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they only had access to my shared media drive once they got through the main firewall, its the drive I put all my movies and music on for the xbox 360 and PS3 etc for the lounge room and media rooms oh and wireless access for the notebook for while im in the hammock out the back... :D

just caused so much damage in terms of time, they also tried to hack the firewall into the main study media centre server but the system shut down instead...

lucky i was home, ended up pulling the cable and restoring everything from square one... hence why i have ben offline all week...

only long term damage is 1.2TB worth of music and movies gone that I had not stored on the main server hard drives yet...

also one of the 2TB sata drives carked it, not related tho... and its out of warranty by like 3 months :)

last time i buy a WD HDD...

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so yeah in short ive been fixing this for the last few days when i should have been relaxing, mowing lawns, prepairing for the next days work etc etc...

just so frustrating...

also saw that there is a virus out there which is attacking PS3's and XBOX 360's that are direct connected, so make sure you have it through a router or similar...

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Yeah I see how they got it... I think ive got it covered now...

I dont understand why I would have been a target tho, maybe they thought I was a business or something seeing multiple IP's in use from the one connection?

Not sure, but I guess once they were in they thought they would just be knobs...

I feared it was like a anti torrent hacker bot etc... hence why they smashed my media drive...

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Often they'll either trawl a list of IPs from somewhere (like a torrent connection, they share a movie or something and every IP that connects is recorded) or they'll scan a range looking for machines susceptible to whatever vulnerability they're specifically targeting today. Often the tards actually doing the "hacking" aren't hugely clever and don't have much of an arsenal handy, the hack is something they found on a hacking site which is why they target that vulnerability, and if that hack gets them in then great, if not they move onto the next potential victim. Once in they'll usually resort to childish damage/vandalism, or these days it's quite common for them to infect you with malware that opens up other vulnerabilities to make it easier to attack later, to act as a beacon to other attackers, and often to allow your machine to be used in a bot net for things like spam messages and DDoS attacks, which is how they make their money.

Not sure what you mean about multiple IPs on one connection, if you have one internet connection then you would normally have one IP address, if you have multiple machines behind that one connection they'll be NAT'd so only your external IP is visible - a normal LAN setup doesn't use internet routable IPs anyway.

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a normal LAN setup doesn't use internet routable IPs anyway.

yeah thats right...

I have three connections tho, so I can switch between them as I need/want to...

There is nothing normal about my setup...

I cant wait to get to the new house tho once they finish building it (bloody slow progress), I gonna be rid of all he crap and just have a simple office with no servers etc just a simple wireless router and a shared folder on the main pc...

but yeah i reckon i was just unlucky and it was some IT geek...

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