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i have an auto r32 gtst and this might sound like a stupid question but i havn't owned a turbo car before so be kind.

does the auto gtst still have a stock bov?

if yes i think mine does not have one as when i'm on boost and i take my foot off there is no noise like one would expect.

also, if yes then where is it located? on my intake piping before the throttle body and before the bend there is a small pipe which runs off the main pipe which leads to nothing and is blocked off...anyone know if this is where it should be...or does someone have a pic of a stock bov which i can compare to. maybe its there but stuck or something.

as i said i havn't owned a turbocharged car before so i am learning as i go...



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MM2death has given you the pic.

If your one isn't making any noise, then it is probably because you have the standard air box.

When you have a pod filter, it is very free flowing and you can hear all sorts of induction noises.

also, when the bov vents, you will hear a sshhhhh sort of sound.. different to the aftermarket psshhtt sound.

the standard bov makes more like a hissing sound.

IF your bov is removed and all holes are blocked off, and you put a pod filter on, when you back off from the accelerator, you will hear a fluttering sound.. like ch ch ch ch ch ch

Hope this helps.

And there are a fair few turbo cars (engines) that don't have bovs as standard..

here are a few.

Cordia turbo.

CA18DET engined cars.

VL Turbo

That's a few off the top of my head.

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Originally posted by WazR32GTSt

on my intake piping before the throttle body and before the bend there is a small pipe which runs off the main pipe which leads to nothing and is blocked off

Mate... if someone knows what that is i'll fall off my chair.

ALL Auto's i've seen... R31/R32 (imports we are talking here) and i'm assuming it's the same for a 33 but ain't seen and auto one yet.

They all have that little pipe thing your talking about and it goes nowhere and does nothing. (that i know of)

It's also the easiest way to tell if you car has had a manual conversion done to it at any stage :(

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