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Parents buy their 17 year old an Integra RSX-Type S...

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... and he takes it street racing and kills himself. His group of friends have lost 6 guys to street racing in the past year, and they still don't learn. :P


I'm glad that our forums doesn't have a "Kill Stories" section like other car clubs.

Street racing is for wannabe losers. Take it to the track.

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Originally posted by Merli

... and he takes it street racing and kills himself. His group of friends have lost 6 guys to street racing in the past year, and they still don't learn. :P


I'm glad that our forums doesn't have a "Kill Stories" section like other car clubs.  

Street racing is for wannabe losers. Take it to the track.

Thats the problem when your given things on a platter and you didnt work your azz off for it. Its sad both ways.

That's in US? MAybe watched too much "Fast n Furious", some people just don't get it and think they can do like in the movie and get away with it, not realising in the movie it's a controlled environment with stunts n camera tricks.

Sad reality, should've taken it to the tracks. He was only 17, n got his car when he was 16... what age can you legally drive here? 18? I suppose? I didn't get my 1st license in the country that's why I never know.

I don't even know this guy and I'm sitting here blubbering like a fool.

Why are "kids" allowed to get licence's in the US? I think 17 is still too young to be in control of a vehicle.

One little thing you do wrong and you can stuff soo many things in someones life.

Street racers get no sympathy from me. Only words I can find for them are "sh*t" and "syphilis".

W@nkers like this give insurance companies more excuses to jack up the prices. And coppers to give the rest of us a harder time.

Guest Oz Elitesport

Just a short story:

On new years went to Brisbane and at the party got talking to a guy who works for the fire briggade. Tells me about a 19 year old that picks up his sister in a Mitsub EVO. He crashes into a poll doing 180Km. He lived for about 15 minutes. The rescuers could not recognise the girl. He described her as a mashed up substance, consisting of guts, paper (her text books), bits of seat etc etc.

My sis loves cars and has friends who drive worked up ones. I've put the fear of god into her, so she doesnt hop into one of these cars with a wanker who wants to show off.


SiX of your friends died from streetracing,

to me it shows they dont give a stuff about their friends, and family, or their own damn lives.

If you can get a new teg when ur 16/17, u must be livin a damn cushy and good life wouldnt u say?

how would they feel about the a normal everyday commuter???

6 deaths....ONE is too many

Did you happen to read this part of it, also on clubrsx?

A Message From Bert Sr. Taken From The Thread At RSX***  

Hi, just to introduce myself, I am Bert's Dad.( Mugan Power)  

I would first like to say thank you everyone's sincere prayers, thoughts and support.  

I would like to clear something up since rumor's have apparantly has got out of control.  

First of all, Bert's was not street racing, I know it sounds like a glorious way to go, but it is not. I say this not from what I would like to believe but from a witness who observe the whole accident and even helped to pull Bert out of the wreck. He has stated that Bert's car was northbound in the right lane of a 4 way highway to our house. One that Bert has drove home numerous of times. He observed that his car had suddenly pulled to the left and was immediatley out of control. There was not one car in front or behind him. It was a solo accident with no cars in the vicinity. He found it strange on how the car became out of control. I know that he may have been exceeding the 55 mph speed limit, but cannot explain why the sudden pull to the left and then the wheels locking up into a sideways slide back to the right and into a pole. I am not sure but am suspect maybe a maybe a mechanical problem, as the front left wheel roter was broke in half and sticking out. the pole hit the drivers door, not the wheel. the tow truck driver said he never seen a rotor broken in that way. So we will try and check to see what had happen. btw, the witness was a Naval Police Officer. I am just trying to find out what happen.  

We miss Bert like no one could understand unless you have loss a son of your own. Again Thanks for the nice comments.  

BTW, I do not condone street racing. It is dangerous to everyone. But to the one's who are glad for the death, I say you are some sad individuals. You should know what you are talking about before throwing words around so recklessly. But I guess words don't kill, they just hurt for a long time.  

I don't feel that Bert at 17, deserved to die even if he slammed on the brakes, Isn't that what ABS is for?  

Again Thanks for the thoughts and prayers,  

Bert, Sr.

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