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I thought the report in the Advertiser was a bit "anti import" as they mentioned that there were "4 other nissan skylines following", they didnt need to say what make of cars they were, the could of just said

"4 other car following". It really sh*ts me how they try to give imports a bad name, every person who read that article would be thinking because there was a bunch of skylines they were probably hooning and caused the accident.

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Hey Guys,

Just watched the news report with MY33 (Shaun). And i was glad they didnt try and pin it on the skyline driver, and showed the footage of him telling them the Skyline wasnt speeding or doing anything wrong. That may have shut a few people up that thought it was the skylines fault.

Does anyone have details as to what ward/room number he is in, because would like to vist him him sometime soon.

R.I.P tony are thoughts are with your family

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I would just like to wish Jasmin all the best and hope you make a fall recovery soon, I'm very sorry for your loss as I'm sure all involved are. As most of us are going to see Drew sometime with in the week I'm sure we can also make the effort to see you and check on your progress. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this time of need i wish you all the best for the future and hope to see you up and out of bed and walking round. I will keep checking on the forum aswell to keep udated on your situation. All the best.

I also wish Drew and his family all the best and Myself and a couple of other's (MY33 and passange's of his vechile) that were at the crash will be coming to see you some time soon hopefully tomorrow, i wish you all the best for the future and look foward to seeing you again either at some a little more low key like a bbq or another cruise.

All the best for the future both you and Jasmin and to your families. And my heart goes out to Tony's Family it was an unfortunat accident and I'm sorry for your loss

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Hello all,

My name is Scott, I’m one of Drew’s best mates. I thought I would log in using his identity just to fill everyone in.

Firstly, on behalf of Drew, his family and his friends I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and support.

Drew is a fantastic guy and loved quite dearly by all

that know him, we are so grateful that he is going to recover and are overwhelmed by

the amount of support he has got from people in this forum community.

A special thanks to those that were on the scene and did what they could to help in any way possible.

We believe that the initiative and decisive actions taken in this first period contributed to Drew’s current positive condition.

I have not read every single posts and I'm not 100% sure what everyone knows but here are the basics.

Drew is stationed at Flinders Medical Centre and has been moved from intensive care unit into the high dependency unit,

but is recovering well and is expected to continue that way. Because of the extent of the hit he took to the head he

sustained some minor bruising to the front of his brain as well as external

bruising and cuts to the face. At this point, although we’re all very concerned, it all looks to be very positive.

He has already regained his sense of humour and has forced a smile or two.

He will be held in the high decency unit for a few days while they take the necessary precautions he then will be

moved into the wards. I’m not 100% sure but I think anyone wanting to visit should maybe wait until he is on the wards.

(Unless Sue, Drew’s mum, has given you the “all clear”)

I have seen photos of the car and it is miraculous that has come off the way he has. It is firmly believed the airbags

contributed greatly to him still being with us today.

On behalf of Drew, his family and his friends, we would like to express our sympathy to the tragic loss, and give our

condolences to the other people unfortunate enough to be involved in the accident Especially to the family’s and friends

of the young Festiva driver (Im sorry, Im not 100% sure of his name) .We wish a speedy and swift recovery to those

who have been injured.

Thank you so much,

So sorry If i missed anything out, you've all been so good.


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Airbags certainly saved his life. Thanks for the update Scott!

and a quick thinking christian praying for us all after ... plus my mum told me @ about 1:30 just after lunch she told dad he and she should do there bible study but she had to go the loo first

anyways she felt God impress upon her to pray for our protection on the cruise

well im glad she did as all you guys would be too

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Well I am very relieved to know that Drew is doing ok, it has played on my mind all day. Very good to hear that Jasmine is doing well too, but I would like to comment that we have all missed someone out here.

The older woman driving the other Festiva was also a victim of this accident & she should be given just as much attention. I did notice earlier that it was stated she had surgery last nite. Does anyone know anything more about what's happening with her? I'm sure she'd appreciate a few of us visiting her also.

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I'm real glad to hear that Drew is going to be ok and recover from this. Thankyou for the update Scott. I'll keep checking for updates as to when we can go visit him, if you could post us to when that will be it would be greatly appreciated.


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The older woman driving the other Festiva was also a victim of this accident & she should be given just as much attention. I did notice earlier that it was stated she had surgery last nite. Does anyone know anything more about what's happening with her? I'm sure she'd appreciate a few of us visiting her also.

how very true she got taken to strath hosp. dunno if she is still there ... i forget her name it started with a G like Glenda or sumthing ... sorry lady had alot on my mind since accident

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I wish to offer my condolences to all involved.

I suspect Drew and Jasmine arent out of the woods yet. Myself being a pasenger in a high speed accident a few years back suffered head injuries {facial and back}I sort of know what he might be going through. Hope he didnt end up with a broken jaw {3 weeks of soup sucked} .As far as visiting him dont be surprized if he is sleeping plenty of the time because it is better than putting up with the pain of broken ribs if he has any.

I hope them both a speedy recovery and hope to see them back on their feet again.

Who ever see's him , you have to have a joke with him about the chopper ride {just dont let him laugh to much, it might hurt} . As I said to a few mates "typical I ,get a ride on a chopper but didnt get to look out the bloody window , could only see the light's on the ceiling on the damm thing"

any way to the rest of you ,

Its great to see suppport from fellow skyliner's when things go grey. :D

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Hi Andrew. This is Drew's girlfriend, Dana. I heard about your thread and just wanted to let you and the other guys know that Drew is doing ok. He's talking and is coherent, and is slowly getting back to the "normal Drew". He's already talking about getting another car! He'll be staying for at least a week in the FMC, so you're more than welcome to come and see him. Thanks for all your help. Dana

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This is Drew's girlfriend, Dana.

pulsss_8in - thankyou for your kind words.

Drew is doing ok. If anyone wants to come see him, he's in the FMC (Flinders Medical Centre). Will be there for at least a week.

Thanks to the guys who helped Drew at the accident. You guys are legends!


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hey madaz the SI dos have an airbag but only in the steering wheel so he would have probably still been ok.

Hey My33 your's is actually a 95 model which is dubbed series 1.5 is it not? I know that most series 1's don't have a drivers airbag as it was only optional, & you could get both too. Very rare on a series 1. The 1.5's they made the Drivers airbag standard & then all Series 2's have both. Something along those lines anyway.

I know it's a bit off subject but thought I'd point it out

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Im not much of a poster more of a browser, but i wish you all the best of luck. Hope everything goes as well as it can from now and into the close future. Best of luck with everything, get well soon.

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