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Originally posted by BoOsTeD_RB26

but u never know it could be "code" for something else hehehe :D


OK, word to the wise. :Pimp:


FINE - This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up. Never use "fine" to describe how a woman looks. This will cause you to have one of those arguments.

FIVE MINUTES - This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you take out the trash, so it's an even trade.

NOTHING - This means "something," and you should be on your toes. "Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards. "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last "Five Minutes" and end with the word "Fine."

GO AHEAD (With Raised Eyebrows) - This is a dare. One that will result in a woman getting upset over "Nothing," and will end with the word "Fine."

GO AHEAD (Normal Eyebrows) - This means "I give up" or "do what you want because I don't care. "You will get a "Raised Eyebrow Go Ahead" in just a few minutes, followed by "Nothing" and "Fine," and she will talk to you in about "Five Minutes" when she cools off.

LOUD SIGH - This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement Often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot at that moment, and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing."

SOFT SIGH - Again, not a word, but a non-verbal statement. "Soft Sighs" mean that she is content. Your best bet is to not move or breathe, and she will stay content.

THAT'S OKAY - This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman Can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before paying you back for whatever it is that you have done. That's Okay" is often used with the word "Fine" and in conjunction with a "Raised Eyebrow Go Ahead." At some point in the near future, you are going to be in some mighty big trouble.

PLEASE DO - This is not a statement, it is an offer. A woman is giving you the chance to come up with whatever excuse or reason you have for doing whatever it is that you have done. You have a fair chance with the truth, so be careful and you shouldn't get a "That's Okay."

THANKS - A woman is thanking you. Do not faint. Just say you're welcome. (this term is rarely used)

THANKS A LOT - This is much different from "Thanks." A woman will say, "Thanks A Lot" when she is really ticked off at you. It signifies that you have offended her in some callous way, and will be followed by the "Loud Sigh." Be careful not to ask what is wrong after the "Loud Sigh," as she will only tell you "Nothing.

well if you need a tag along, i am sure we are more than happy to offer tag along drivers and cars to make a bit of a ball procession on the night. and hey i mean cmon guys 17year old excitable chickadees gawking at us almost as much as we are gawking at them. you know you want to

we might even steal some business from some limo drivers.

oh my god a business idea, who wants in with me. we can do school balls and funerals. the skyline procession will become famous through out perth.

We can charge $25 per car (that should cover fuel for an hour ride (LOL)

lata peeps

these days $25 doesnt even cover an hours worth of fuel! haha

Translation of "I dont care": Its not what i want but if I tell u what i want your only going to think im high maintence so i'll just go along with it *insert sigh here*

"I don't mind": She really doesnt care as long as you dont make a fool of her and yourself.

If the word 'Fine' is used in any sentance " Fine, I dont care" : proceed but be prepared to do a lot of sucking up afterwards because your really in deep shite.

From my little dictionary anyway, my evil female mind. Hahaha i may be wrong in her case but thats pretty much the way i see it.

hrmm yer. I mentioned the povo limo idea...but i got the "i dont care" treatment lol

which I think is what Nizmo said "Its not what i want but if I tell u what i want your only going to think im high maintence so i'll just go along with it *insert sigh here* "

im in deep sh!te now :(


GET THE FREKIN STRETCHED LIMO...*ooops Joe takes off caps lock*

anyway ladies loves big stretched stuff *wink wink*

so do yourseld favor and get the Limo! come on mate think the ladies and space you will be needing after few glases of shampaign.



I'm in with NO_RSPECT, we will steal business off the limo drivers whether they like it or not. ;)

I'm sure we can also find some 17yo ladies who'd prefer the ride in imports as compared to the limos anyway.

Need to gets lots of us together though and make a decent size appearance.

alright people this turned out a HUGE success. chicks really did love it!

Thanks to all the people willing to help and a big thanks goes to JiMiH, R33_Cam and GR33DyMango for cruising us around and impressing the females :P

Much appreciated!


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