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what happened with your 34 markus?

saw something about it on fb...

Over the last 4 months I've built up a mean 26/30 and it's all ready to go, except somehow the original key with the NATS (Nissan Anti Theft Chip) in it went missing.. So no worries, I just ordered a new one in from Nissan and had the car towed down the road to Metro Nissan to have it coded.

After having the car for almost 5 working days the guy calls me back up and goes "Sorry mate, we can't do it, the NATS IMMU (Immobilzer box) is faulty (It was DEFINANTLY f**king working when I took it there as I could communicate and pull codes out of it with my Consult) and we'll need to replace it, so it's going to be $650 for the box" to which I replied "lols, don't worry about it, I'll just come pick my car up" to which he retorts "ah, well we've already done 5 hours labour on the car to get this far, and it's $130 an hour.."

GOOD TIMES! I ended paying 1.5 hours labour, plus the 800m tow truck ride there and the 800m return ride at $140 each way = $475 to come to the conclusion that they don't know how to f**king code a key in EVEN though I supplied them with the manuals.. ARGH!!

Lesson learnt. Anybody got a gtr Vipec they want to sell :P

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lol I get my bf to cook it.. I eat it. Pretty good deal to me! Seriouy ppl Aldi store roast lamb is good! The girl at work were raving about it so we tried it. YUUMMMM!! Now all I need is dessert... Might get my boy to go for a drive to pic some up :banana:

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