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Car Crash - 27/05/06 - stÖrmy


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Anyone know who put their white 32 4 door with black painted factory wheels thru a tree and a brick wall? Saw it on the news tonight - looked pretty horrible! I hope the passengers were ok!

Nice effort.

PS how much for your gearbox?



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Has anyone see news about this, i have only seen a small segment on the news about it. Just wondering if the driver of the car was a member of this forum.

My cousin was out with a friend and they lost control and went into a tree, the car was a skyline, what looked to be a gtr ?.

the news said there might be something to do with drugs or alcohol, if this is true then i hope you all take it as a warning to not drink and drive, and dont ever get in a car with someone who is drunk, as my cousin did and lost his life for it.

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GREAT!!! no wonder cops kept staring at my line when i was driving..NORMALLY!!!! :)

i know its a loss of a live, but seeriously i am getting sick of seeing that shit...human being will NEVER learn

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When I seen the title of this thread I thought it meant you Ramis, good to see your okay but I'm sorry about your cousin :)

J R32 people die in every make and model of car, it's no point to take this one personally.

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it was a two door i think, i thought it was a gtr cause of those rims.

the driver and other passangers were OK, but my cousin died in this accident.

i think i can speak for everyone on sau, we are all so sorry for you loss mate, we are all a shoulder to lean on. such a shame.

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GREAT!!! no wonder cops kept staring at my line when i was driving..NORMALLY!!!! pinch.gif

i know its a loss of a live, but seeriously i am getting sick of seeing that shit...human being will NEVER learn

i know how you feel man, when stuff like this happens it pushes the government to bring in some more laws and restrictions, and it ruins it for everyone else.

its pretty bad. heard some really disturbing things from the coroner about this wich i wont mention.

seriously guys, no matter how much you think your know your friends, dont just in a car with them if they are drunk.

from this incident, i wont be going in a car with friends unless IM the one driving from now on.

for the guy who wanted the gearbox, i dont think anything from the car is salvagable, the car is almost ripped in half.

i hope my cousin didnt suffer in this, hopefully he was knocked out on the first impact.


edit : just thought ide ad this in, my cousin was NOT the driver.

on one of the news segments they only showed a picture of my cousin, and named him, then they said drink driving or drugs was to blame, but they never mentioned that he wasnt even the driver.

Edited by stÖrmy
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he was 20, the police say alcohol , drugs and speed.

if they were going 135kph, it wouldent matter, they would have still ended up smashing into that tree and through the brick wall, the end result would have been the same.

if the driver really was drunk, that is really not fair. whats even more unfair is how the driver is alive and my cousin died.

i know its not nice to say, but it should have been the other way around.

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they did only show your cousin and name him but they didnt say he wasnt the driver. they did say that the passenger was the one that died.

condolences to you and the rest of your family mate...

Edited by _8OO5TED_
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sorry to hear about ur cousin mate. I personally don't get into anyone's car when he's drunk, and would offer to drive instead, or even pay for the cab. But sometimes when one is drunk, it's hard to pursuade them, to the point of exchanging blows. Happened a few times before. If you don't treasure ur life, at least treasure other pple's lives, not just the ones in ur car, but for the pple outside of ur car too. Again, deepest condolences.

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shit, just had a chat to my sister in law, and found out that the guy that died (stormy's cousin), his parents are friends with my mother and father in laws. I think they knew the guy that died too.

your cousins are maco right?


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I sister actually works at the hopsital where they were taking...speed and alcohol along with at least one passenger on drugs were found on the guys...

I am sorry to hear about your cousin and for the fact that he was stuck in the car for such a long time, but at least he died immediately and hopefully without too much pain!

Hopefully another sad lesson not to act like a tool, cause not only can you hurt yourself but also your mates!!!

Wishes to his family and friends....

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shit, just had a chat to my sister in law, and found out that the guy that died (stormy's cousin), his parents are friends with my mother and father in laws. I think they knew the guy that died too.

your cousins are maco right?


yer man we are maco

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