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Hey Guys, I know this is WAY off the usual skyline talk but I need advice!

I noticed fine scratches on the front screen of my samsung D600 mobile phone. so i thought to try some mild cut/polish you remove them and now its created a cloudy (fine scratches) blemish :) I tried using a CD cleaner kit and has not helped... i found a product called icleaner that is made for ipods which removes scratches and blemishes but its $35 + shipping... any advice to repair this? would toothpaste work?

Thanks heaps!



Edited by QRI05E
Hey Guys, I know this is WAY off the usual skyline talk but I need advice!

I noticed fine scratches on the front screen of my samsung D600 mobile phone. so i thought to try some mild cut/polish you remove them and now its created a cloudy (fine scratches) blemish :) I tried using a CD cleaner kit and has not helped... i found a product called icleaner that is made for ipods which removes scratches and blemishes but its $35 + shipping... any advice to repair this? would toothpaste work?

Thanks heaps!



This is going to sound weird but try the stuff called BRASSO.

Yep, thats right brass polish. I was as skeptical as you probably are but i tried on some scratched up plastic and i could not believe the results, came up like new!

Basically put a little on a cloth, gently rub it in, then poilish it off,

Try it, you'll be rapt.

Edited by PAV34
Where can i get this BRASSO product? Woolies?

I going to give it a go mate... truly appretiate your help!


Yeah woolies will defenitaly have it.

probably the same isle as all household cleaning stuff.

let me know how you go.

Nuh i didn't press too hard... it removed the scratches but left a rainbow haze effect when the LCD lights up... might send it under warranty seeing as i work in a mobile phone store...


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