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Cruise Accident


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Great to see that you are up and about again Drew... Its probably a good thing that you dont remember the accident, coz it was pretty huge from a couple of cars behind!! Dont rush into it but would be great to catch all of you at a BBQ or something relaxed!

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Thanks fellas. I like the sound of the BBQ idea. I will have a think about what I can organise over the next couple of days. Maybe a BBQ in the Belair national park might work. That way people can bring their cars along and into the park. There are some great picnic/bbq areas with plenty of room to kick the footy.

Cheers, Drew

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good to see you back up and about, If there's a positive to come out of this atleast now u get to go through the process of looking for a new and possibly even better car, i know i always get excited even looking for cars for mates!

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awesome to hear you are out and about Drew! Take it easy mate and don't overdo it .... it's hard, as you want to get back to your life, but for the long term slow and steady wins the race.

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yeah great to see your home drew you take it easy and Sue and Grant say your over doing it SLOW down :(

yeah a BBQ @ belair sounds great u will have to bring you family so we can (those that havnt met) all say hello and wot not

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Glad to heer you are back home and looking to the future. A BBQ sounds like a great idea (my place is available if needed)

Take it easy, these trhings do take time. The physical bits will heal long defore you are truly over it all. Hope we can catch up again soon.

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Drew its great to hear your well and slowly returning to your normal life. Will definitely be at the BBQ as last time we met in the hospital wasn't under the best circumstances.

Cheers, Nick

Edited by Whiplash
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Hey Drew, great to see you're doing well mate. I think it's great that you're staying positive about things, best way to be.

The BBQ Idea sound's like a goodie, will be great to see you out and about again along with everyone else.

Take care in the meantime mate.

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Hi Drew good to see your recovering well mate :wave: , sometimes unfortunate things happen in life im really sorry to hear, no one should have to go threw a truma like this, my prayers and best wishes go out to you and everyone invloved and there families, get well and have very speedy recoveries.

Hope to catch up with you soon mate :(


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

sorry about bringing up this thread, but the female in that crash has recently made an appearance on ns.com requesting the name of the club involved and explaining her side of the story.

i have supplied her with a link to this thread.

here's a link to her post: http://www.nissansilvia.com/forums/index.p...t&p=2386541

you want a bad month? i was in a crash on the mt. barker road on the 21st of may 2006, my bf was driving my festiva. 4 skylines came up the hill 2 abreast, we swerved the 1st one and the second one hit us head on, my car was the spun around up the hill, and hit by thecar we were overtaking. m bf was killed on first impact. and now his family are being the biggest c*nts ever to me - they're saying that i killed him - umm no! how do they wrk that out. does anyone know the drivers of the skylines? they belong to a club - not sure which one. PM me if you know, thanks.

and to top off all my injuries my year 12 is f*cked now, i need to go back next year. and his family took his s13 silvia Q that i loved frm my place the day after i got home from hospital - assholes. hearing his car revv over for the last time killed me.

Edited by nisskid
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That's very sad how his family are reacting, their greif must be enormous, but I'm sure no less than Yasmin's.

She is very young and taking the lost of her boyfriend quite badly. From the few words she wrote, she does not appear to be very forgiving and I get the impression that she thinks the Skylines are the ones at fault. She is also having a hard time with her now deceasesd BF's family. They seem to be blaming her for the accident and loss of their son.

I am sad that there was a death involved in the accident, but its great to know that the other driver, Drew I think is his name is well and fully recovered. IThe accident could have been much worst if the other Skylines were driving close to each other. Good reason not to tailgate.


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yeh, she seems to be in a really angry state right now. also how the family is treating her is disgraceful, they need to see through their grief of the loss of their son and support her.

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yeh, she seems to be in a really angry state right now. also how the family is treating her is disgraceful, they need to see through their grief of the loss of their son and support her.

Whilst I agree in principal with your comments about the bf's family, the death of a son/daughter would be the WORST thing any parent could endure. I honestly believe that they would give their own lives today if it would reverse the past.

It wasnt until I had kids that I truly understood this.

We have the priverlage of looking at this from outside, they have the grief and loss of a child and may/will not be able to see past that for some time. Unfortunatly i work with people in this situation all to frequently and someone/something to blame may/will help them cope in the short term.

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Only just saw this thread for the first time today and have just finished reading all 13 pages. Makes you feel lucky to be hear doesn't it?

All the best to everyone involved. Keep getting well soon.


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