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Advancing the timing too much can cause problems - detonation. I would be taking the car back, and dont go too hard until you are sure this isnt happening. Having said that there can be alot of different causes of poor idle - but if this has only just occured after the tune - thats the first thing I would be cheching.

How much advance are you actually running.

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Originally posted by sLo-32

Just had a dyno tune on my car with the new plugs i got.

The timing was also advance and now the car idles ALL over the   place! The car randomly pops on idle...rev range is not consistant, goes up and down and even stalls sometimes :) Is this normal and can advancing the timing cause any damage?  


sLo :P

Advancing the timing will not effect the idle that much. If it was detonating at idle, you would hear it... Sounds more like you got an airleak, before you take it back, you could spend a few minutes checking all the clamps are tight as they would of dissconnected a few pipes getting at the plugs. Also, the plugs might not of been gapped properly which can cause an irratic idle and misfire. If theres nothing obvious, take it back....

But I doubt its to do with advancing the timing...

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Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC

Unless it is very advanced then I doubt this would be the problem, but take it back if it happened after they tuned it, they may have forgotten to do something up properly.


what would be considered too much?

How is a figure generated for this?

Do variables like modifications affect the threshold for advancing the timing?

I am curious b/c I was considering advancing my timing to about 25 degrees TDC. I have basic mods like cooler, turbo back exhaust, and boost (~11 psi).


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Yeah....i got about 30rwhp from the tune / plugs / advance.

everytime they advanced it a lil more i got a few more horses but they just stopped and that was the end of it.

Another thing....when they were dynoing it, there was a guy holding a steel rod which looked to be between the head and the block and was holding this to his ear as the other guy was revving the car...is this done to listen for detonation?

i forgot to ask :P

AND....sorry :D

How would i know if there is detonation. Is it audible etc... cheers


sLo :D

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Anymore that 20+ deg of advance you need to be careful. More advance can increase the chance of detonation. Advancement should always be done on the dyno, where you can listen for pinging properly. You can determine the amount of advance via a timing light.

I run 25deg of advance, but I have a full management system, which allows for it. Pinging is not always audible, so take car if advancing the timing.


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If its done the same as a 33, you might find a wire thats looped out from the rest at the igniter module on the top rear of the engine.

hook on to this. thats no.1 ... some have said its not real accurate but my cheap-ass timing light hasnt had a prob hooking up from there at all.

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Stock timing is 15deg on a R33 GTS-t, and I assume it's the same for the R32. This is safe, but won't make as much horsepower as when it is advanced further.

If you dont have a loop to hook the timing light to, then remove the coil pack cover and do it straight off that.


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Well i took the car back and discovered that the timing was on 15 deg =/ which is standard. So the timing was retarded ( no pun intended :D ) originally....crap

they brought the timing back 3 deg...sayin that when you accelerate your timing goes up 3 deg?

is this correct?


sLo :D

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I recently had my timing reset from the mid 20's. I had been having detonation problems in the past and on the dyno my fuel graph's were looking dangerously lean.

Since i did my dump pipe at the same time i cant exactly measure the difference its made returning it to stock, however the workshop did tell me they had trouble getting it to sit at 15 degree's. Apparently it was stalling and dying when they made only mild adjustments (maybe the aftermarket management didnt help). But its all ok now.

I think with australian fuel its probably most advisable to run around the standard mark unless your going to highly modify things. At least then when you do turn the boost up your less likley to get detonation.


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Originally posted by GTS-t VSPEC

Stock timing is 15deg on a R33 GTS-t, and I assume it's the same for the R32. This is safe, but won't make as much horsepower as when it is advanced further.

If you dont have a loop to hook the timing light to, then remove the coil pack cover and do it straight off that.


the stock base timing for a 32 is 20 deg and they do have the loop to put the timing light on to but it is sometimes taped back to the loom, removing the tape dose not reveal anymore than the desired loop wire the others will remain in the main loom tape.

Regards DAMQIK

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one thing ill add is that half the timing lights out there wont pickup low voltage pulses

It does measure a current pulse but at a certain voltage and most are based on using them on high tension leads rather than the lower voltage which is apparent at the timing loop :D

Keep it in mind if you receive a funny reading

happens alot



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I have a r33 gtst 94 model the best I can get with out pinging @14psi is 23 deg however 25 deg feels more powerful up high though it starts pinging @ 5500 or so rpm at that timing setting.

macka Ive tested to see if there is a difference between the pick up loop and plugging in the coil to an ign lead to the spark plug, and there is no difference (using a snapon programable timming light) my $25 supa cheap timing light also reads the same weather placed at the coil or the loop. I think getting the loop through the pickup properly has more bearing on the accurcy of the reading. I have also found simply sitting the pickup on top of the coil gives a good reading if not too close to the No 2 coil.

Reagrds Damqik

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