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Hello people

Tonight I was out at the Jerra takeaway to get a pizza , when I was leaving the carpark some little kid(2-3yrs old) full ran out in front of me , lucky i was only going walking pace but I only pulled up maybe 100mm from him in my haste to reach the brakes i lost my pizza on the floor ..mmmm furry pizza for dinner. At the time his Mum was packing stuff in the boot of her car so she was clueless.

Can u imagine me telling the cops that I was just going walking pace and there was nothing I could do , i dont think they would take my side

On the plus side when i told the mother to "watch your F#@kin kid" she smacked him sideways maybe he wont do it again. Has anybody had any close calls like this??

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Watching for children is something I do constantly in car parks......well not even children....mainly just retards who walk off in their own little oblivious world.

I know it technically wouldn't be our fault but I'm sure none of us want that horrible feeling that would be associated with hitting a pedestrian.

i once had a lady stop me in a carpark and ask me to slow down. i asked why, i was only doing 10kph? she said that "children run around and play here...". i simply said "then get your kids of the streets and learn how to watch and control them...", then i just drove away.... im sorry, i hate kids....

another thing that sh1ts me is that when people are walking and talking on their mobile, they become entrapped in their own little world and forget that they are walking through a carpark or crossing the street. they dont even look sometimes and just step out in front of you. NEW LAW: When operating a mobile piece of equipment, ie; mobile phone, sony PSP, personal organiser etc, you are legally required to stand completely still.

Yea I just had an incident then I hoped in my car to leave Parliament House and I saw 3 people about to walk behind me so I did the nice thing and waited for them to pass by. Then I go to start reversing I noticed they stopped behind me as 2 others had stopped to have a chat to them OMFG I waited for like 10 seconds and they still didn’t move... I should have reversed into them what tools they could have moved 5 meters up the road and I could have got out, instead I had to reverse out the opposite way and drive backwards about 35 meters before I could turn the car the right way................ IDIOTS!!!

Leigh, that's where you lean out the window and ask them to move politely?

You'd be suprised how many people perk up and scoot out of the way when you rev your engine at them.

On a serious note though; who has right of way in carparks? Peds or treads?

Yeah, some old bat hunted me down in a shopping centre and tried to tell me once that kids play near the boom gates in underground car parks so i should slow down (long story). I laughed in her face and told her to mind her own business.

Seriously, if you let your kids play in the middle of the road in a busy car park, especially an underground one on a slope where visibility is limited...they deserve to be hit. (dont take that one too seriously! :O)

I find kangaroos are far worse than kids, the number of near misses i've had in my street putting along at less than 40kmp/h...

ive nearly run over many children :P working in schools and frequently leaving and arriving when the kids are causes havoc sometimes... kids need to be smacked in the head sometimes.

had a kid dink his door into my car a while ago (back in the datto days) getting out of his mums car. the didnt say anything and ignored it. i went off my head and asked if she was going to pay to fix the pin dent? No! why should i? it was an accident from a little kid. my reply, well this was an accident from a big kid. DINK! opened my door into her car and left a lovely yellow mark. stupid bitch.

About 6 months ago i was driving around my suburb with a few people from work in my car. Was doing 50km/h, there was a girl riding her bike on the left hand side of the road which is outlined for a parking lane. There wasnt any on comming traffic in the other direction and for some reason i just had a funny feeling that she was going to cross the road. I slowed down to about 15-20km/h, and said to everyone in the car, "shes gonna pull out in front of me". About a second later she rides out in front of me without even looking, i managed to stop the car about 7 feet from her. She stoped in the middle of my lane and was just looking like she had just crapped herself.

She is lucky i wasnt doing the speed limit or i would have taken her clean out.

Edited by Crash.

almost cleaned up a kid a week or so ago, he got off his bus and ran out in front of it, shouldve seen his face change from all happy on his way home from school, to pure fear in the blink of an eye, kinda mirrored my own. I reckon i stopped about 150 ~ 200 short of him, makes me glad ive invested a bit in my brakes.

You know it's funny, i've been driving performance cars for about 7 years now and I hear regularly from the old farts I work with jokes and comments about us young sportscar driving hooligans and how dangerous we are in these cars... and yet I have had five near misses in suburban areas with stupid kids running out in front of me, the last of which was a couple of weeks ago. All five of these incidents were in Oxley where my parents live. I swear, they must be handing out free stupid pills to the kids in that suburb but I digress...

I never exceed the posted speed limit in residential areas and I can say without any doubt, if I had been driving a commondore or a falcon I would have plowed into the little bastards at least three out of the five times. And yet the people driving around in these performance cars with their big wide tyres, monster brembo's and a list of electronic systems as long as your arm are somehow considered MORE dangerous then Joe sixpack in his beaten up old commondore... WTF?

That's one I have never been able to work out...

Edited by Contempt

I almost ran over a lady in a Woden carpark a few months ago... i looked both ways, nothing there... started reversing out and this stupid b!tch came from nowhere :O I hit the brakes as soon as I saw her, so I didnt hit her or anything but she started screaming and yelling at me.

stupid thing was, I had my reverse lights on PLUS brake lights, and there was another car with it's indicator on waiting for my spot!!!!! if you're walking along a row of parked cars you should at least be AWARE that cars might possibly be leaving - I always watch for reverse lights etc if I'm walking.

THEN (it gets worse!!), she walked off, and I ended up next to her down the end of the row. I put down my window and thought I'll try to be nice, and said "look I'm really sorry - but i didn't see you" and she goes "well you should be more careful, you might kill someone" WTF????? :ban:

so I said "well maybe you should look where the hell you're going!!" (getting angry now) and she walked off behind my car and started bashing the back of it with her handbag!!!! omg.. she was a crazy woman :D

ps. Contempt, agree 100%!

Hmmm well it seen that ppl like walking out in front of skylines well at least it not just me , I also have problems with old(40-60yr) drunk pricks going on about "wog" cars

Gezzzzzzzz Shell if somebody touched my car with a handbag I would have gone off my head , gets me pissed off just reading it hope it didn`t do any damage

Edited by GTR32GUS
Should have stuck it in reverse and flattened her...

Damn, beat me to the call. If ANYONE touched my car, there would be dramas.

I had a guy back into the torana on Wednesday. I know he wasn't walking, but it was still funny. FTO bodykit vs Torana steel.

Torana was fine, guy is up for a heap of repairs. But he reserved into me trying to get a parking spot, and said he didn't see my loud, bright green, twin piped camed monster. Poor guy, 17 years old and trying to do some type of standover with me "Its your fault,you drove into the back of me" "No dude, I couldn't reverse away from you fast enough."

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