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Day Of Tuning With Mat


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Ok, well as Col requested that we post up anything of this sort, I thought I might as well throw my 'experience' up here with Matt Spry.

To start with, we'll go back to the beginning.

Over the past 4-5months, I've had a long list of mods being completed.

Dan (3lit3 32) did all the work of installating everything and spent some long hours getting much of it all done. In the end, what has been done has probably just become the scratch of many more mods yet to be completed.

In the period of November last year through to mid/late January, it was my duty of course to get all the mods that I wanted, together and then once all together, packed and stored into the car and taken to dan. After having the FMIC, fuel pump, powerfc, air pod filter, etc etc installed, I then had the car tuned by Brisbane Tuning. The car based on their dyno gave me 238kw's of rear-wheel power. Fact I was shown that I had this much power from the mods that I had done was surprising. Nick at Brisbane Tuning tuned the PowerFC only using the hand controller. I thought tuning it with the hand controller was pretty much the only way to have it tuned until I read a bit more about it online.

Nick stated that the injectors were maxed to 100% but the rev limitor was set to 6,500 instead of 7,000. This of course was set so that nothing would blow up or break. Nick then stated new injectors would be needed and a new coilpack. Of course, I already knew a new coilpack was needed after Dan done testing on it for me and said coilpack 4, 5 & 6 needed to be replaced.

So, 3wks later, new injectors and coilpack went in.

Took the car to Brisbane tuning on a Thursday afternoon. Nick of course, wasn't there as he was away overseas on holidays. The old fella John was about to start tuning it. Every 10mins he was on the phone to Nick asking questions and what needs to be done and how to get into certain areas of the PowerFC through the hand controller. This to which came to my attention and I asked John confident is he in tuning this car. He said he's done a few before. I simply stated lets not worry about the tune today and i'll bring it back when Nick is back from holidays.

Following Monday, the car goes back into Brisbane Tuning for the tune as Nick has returned from holidays. I asked a few questions about properly tuning it with additional software that you can use on computers/laptops by plugging it all into the PowerFC. He said "nahh, none of thats really needed, can tune it all here on the dyno and through this hand controller".

A few days later, I finally relised I was stupid for allowing this to happen and that the software would of been better off being used to properly tune it if I knew someone who had it all.

Was only recently when I found Col's post on here about Matt Spry and talking to him on MSN about his experience that it got me interested and wanting to give Matt the chance to actually tune my car for me. So. I rang up Matt last wk, requested for a tune to be done before this Saturday (20th May) for the dyno day at Allstar. Matt said he could fit me in for Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday came, headed down the coast and into Matt's workshop. As small as it is, I'm pretty well impressed with the equipment he has in there. To my surprise as well, Matt actually had all the software on laptops to properly tune the PowerFC. As well as this, he closely monitors the rear end of the car (that being the exhaust) with a live camera watching for any smoke that comes out.

All in all, I spent 2 & half hours there with Matt getting the car tuned. I was also able to sit in the passanger seat watching what matt was doing and learning a few extra things.

I ended up going in with 200kw's at the start. Came out with 204kw's. Matt stated that he wasnt all to happy with the work that he had done cause once it was getting to a certain peak in the graph, it would instantly just drop instead of giving a straight line. Matt couldnt figure it out and I didnt have a clue on wat to say as I didnt know myself.

Although its only a extra 4kw's that i gained from when I went in there. The car actually feels alot more smoother to drive, picks up and takes off alot better now. Gear changes feel alot more smoother too.

If anyone was looking or wanting a 2nd opinion about Matt Spry's work after reading col's thread. My opinion is that his work is far better then any other tuning place I've been to (though, I've only been to Milanco and Brisbane Tuning with the skyline). All in all, Matt would be very highly recommended. He knows his RB & SR engines very percily which gives me the confidence for him to perform any work I need/want done.

Now that I only put out 207kw's on Allstar's dyno. Lets see how well I'll go after this tune, tomorrow (Saturday, 20th May) on the same dyno at Allstar.

Also after discussions with a few people at the dyno night. A few people (including myself) wouldnt recommend using Brisbane Tuning. I've also heard from a few other people as well that Brisbane Tuning have done a few wrong things by them.

My opinion is that everyone has their own choice of businesses/people to who they use to modify/work on their cars. I for one will much rather be using Matt Spry for all tunes from now on.

Only extra mod I need to do now is get a set of cams and cam gears :thumbsup:

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I wouldnt expect much more power than last time John but I would expect more torque and earlier...this will make the car quicker in real terms than it was before

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matt's printer wasnt working on the day I was down there (for some reason he gave me which didnt bother me).

so i wasnt able to get a print out of the days results.

i think in the end, we went through 38 tunes or something like that.

saved each tune to the laptop.

even saved brisbane tunings tune to the laptop and then showed me the difference between brisbane tunings tune and his last tune.

