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1. People (in any car) that cant keep to the left :rant:

What is the problem? It's simple, if you want to drive below the limit KEEP LEFT! When your finished

passing someone on the Freeway get in the left lane ya knucklehead.

2. Young engineers, :rofl:

Fresh degree, 6 months experience and they think they own the world...well ya don't boy! smug arrogant

wanker, you know SH)T now take you hair product and deisel t-shirt and p!$s off!

3. Airlines

Or more accurately the people that use them, as soon as the aircraft comes to a halt these idiots are on

their feet, sticking their collective smelly asses in your face while they're grabbing their laptops from the

overhead locker like its their last meal then stand next to you for 10 minutes swinging the same crappy

laptop in your face ,waiting for the hatch to open, all the while talking to poor hostee about some dreary

deal that will save their company 8 bucks. Man i just want to take my complimentary hot towel and

choke them!!!! Die boring person

4. Companys who think they own you :blink:

I have a life outside of work you fascist, you want me to work longer pay me more, Whats that? you

dont want to pay me to work extra hours...we'll get some else, i'm a contractor ya schmuck!

5. $hit boxes doing fly-bys :pwned:

After you finally relent and give them a late night thrill when no ones looking...1st, 2nd speedlimit

then 5 seconds later....whooosh there goes loser-boy in his loser-mobile honking his horn is mock

triumph while his loser mate yells something out the window speeding off into the distance,... face it loser

your a loser (message to self, be kinder to losers)

Man, that felt good....best thread ever :PBJ:

DUDE! You must be a brother in spirit... Let me guess - you work for a mining company? :)

Agree with everything, but replace young engineers with middle aged ones who can't make a decision but like to come up with crackpot theories and expect the world to a) listen to them for half an hour and b) actually try to accomodate their stupid f*ked up ideas into a working machine...

Whew.. that does feel better... :D

oh and for effect - :ban:

My Samsung D600 is starting to grind my gears..

Awesome everything except....

When you send a message it does not save it and.... You type the text.. hit Options with your left thumb..click send..click in the To: box..press the first letter of the person you want to send it 2.. Click to select that person.. click select with you thumb again.. puts number in the To: box.. Then click one more time to send the flippen msg!!!

And it doesnt even save it.. If you want to save your sms's that you send you have to press send and save.... meaning you must press down not just the one select button..


That is all.

same issue with mine..

i used to have a nokia, then going to this weird samsung way of sending a message is a pain in the ass.

however, you can *slightly* shorten in :D

instead of hitting 'options', then 'send', after you have typed your message, just hit 'ok'....

saves one button!


You know what grinds my gears?

1. Dickheads whom go around keying cars. My car has a very nice long key by the side of the door and my bonnet now. f**k.

2. Assholes who reverse into ur car and run away, my paintwork came off my rear bumper, small but still very visible.

3. Helping ur friend with a small part of his assignments once in a while, and after a while, he expects u to do all of it. All the time.

4. Supposedly what u'd call a good mate, when the day he finds a gf, he dissapears for a few mths, when he's done with her, he comes back thinking everything is dandy. f**k, it's not as if i don't have a gf as well!

5. Lecturers whom think they know it all, and thinks students are supposed to as well. Returns questions from e-mails with, "Read your notes, bye." ought to be sacked from uni.

6. Kids whom yell at me to get a V8.

7. Cars that goes WOT suddenly when goin past me in either directions. Cars that try "drifting" next to me.

8. People in airplanes that suddenly recline their seats with a huge jerk.

//End rant.

P/s: Nice thread Alpha.

Hey caminperth

Close, mining construction, fair comment about the older guys but i think we can apply that to alot of engineers " i had an onion on my belt ...which was the style at the time" :)


Right on man *giving closed fist salute* How about these a$$holes that feel that it is their god given right to recline their chair for 10hrs at a time then get all bent out of shape when the stewardess tells them that they have to " retun your seat to the upright positon" for a meal.....business class rules :D

and because i think the worl needs more animated fruit..


