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from another forum- posted by an RTA worker! and performance car owner........

Ok all, this no doubt affects 100% of the guys out there, but its time we did something about the

authorities defecting people for no reason.

Hands up those people who have been defected for something totally

outrageous like: 'guages too high?, or exhaust not mounted properly, or even

'****pit lights too bright?'.

Nowhere in the ADR's or RTA Light Vehicle Modifications Act does it state

anything like this and it seems that cops are pulling people over and

defecting them for what ever they make up on the spot. Some guys carry a

copy of the ADR's and Act in their car and when asking the police to refer

to the defect in question they have no idea - cause it is not in the


A couple of forums are getting in on the act and we are all getting peoples

stories from around the country of how rediculous the whole system is at the

moment, and for what can only be seen as a money-making scam. The police

have picked on us for too long, made millions out of a scam, and wasteing

valuable resources chasing us down while letting smoke belching bombs drive

past. Why arent they out on the streets fighting crime? doing drug busts, or

even catching that bastard that broke into my house and stole all my sh*t!!!

I dont need to remind you that they are quickly losing the respect of the


Thousands of emails are expected to be gathered and handed to channel 7

Today Tonight, and Channel 9 A Current Affair all at once. Each network will

be told that the other network has just been handed the same thing and we'll

see them fight for who is gonna do it first!

Please send your defect stories to limefish@bigpond.com by end of Friday

14th March. Now's your chance to finally do something about it!

Thanks for your time.

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