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I wasnt trying to kill myself, it's just gravel rash, and Blake was behind me on his TTR50 and came up and asked if I was dead, I said no, and then he said, THAT WAS COOL DAD! :)

Should have said yes only to lol at his puzzled look

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Nah he had a huge stack and when I got to him I asked him if he was ok and he said, "No I am dead!" :) just a lot of dust and bruises for him, and a lesson learnt about throttle control, but that was aaages ago when i first bought him the TTR, he is able to do small jumps and powerslides and the like now. I just have to get used to this whole "powerband" thing :ermm: The CR has bucked me off several times now, my god it is fun but!

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OK so a bit of history on the bike, it is a 2002 CR125R setup for motox racing. It never got to the track. It has a list of "upgrades" to it, I chucked the list in with all the rest of the paperwork. But apparently it has bigger jets, bigger carby, bigger this and that, so it is fairly powerful.

So I had been jumping this small jump all day. Had it down pat. Round the corner in 1st, full throttle, powerband, ramp, enjoy air, get off throttle, land.

Only issue I had was I was in 2nd, and by the time I wondered why the powerband wasnt coming on where it was last time, I was on the ramp, and powerband kicked in as I left it. The front of the bike reared up and I mustve hung on to the throttle, meaned it was at 100% when the back tyre decided to touch the ground. I close my eyes, scream like a girl and let go of the bike and wait for the pain :)

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Well I cant atm, it is still out on the farm where I broke it, it should be back tomorrow so will take some pics of it before I fix it and post them here. Apparently the renthal handlebar i snapped was a pretty tough one, so at least I did a good job :)

Still I went for a long ride round the property with a mate of mine on his 600 and only time i couldnt keep up with him was when he could get it into 5th as i dont have the ability to go very fast, it is geared for low speeds, but other then that I accelerated faster, stopped quicker, and could throw the CR around a lot easier than the 600. We swapped bikes for a while and the 600 just felt huge and horrible to ride, glad I picked up the CR for $1,000 :ermm:

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Pics of this new ride :D

For those whom missed it, I bougth a 2002 CR125R and took it out bush for a ride last weekend and you know me, I stacked it :)

Broke the handlebars and the brake lever.

So the previous owner gave me a crapload of spares when I bought it, including a heap of spare brake and clutch levers and a set of stocker handlebars.

Righto, so after pulling everything off the CR's handlebars it seems the stock bar is too small for the clamps, as you'll see in the picture.

So just going to pop down to the local bike shops and see how much one is.

The Yamaha TTR50 is Blakes bike. Kayla's bike is coming soon, as well as one planned for Nell :yes:

Enjoy the pics!































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Not going to happen, I am over jumping now, I had much more fun chasing the other 600cc trail bike that was out there over paddocks and through the bush :)

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Farks sake. Had my brother house sit for a week while I was in Melb.

Mother farker used up all my download quota, 20gig, so I am stuck on dial up speed till the 18th, and what's worse, the selfish farker didn't even leave any porn on my computer to compensate me for it.

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Farks sake. Had my brother house sit for a week while I was in Melb.

Mother farker used up all my download quota, 20gig, so I am stuck on dial up speed till the 18th, and what's worse, the selfish farker didn't even leave any porn on my computer to compensate me for it.

thats rough man,

sau alone is annoying on dial up - let alone d/ling porn :P

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just got back from doctors. quarantined till tuesday, pending results of the swine flu test. looks like a weekend of ps3

getting swabbed was not the most pleasant experience either....

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i hope they play. got nothing else to do. sitting at home, or walking around with a face mask. look like a twit.

the test wasn't pleasant either. they stick this swab about 3-4cm into each nostril.

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