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  Stealthed said:
wow..... Bad luck :)

wgmg, people braking in my Lane when they got scared of people braking in the lane next to them...? wtf?......perth drivers...tsk tsk


they mite think the other person in the other lane has just spotted a speed trap.. so decided to slow down to.

haha :O

perhaps, but this normally happens around peak hour, just over a hill so that i can see all the lanes and that theres no reason to stop, right lane gets edgy, and some one will always break in the middle lane :)


People who try to sell there cars for far more then there worth with mild mods claiming to be extremely powerful highly modified vechicles.

Alternatively, cheap people that offer ridiculously low offers to those selling there highly modified cars already at bargain prices.

Basically cheap Karnts rgmg!!!

  Pattygtst said:

People who try to sell there cars for far more then there worth with mild mods claiming to be extremely powerful highly modified vechicles.

Alternatively, cheap people that offer ridiculously low offers to those selling there highly modified cars already at bargain prices.

Basically cheap Karnts rgmg!!!

Give you $500 for your 33? :ermm:

bad day full stop.

have the flu so i slept thru my alarm. woke up 15 minutes before i had 2 be at work. decided to put my shoes on when i got to work i ran to the car. then i get stung by something look down and its a frigin bee. i get to work adn throught day my ankle and foot begins to swell more. the tattoo on my foot looks munt from being stretched. its so swollen and sore i cant walk. only just managed to drive myself home.

then i get told my best friend has a 'thing' for me AGAIN.

3 disconnected my phone and internet becuase i hadn't paid the bill. the only frigin reason i hadnt paid it was coz they hadnt sent out the bill AGAIN.for the last 6 months they do not send me bills, my phone gets disconnected then i call them up. aaaaaggggghhhh

wrgmg is when people think coz ure in a performance car that you should be going over the speed limit or breaking the law and tailgate u and give u dirty looks... wtf im in the left lane doin the limit

  R34P3R said:
your girl friend breaks up with you and a day after her friend for 4 years tells her he loves her so she goes to him and doesnt want to give you a chance. then having that guy msging you asking if im alright and if i need a friend and pretending to be nice. damn asshole lives in malaysia and made his move while she was on holiday there last week. asshole probably gave her the idea to break up with me coz she talked to him when we had problems :D

she meets you near S2R on albany and then kisses you and tells you she still loves you and her best friend took advantage of her while she was there and she is seeing him but continues to hug and kiss you until she goes home

^ oh my god how i wasn't there for you Sunny

seriously, she's a nice chick from what i've seen, but when they do that, it's GAME OVER

f**k that shit, in Malaysia or whatever, nobody takes advantage of nobody unless they're raped and she wouldn't still be seeing them if they did take advantage of her

think about it, you're her man here, he's her man there... she can't lose

you've already lost, don't worry about her dude, plenty more fish in the sea

you know you can call me to relax, unless it's 3am in the morning as you usually do lol

  bubba said:
WGMG is having my posts deleted :D

LOL :)..........waits for this one to go..


Buying a $400 Front bar, waiting 3 weeks for it to be Painted...... Then Paying More Money than Quoted on Pickup for painting......an extra $345... Taking it Home, to find out Its the Wrong COLOUR!!!!!

How do you get the wrong colour when they had my Fuel cap To match it to my car is Beyond me... And the Best bit

It Dosnt Fit :)

Some skyline owners when u see them on the road... you either smile, thumbs up or wave and they just stare blankly at you.

Snobby f*cks

O and when a old BMW tries to race you. And turns up his audio louder to show off.


  br3ndan said:
Some skyline owners when u see them on the road... you either smile, thumbs up or wave and they just stare blankly at you.

Snobby f*cks

Thats not very nice, not every skyline driver uses these forums so why would they wave at you when they dont know you?

WGMG is when people on the train dont move down the carriage so every ones shuffling in to the door and you end up missing the train coz people wont HTFU!

Wgmg: when u drive around a corner in a suburban street only to come face to face with someone driving on your side of the street

And then end up getting the finger aimed at me. Im so very sorry for driving on the CORRECT SIDE OF THE F***ING STREET!!!!!

I agree Perth drivers=idiots

WGMG?? This...



Parked on my mates driveway leaving PLENTY of space, only to come home to this ^^ My number is on my front windscreen, yet no phone call. No note, nothing. I have NO idea how they managed to hit my car, but somehow, they did!! Looking closer today, the head light is cracked, the fender is bent so doesnt sit flush with the head light or bonnet, is dented, the side skirt is scratched, my GT badge is scratched, my door is f**ked.

I wouldnt mind so much if they offered to pay, but just driving off have f**king pissed me off. I'm SOOOOO careful where I park it, and I come back to THIS!! For f**ks sakes, I dont have the money to spend on this! I'm buying a new car soon ;)

^^ WTF Thats bad, sorry to hear ay Rhys, but if saying you parked on your mates driveway, wouldnt it be someone from his house thats reveresed out or driven in? just hunt down who came to the house that day.

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