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a quick summary of what i have had to do to my car over the last 3 months that i owned it - timing and other belts, waterpump, rear light. Apart from the waterpump (which was covered by warranty), i had to pay for the rest - came to a total of nearly $300 (mind you the lights i ordered from japan through the dealer). Then there is the petrol - ultimate @ $1.50 a ltr (usually about 30 ltrs). Next there is going to be my exhaust, turbotimer upgrade and 5000klm service - well thats gonna be inexcess of 1600 easily. - coming to a grand total of - almost 2000 in 3 months...

Just adding - if i knew i couldnt pay for that, i woudl have just stuck with something that is not a turbo or an import....just my 2 cents

Edited by emsta2003
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yeh which gets back to the fkn point i made at the start. your not the king of the fkn website your one little person in it. start making your own posts and talk in them rather than fkn worrying about what everyone else does your dickhead! do you think your like the Big Brother of fkn SAU or somthing.

Have a look at this shit:


Honda Integra or Skyline? you got pwned bruss! prove you got a skyline/integra or whatever and take a photo of you next to it holding a sign saying "Hey bruss! SAU Bruss!"

oh yeah, skylines arent generally that cheap to maintain. They eat your fuel too. I hope that answers your question. LOL!!!

Dude chill the f**k out, shit costs money but if the car has been maintained well logically you shouldn't have as many problems. Keep posting shit like you are at the moment it won't be long before your banned from here.

dude sorry but im just sick of faggots on here think their big brother or somthing. ohh wow i ask a few questions about cars get the fk over it its what the car forum is for. sorry my WHOLE life isnt cars. id hate to see what their girl friends looked like

well arnt your a tank poombah speaking on behalf of everyone on SAU. if noone cars then why does everyone keep talking in my posts. instead of sitting there like a fat shit why dont you start a constructive post of your own. mabey you should stick with the civic. it obviously suits your personality more. also my topics are no different to anyone elses. WTF IS YOU PROBLEM?

I have started constructive posts of my own Newbie, I no longer need to ask questions as I have gained a fair knowledge of my car from the *useful* posts that are started here

I'd tell you what my problem is but everyone else has pretty much already said what I think aswell.

& Judging by the majority of posts on your thread, people keep talking in your posts to bag you out


I have started constructive posts of my own Newbie, I no longer need to ask questions as I have gained a fair knowledge of my car from the *useful* posts that are started here

I'd tell you what my problem is but everyone else has pretty much already said what I think aswell.

& Judging by the majority of posts on your thread, people keep talking in your posts to bag you out


just searched you then buddy and looks like most of your posts are in the wasteland! mabey you should stay there and stop worry about whats going on in the real areas of the website until you have somthing constructive to say!

Seriously tho it aint cheap since ive owned mine these are a few of the things ive done:

Waterpump replaced

Steering rack replaced

Coil Packs Replaced

100k Service

Tired Shocks/Springs replaced with coilovers

Turbo Timer


Numerous 5000km services

Climate control unit (yet to be replaced)

Electronic boost controller

They are sports cars and need to be treated as such, If you drive them hard then you must be prepared to service them often and fix bits and pieces when they die thats just the way it is. All in all good fun but can be pricey be prepared.

Edit: and dude relax

Edited by Style32
just searched you then buddy and looks like most of your posts are in the wasteland! mabey you should stay there and stop worry about whats going on in the real areas of the website until you have somthing constructive to say!

FFS! Keep this rubbish in the Wasteland! This is getting worse than NS! :)

BTW: Real areas of the website, errr with real genuine topics created by you. arh huh! :wave:

yeh ive never had a problem with my climate control unit. ive done a head gasket and i have squeeky breaks......i took them to blackburn nissan but they didnt fix them after like 3 tries so i took them to another mechanic who didnt fix them properly either......they keep squeeking and sound horrible i keep getting dirty looks from people on the foot path lol so annoying.....also had a blow off valve ut in

thanks for the 2 cents TOF.......another big brother cantidate right there

I'm probably contributing to this site becoming NS by this post but seriously what are you trying to achieve from your pointless topics?

BTW what is your next topic? How often do you wash your car? How often do you change gears? How often do you switch on your headlights? How often do you turn on your radio? First car, which should I get Civic or GTR? Already own Skyline, how to start car?

Sorry mods for this post, but magpies topics are really cluttering up normal areas of SAU and it's getting on my nerves. :)

EDIT: I'll contribute, I've had many problems when I bought my Skyline but that's because it was very cheap. The whole car has probably been replaced but nothing has broken yet! Damn cars stealing your money :wave:

Edited by ToF
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