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Parents buy their 17 year old an Integra RSX-Type S...

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Originally posted by Silver-Arrowz

Street racers get no sympathy from me. Only words I can find for them are "sh*t" and "syphilis".

W@nkers like this give insurance companies more excuses to jack up the prices. And coppers to give the rest of us a harder time.

poor bloke just lost his life.. this is the last thing you should have written. Says alot about how mature you are. Have you ever sped? Do any of your friends speed? Have you or any of your friends "st. raced"? Have you ever dragged raced another car? Unless you answer with an honest "no" are you saying you have no respect for yourelf or your mates that are car hoons?

Driving on the track is alot safer, I agree. Worst case scenario a driver has an accident on the track and dies. Does taht mean he wasn't a wanker?

I do agree that it is silly to stuff around on public roads. However I have done it before, I have had an accident. Fortunately no one was hurt. I know for a fact that most of the people on this forum and other forums have had accidents originating from silly behaviour. Weather it be a big accident or small accident people generally learn from their own mistakes. No matter how much your mother tells u racing on the track is dangerous. Do you still do it? Have you done it before? Unfortunatly for Bert, his first mistake was his last.

Condolescence to Bert and his family.

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Originally posted by dc2

Driving on the track is alot safer, I agree. Worst case scenario a driver has an accident on the track and dies. Does taht mean he wasn't a wanker?

You have successfully missed the entire point of this thread.

Of course motorsport is dangerous. Duh.

But everyone who goes to the track acknowledges that, and takes that risk willingly. if you have an off, in most cases, there will be ample runoff area for you to stop, grab your breath and go again... If an accident happens, it's in a controlled environment and hopefully there are safety procedures in place to get medical attention to you ASAP. But that's not even the biggest point.

The whole "go to the track you dickhead street racer" thing is because if you wipe out at the track at 180km/h, you will only involve yourself, and God forbid, other track goers, who have acknowledged the dangers involved in motorsport. When you wipe out on a public road at 180km/h, and take out an Accord with father, mother and two children going to their Sunday picnic, it's a whole different scenario isn't it?

Of course we've all sped, and had a squirt from the lights, but this isn't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about those people who line the streets with cars and spectators, and do organised races on public roads.

I submit Evidence A.


"Of course we've all sped, and had a squirt from the lights, but this isn't what I'm talking about. I'm talking about those people who line the streets with cars and spectators, and do organised races on public roads. "

i think ur the one who has missed the point. Ive read ur posts before and typically, u think ur opinion is right. And im sure u will once again quote me, take my post out of context ..... again. submit some form of "evidence". And justify why this poor kid and stereo type is a wanker. The point is someone has passed away driving an enthusiasts car. The last thing u can do is preach, claim they are the reason why insurance premiums are high. Label them as a wanker period.

U stated yourself..."of course we've all sped, and had a squirt at the light." I witnessed a guy have a "squirt" at harrys cafe de wheels, lose control and write his HSV off at the power pole/bus stop 20m from Harry's. I submit evidence B. I think he's a dickhead, but the thing is Ive done it before. Given it a squirt at the lights, Dragged my friend at the lights. Actually, ive dragded u at the lights. Ur the one who uised to run a Proton with a turbo timer right............? Fair enuff we havent had an accident at the lights, but others have weather it be a ding or a smash it was an accident. Lebel them as u wish, but i figure u and i are no different, just some what more lucky.

U have any friends that have had a serious accident? During which did u label them a wanker? I think not

Originally posted by Merli

I'm glad that our forums doesn't have a "Kill Stories" section like other car clubs.

when things like this happen it's a pretty fitting name for the section hey :D

poor guy...and that post from his dad was heartbreaking :D

Sorry to hear about this young guys death.

Not to be one to be all negative on this subject, but It dosent matter how much you tell people or try to get through there heads about what is right and what is wrong. You will all do it regardless.

I am the first to admit the I used to goto street runs every weekend, even after loosing my licence a few times I still did it.

I am yet to meet a person that has a done up car that has never given it a hit off the lights or raced there mate in a back sreet for fun. We ar ALL guilty of it. Shit, just last sunday I was going to give a guy a hit against his WRX for kicks..Oh, I had a respected member from these forums with me. Looking back at it now it was a silly idea, but i was still going to do it. ( in the end we didnt run, he had tyre problems )

Even now after cracking over 300rwHP I get calls off a good mate of mine asking me to bring my car out. His brother was just involved in a car accedent on the old pac a few weeks ago. His brother is 18 and now has to live with the fact that he has lost one of his ear's and his skull detached from his neck. And he was a passenger in a RX7. He is alive and on the road to recovery.

In time people will forget about what has happened to others. It sounds bad, but its all to true. And on the next cruise or meet up with your mates it will be intersting to see how many people will give there mate a run or show off at a set of lights.

I am not in anyway trying to stir up trouble in any way. Or be negative on this subject or say sucked in to the ones that have lost there lives... I am just trying to say that for the moment you all feel sorry.. But next week you ALL would have forgotten...

Have a real good think about what half of you are saying... We all love our cars with a passion, wether it be a noisy rotor or a tough skyline, street racing or even track racing. You all take your lives into your own hands. Shit, even watching a car on a dyno doing a power run can be death in its self...

