.

6. The road works. Yep not just on the narrows and in the city but throughout perth. Is it that hard to have one day without roadworks.

7. Those people that ask if I have spare change.

8. Hippies.

9. Paris Hilton.

10. Emos - f**k I want to headbutt them all and then give them a haircutt

11. Victorians.

12. Woolworths the freshfood people.

13. The optus adds.

14. Australian music.

15. Swedish Yodelling.

16. Steve-the -crocodile hunter. God damn

That does it for now.


tofu i have never seen such a detailed hate list im impressed... but a query...

why victorians? they drive better than 90% of perth drivers. they know how to merge they dont pussy foot around they get in the car do what they have to do to get where they are going and all is good...

Not to mention my family is from victoria. im not but my parents... :ermm:

otherwise im with you on all of the above :rofl:


CRT monitors.. They give me the $hi+s...

Why: They are damn MASSIVE!!! You try taking a 21" CRT monitor to a clients house.. Its not fun.. not fun at all.

Ohh and mechanics that want to charge you $485 to fit a water pump.. I got the water pump for $79.95 and it took me 20 minuets to fit it.

And this one is high on my list..

Anyone tried waiting for parts at Synnex in Osborne Park.. Its not fun.. I can see my damn order.. Its 2m infront of me.. yet it takes 45mins for them to get the paper work.. stuff it up.. re do it and then serve some other guy that rocked up 5minuets ago!!!! IT guys will know what Im talking about.. You just help but go to them.. They have good prices!!

what grinds my gears are people at work that are absolutely SLACK... but somehow have managed to spend some time perfecting the "busy look", and manage to whinge so much, that it looks like they are working and running into issues and despite their obvious lack of ability in a job manage to get by. While others who are actually capable.. just seem to get ignored cos they never complain.. and always turn work in on time.... AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHhhh!!!!!!!!!!

HAHAHA riaz - so true. We have a guy at work called 'The Shuffler', all he does is move stacks of paper from one side of his desk to the other while shuffling them into piles. And he just clicks from screen to screen on his computer, replying to emails, then flicking back to some other screen, back to email.

Anyone tried waiting for parts at Synnex in Osborne Park.. Its not fun.. I can see my damn order.. Its 2m infront of me.. yet it takes 45mins for them to get the paper work.. stuff it up.. re do it and then serve some other guy that rocked up 5minuets ago!!!! IT guys will know what Im talking about.. You just help but go to them.. They have good prices!!

SYNNEX!!!! OOOHH I hate going there!! I work on the same st, so sometimes I'll go back to work to do other things. But they suck big time!! so unorganised , the whole place!! Have made orders 3 hours b4 and they still are never ready!!

Things that grind my gears.... WAYYY too many to list, but here are a few.

1. People that are driving next to you, don't even see you and then think "Hm.... I want your lane now" and nearly hit you - Can you not see you moron??

2. People that pace you for the entire duration of the fwy, esp when it's been a long day at work - FK OFF!

3. People that have staring problems - Did someone get eyes for Xmas??

4. I HATE blonde barbies with playboy sht all over their barinas, lancers and mirages that just sit there checking themselves out while re-applying their (already) caked on lipgloss - probably thinking "If only I had a brain..."

Oh yea, almost forgot - that idiot in the Maccas on the way home from Freo last weekend - I DON'T care that you didnt order anything from the breakfast menu - just sit there and wait in line like everyone else - instead of abusing chicks. Malaka

1) News and current afairs BULLSHIT THEY CONSTANTLY TELL

2) 13Year olds walking around the shops with mini skirts and more makeup then all the girls combined at T-Birds

3) People who talk loud on the train about stupid shit and you can't help laugh at them.

4) Cars with exhaust tips bigger then thier Rims

5) People who talk on there phones while driving

6) Bert Newton's Family Fued

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