Right on man *giving closed fist salute* How about these a$$holes that feel that it is their god given right to recline their chair for 10hrs at a time then get all bent out of shape when the stewardess tells them that they have to " retun your seat to the upright positon" for a meal.....business class rules :cheers:

I'm mostly on the midnight flight to and from Singapore, and the worst thing is, they don't wake up all the passengers to give them their scheduled feed. So there i am, seat up with consideration for the rear passenger and the person in front of me is reclined. Clusterphobia i tell you!

Once i had a passenger in front of me after having his meal and the trays not cleared, suddenly recline his chair with a hard jerk that the drink spilled all over me. Luckily it was only water. He knew what happened... and wasn't even apologetic about it. WTF!

Oh yeah... I've got a few friends who are stewards and stewardesses, and once on a flight to india, they found a lot of shit in the basin. OMG. Another found shit on the celing. Mega OMG. The things pple do on a plane SHEESH!

You know what grinds my gears?

1. Dickheads whom go around keying cars. My car has a very nice long key by the side of the door and my bonnet now. f**k.

2. Assholes who reverse into ur car and run away, my paintwork came off my rear bumper, small but still very visible.

3. Helping ur friend with a small part of his assignments once in a while, and after a while, he expects u to do all of it. All the time.

4. Supposedly what u'd call a good mate, when the day he finds a gf, he dissapears for a few mths, when he's done with her, he comes back thinking everything is dandy. f**k, it's not as if i don't have a gf as well!

5. Lecturers whom think they know it all, and thinks students are supposed to as well. Returns questions from e-mails with, "Read your notes, bye." ought to be sacked from uni.

6. Kids whom yell at me to get a V8.

7. Cars that goes WOT suddenly when goin past me in either directions. Cars that try "drifting" next to me.

8. People in airplanes that suddenly recline their seats with a huge jerk.

//End rant.

P/s: Nice thread Alpha.


Very nice post my friend.. Id go as far as saying you win the....


That Really Grinds My Gears Grumbler of the Week Trophy!

hmm i'm gonna have to try harder this week.

lets go into full-grumpy easily-gear-grind mode shall we? i got an assignment due thursday, there's a start there.

i got one that gives me the shits everytime i drive down to my gf's house:

people still thinking there's roadworks on the freeway from mill point rd down to leach hwy. it's 100kmph all the way now people, dont slow down to 80 near canning hwy in front of me boy! >8(


Very nice post my friend.. Id go as far as saying you win the....


That Really Grinds My Gears Grumbler of the Week Trophy!

*bows* thank you thank you ... and i would like to thank my parents.. my friends..God... bla bla bla... LoL. Personally, you just pity me cause i've got my car keyed and reversed into right? haha

Speaking of aeroplanes.... parents who don't control their little bastard children on planes. Dan and I were on a flight from Belfast to London and this kid kept kicking our chairs. We asked the dad if he could stop it and he said 'Sorry', but the kid kept doing it. We eventually had a go at him for it and his response was 'its what 5 year olds do'. WTF? Yeah only when they have no discipline from their parents.

Going home on Friday night after work, driving along Beauford St and this idiot 'P' plater in a new red VW Beelte decides to have a panic attack over NOTHING and slams her brakes on... I thought "sht" and came to a stop... Looked ahead and she had literally slammed her brakes on for no reson at all - closest car was about 10 metres ahead of her. So, as we kept driving on at 60km I decided to keep my distance as she was driving all over the road, and failing to keep her car in one lane. Anyway, again she slams on her brakes without any warning and I literally missed her back bumper by a couple of cm... again, there was nothing infront of her. So I thought "fck this sht." I had just managed to back up abit and change lanes when she decided to cut me off and jump in my lane WITHOUT indicating and then slams on her brakes... I was soooo mad at this stage - she had caused me to nearly hit her 3 times, and she also narrowly missed a pedestrian. I seriously considered jumping out of my car and hitting her in the head.