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yeah.. he's great. He used to also do most of the tuning for Gavin Wood

I went in there with my old setup, and just an SAFC and poxy auto and told him "you can tune it fairly agressively as I don't care too much about the motor" and a smooth 12-12.5 a/f right across the range. Exactly what I wanted, and a great result with limited tuning available with just an SAFC (and the auto)

His dyno chart seems a little strange in terms of power readings, but as a tuning tool (what its for really), it does the trick.

I definitely know where I'll be going to get my new setup and powerfc tuned.

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As bunta said its not the KW that matter its the torque and how it comes on that counts...

I mean my car for example went backwards in kw at the wheels but i have about 60% more torque at 1000rpm lower than before and the car is now a fat torque monster...

I could have the higher power if i wanted but i was only using more fuel... Plus if i had the higher power and more torque i would not be able to keep it in a straight line anyways...

Thumbs up good job... Lets see how he goes with R34's as he is doing one tommorrow... Maby a new thread will be up soon i reckon. :wave:

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and im still waiting for my front bar to be fixed!

Yeah sorry mate. I cannot get a hold of him. Take it somewhere and get a quote done. I'll scrap the labour and paint you still owe me, I just want to get it fixed and I'm sure you do too.

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Great thread John,

I've had various tuners work on my PFC and none have impressed todate. One mob told me my PFC was too old to use the labtop tuning. I'd be very interested to talk to MAtt. Could you please forward his contact details to [email protected]

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Great thread John,

I've had various tuners work on my PFC and none have impressed todate. One mob told me my PFC was too old to use the labtop tuning. I'd be very interested to talk to MAtt. Could you please forward his contact details to [email protected]

;) its David!!!

David I am off to Matt too with your old turbo!!! I will be sure to let you know how it goes!!

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First pic attached below is the dyno read out from the Thursday night.

This tune was done by Brisbane Tuning.

2nd pic attached is the one from Saturday at the 'Speed 4 Dyno' day that was at Allstar.

This tune was done by Matt Spry.

post-22617-1148254167.jpg post-22617-1148254205.jpg

Of course, these dyno readouts are from the same dyno.

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Well straight away i see a huge difference in the air fuel ratio...

Also the power is brought on later in the rev range and the torque is fatter and comes on sooner...

So all in all... The spry tune will see johns motor last longer and he has gained a slight amount of power...

I think to when dave went to matt and hes words were something like... "I got the same power on less fuel and less knock"... So he tunes to very safe levels, probablly safer than stock setups and of course achieves good power in the process...

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Nice to meet you on saturday buddy. Sorry i couldnt talk more had to do a few things to the car.

Congrats on a good result, My car made less power on satruday about 3 hp :P but for some reason it now goes a alot faster... picked up but loads of mid range smoothed the curve out, seems the dyno isnt always a perfect indicator of potential.

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yer brisbane turbo and tuning gave me and jonh identical hp figures and tourqe readings


900 somthing nm of tourqe

how is this possible

my opinion is that they got a line in there for a tune that was making good numbers, and decided to give everyone that dyno sheet

me and john have complety different mods/ turbos etc but we have identical dyno sheets from brisbane turbo and tuning.

sus as

also i noticed my sheet said diesel 4cyl and ran in 3rd gear

and not even my rego plate on the sheet some other weird one

what a bunch of nobs

wont go back there ever again

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yer brisbane turbo and tuning gave me and jonh identical hp figures and tourqe readings


900 somthing nm of tourqe

how is this possible

my opinion is that they got a line in there for a tune that was making good numbers, and decided to give everyone that dyno sheet

me and john have complety different mods/ turbos etc but we have identical dyno sheets from brisbane turbo and tuning.

sus as

also i noticed my sheet said diesel 4cyl and ran in 3rd gear

and not even my rego plate on the sheet some other weird one

what a bunch of nobs

wont go back there ever again

Been reading some dodgy stuff about these guys lately!

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those dyno graphs posted have different number plates on them

tuning shops always use the number plate of the car when they are tuning as a reference, and have no reason to not use it

i can't think of any reason they would be different??

they also have different Motec corrections (i have no idea of what this means, but i know it affects their outputs)

anyway... there's a nice imporovement in torque there.. you gotta be happy with that!


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the number plates are different cause allstar may of been

a) lazy

b) to busy

c) forgot

to change them. no, they dont use them as a "reference" when doing a dyno shoot out. only a reference when usually tuning the car.

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Nice to meet you on saturday buddy. Sorry i couldnt talk more had to do a few things to the car.

Congrats on a good result, My car made less power on satruday about 3 hp :P but for some reason it now goes a alot faster... picked up but loads of mid range smoothed the curve out, seems the dyno isnt always a perfect indicator of potential.

Um, that was me :) Man your car is tough.

Matt and I did a bit of thrashing around the area once my tune was done. You were right, I wouldn't take my car anywhere else. His printer was broken so I don't have a graph or anything. I'll post my own thread once I receive it (should be in the post sometime soon).


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