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Hey guys my skyline was broken into yesterday (Monday 15th may) at the CIT car park in Bruce. Between 10:25am and 2:00pm. They new what they were after and had all the tools for the job!. They un screwed my bolted down sub box busted my amp smashed the dash and flogged the head unit, remote and every thing in the glove box and centre console

List of gear stolen

Alpine 9811 cd/mp3 head deck

2x Alpine type S 12” dual voice coil subs

1 pair of black Oakley XX’s Sunnies

And a wallet of mainly burnt cd’s

Also this may or may not be related but there are two cars that have been hanging around CIT a black s13 and a bright green Nissan exa. The two cars showed up at my place two days before. I wasn’t home at the time but I was just down the street so I saw the two cars. They stoped out the front of my parents place (I don’t know how they found it) and started revving there engines, my mum went out side and they were screaming there heads off saying they wanted to race me in a street race. My mum to them to f’ off, and grow up. So this may have been retaliation?. If any one knows these guys or have seen them around please let me know

And if any one hears anything about some alpine stereo gear please let me know

Thanks guys

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I know the feeling all too well, i had 2 stereos stolen from my R33, as well as whatever was in the car the the respective times. moral of the story for me was to not leave anything visable.

will keep an ear/eye out for it, but i wouldn't hold my breath.

bright green nissan exa......maybe an aqua sorta colour?

if so, sounds like a guy who goes by the username "tyler" on the syndicatemotorsports forums

i'm not dobbing the bloke in, for saying that it was him at all, but there aren't many bright green exa's in canberra, so maybe hit him up

Edited by GTS_DUY

i found out this morning that 5 other cars were hit at the same time all of them with good sterios. i bellive all the cars that got done were tageted they, would have been rooming the aria for weeks posably? checking what cars were there at what times of the day. so i have lent a big leeson from this ALWAYS TURN YOUR STERIO DOWN BEFORE YOU ARIVE AT YOUR DESTINATION. dont let people hear you coming. and dont tell strangers know what you've got.

AND ABOVE ALL, IF YOU HAVE A GOOD CAR GET OFF YOUR ASS AND GET A HALF DESENT SECURITY SYSTEM!!!!!!. (protect your invesment before spending your money on other things)

(this is just a quick apollogy to those who hate it when people write in caps)

Damn, sorry to hear that Viper. I actually work at Bruce CIT, haven't seen your car around but I think I know which s13 you are talking about...not sure who drives it though.

Sorry to hear bout your loss, got the same issue today myself when I got out of my place so now my r33 is sitting in the carpark here at work with no passenger window since O'Brian's don't seem to stock them :angry:

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