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and u think it was in my name?

no rich daddy.. correct.?

speaking of money and stuff.. how farkin gay is it to get ur mates to pay up what they owe u.. spot them a few friggen hundred and a month down the track they still havent farking paid.. bunch of farkers.. gonna break some knee caps

Nice severe thunderstorms going through eh?
Storms ftw

We got about 5 mins of rain here, a fair bit of wind, and not much else... but we were close enough to get some photos off the balcony :thumbsup: Got plenty more but here's a couple:





today whistlt walking i spotted some guysw selling this stuff outta their suitcases... i had no idea what it was so i googled it

this is what it is


read what it is, then click on how to use and omg lol

hmm and i mum just told me over the phone that my brothers car cuaght fire this afternoon lol and he had to use the extinguisher from my dads mercedes to put it otu :thumbsup: happy days

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