Note to dumb blonde bitch in red buggie with P plates: Next time I see you and you try that sht again, you WILL be missing half your face

Speaking of aeroplanes.... parents who don't control their little bastard children on planes. Dan and I were on a flight from Belfast to London and this kid kept kicking our chairs. We asked the dad if he could stop it and he said 'Sorry', but the kid kept doing it. We eventually had a go at him for it and his response was 'its what 5 year olds do'. WTF? Yeah only when they have no discipline from their parents.


Also, kids who can't shut up in a show. I was watching Miss Saigon, and i had paid good $$ for it. $200 worth for my gf and me. This bloody kid kept talkin to his mum and it was so irritating. I looked back twice and each time he shut up... for a while. 3rd time i was kind enough to go, please don't talk. 4th time i jus told him and his mum to shut the f**k up or get the hell out of the show if they can't appreciate it.

Going home on Friday night after work, driving along Beauford St and this idiot 'P' plater in a new red VW Beelte decides to have a panic attack over NOTHING and slams her brakes on... I thought "sht" and came to a stop... Looked ahead and she had literally slammed her brakes on for no reson at all - closest car was about 10 metres ahead of her. So, as we kept driving on at 60km I decided to keep my distance as she was driving all over the road, and failing to keep her car in one lane. Anyway, again she slams on her brakes without any warning and I literally missed her back bumper by a couple of cm... again, there was nothing infront of her. So I thought "fck this sht." I had just managed to back up abit and change lanes when she decided to cut me off and jump in my lane WITHOUT indicating and then slams on her brakes... I was soooo mad at this stage - she had caused me to nearly hit her 3 times, and she also narrowly missed a pedestrian. I seriously considered jumping out of my car and hitting her in the head.

Note to dumb blonde bitch in red buggie with P plates: Next time I see you and you try that sht again, you WILL be missing half your face

Sounds like she's out to get u to slam into the rear of her car. Back in Singapore, there are pple who drive like that. I've got no friggin idea why. I like to keep a safe distance from the car in front of me. And i could tell the car behind was kinda rushing, but in almost bumper to bumper situation, where the hell does he think he's gonna if i were to be closing up the 1 car size gap in front of me? Next thing i know, the cars to my right jammed braked cause he recklessly swerved into their lane. I was like wtf? few mins later, he swervs into my lane and jam brakes in front of me. COME ON! I'M IN THE LEFT LANE! Bloody ass drivers.

Speaking of aeroplanes.... parents who don't control their little bastard children on planes. ... We eventually had a go at him for it and his response was 'its what 5 year olds do'. WTF? Yeah only when they have no discipline from their parents.

\begin rant\

Damn straight! Its what poorly disciplined 5yr olds do.

More jet set horror stories...

Business class to Dubai...30 something professional turned mum brings an infant on board. Why? Unless the kid needs life saving medical attention, wheres the imperrative? The thing (sex unknown) screamed on and off for 10 hrs and you guys with kids know when one goes it does'nt take much to set the other ones going

Same flight...payback

Some hippsters asked the Stew if they could swap with a couple Aussie mining guys a few rows infront. When the "Aussie mining guys" asked why the hippsters told the Stew it was because their seats would not fully recline WTF????? The "aussie mining guys" laughed at the hipssters and told them to "pi$$ off". ;) Go Aussie mining guys...take that hippsters. :D

As always the solution for either cattle or business class.......Valium :D

Having your car keyed....one of the worst indignities an "enthusiast" can be subjected to :banana:

You win KeeFy

and now for your entertainment pleasure......dancing fruit :thanks::google:

\end rant\

Edited by Mr. Keets


Having your car keyed....one of the worst indignities an "enthusiast" can be subjected to :rant:

You win KeeFy

I knew it had something to do with my car getting keyed...

Uh.... how did it get from


to this



Oh wells...to keep with the theme


What really GRINDS my gears... when I'm washing the car and discover new scratches and new dents!!!! :D Found one this morning on the rear bumper, some twat has knocked it and cracked the paint in several places and left a couple of dimples :D:santa:;) .... Feel much better now :D

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