I have just completted a Driving instructors course with the Air Force, I now teach/train other poeple how to drive/operate all sorts of vehicles safley and yet I get behind the wheel of my own car and do a burnout or take off like a hoon from a set of lights.. At 29 now I am now starting to re-think on how I drive and how others around me drive. It is one of the reasons(not the main one) I am selling my car. I even scared the **** out of my self with it the other night in the rain.

I thinks I should stop rambling on here... So many more things to say.. But I have said enough...

Be safe girls / guys with what ever you do, just have a little think before you do something and ask your self "Is it realy worth it?"



QIK78U: Hehehe, I seen a army mack lock up its brakes - slide off the road and just miss a sentry post on singo range :D took out a bit of the fence tho. They were driving at black out and this chick was yabbering away and missplaced the road :D She was trying to "catch up to the rest...." hence a bit of speed.


Originally posted by dc2

i think ur the one who has missed the point. Ive read ur posts before and typically, u think ur opinion is right.

Yeah, because people usually think their opinion is wrong :D

And how could I have missed the point of the thread when I MADE THE THREAD?!? :D

Originally posted by dc2

The point is someone has passed away driving an enthusiasts car. The last thing u can do is preach, claim they are the reason why insurance premiums are high. Label them as a wanker period.

Well... Firstly, I never called him a wanker. Don't put words in my mouth. And why is it that if someone dies, you cannot reprimand them? Why, if they're stupid enough to kill themselves instead of being smart enough to keep their speeds lower, can you not denigrate and school their actions? Although I feel for his family and loved ones he's left behind, I don't feel that he's out of bounds for comment because he died.

Originally posted by dc2

Actually, ive dragded u at the lights. Ur the one who uised to run a Proton with a turbo timer right............? Fair enuff we havent had an accident at the lights, but others have weather it be a ding or a smash it was an accident.

Who are you? I don't know anyone from Melbourne with a DC2? Did I win the race? The turbo timer was to cool the car down after using Nitrous.

In fact, I have had a major accident whilst doing something stupid. I wrote off my second car, and I'm just glad I didn't hurt or involve anyone else whilst doing so... Yes, I was a wanker, dickhead, loser, whatever... I can take it because it's true.

But I'm glad to be able to say that I've matured from that stage in my life... I'm able to better evaluate risks and potential shortcomings of my actions, and although I may still have a small squirt from the lights (I won't lie and say I don't), I won't goto organised street races for the sole purpose to race. That's what the track is for.

and THAT my friend, is the point of this thread.

Once again ill refer you back to my original post. Note that i was quoting on Silver Arrows post. So the point is actually his remark, not your original thread which you seem to think. The wanker comment originated from there. Not having a stab at you, not putting words into your mouth...... take more care while reading the post and you'll find it makes sense.

We've had accidents.... exactly as you stated. We were lucky to survive them. Bert was not. Therefore someone calling him a wanker, blaming insurance hikes on his stereotype is a load of bull. That's because we all fit in the same category. It makes sense to mention a farewell to the deceased, instead of writing a derogatory comment.

We both have the same opinion, I don't even know why you're arguing with me.... actually yes i do, you've still missed the point.

signing off.

Hmm.... am I mature? Lets see, I've completed the CAMS OLT, take my business to the race track and am looking into getting into PROPER track racing. hmm... I don't think I'm mature now.

If I've hurt your feelings, I'm sorry. He failed to THINK before he got on the gas. Yes I've had accidents, but they were not race related. If I can think, I'm sure others can too because God blessed them with a brain. If this guy needed to give his ego a massage, it's called the race track.

Merli didn't post this thread to generate sympathy, nor his other posts to other people smashing their cars. They are intended to make steet racers THINK.

And why should I shed tears? Am I not right that incidents like this drive insurance premiums up? Being a GTR owner, and I'm sure other GTR owners will agree that it's not cheap, and we wouldn't like our premiums to go up cause of others who can't hold their wads long enough.

My days of street racing were over long ago. I KNOW that others have labled me a d*ckhead, loser... whatever! If I killed myself I would expect that others will label me a w@nker too, and I always knew that death is the ultimate price to pay for street racing.

But I am MATURE now, and as a MATURE driver, I shall spread the word not to race on the street like any other MATURE driver. Even in my street racing days I knew the limit, and never dared to venture beyond that point. This kid is a clear example of not knowing the limit and paying the price. His ego got the better of him.

There is a lesson to be learned in races like this. And it's not "I feel sorry for him cause he died". It's something else and I would like others to THINK about what the lesson is, therefore I will not repeat what others have said a billion times before.

Since when was maturity measured with a CAMS license? You can have the licence to fly a 747, you can be Michael Schumacher and it'll say nothing about how mature you are. I have a 14y/o niece who is more mature than you, she would know better than to say what you said to unfortunate 17y/o. I hope the poor kids father doesn't read this thread and reflect thinking "my son's just passed away, and the last memories of him can be summed up by "wanker, shit and syphilis"

I completely share the same view as you in regards to safe driving, that's not what I'm having a go at you for. I'm having a go at you for slagging about the kid when you're no different. As Merli said "we've all had a squirt at the lights." yes we have and at the time we were probably 17, we were not THINKING about the consequences at that instant in time, which puts as in the same boat as the deceased. So who are you to make such a profound statement? That's why it says something about your maturity.

If you've had an accident not race related, it still brings premiums up, all claims do. Therefore once again it puts you in the same stereotype as those your talking about.

""There is a lesson to be learned in races like this. And it's not "I feel sorry for him cause he died". It's something else and I would like others to THINK about what the lesson is, therefore I will not repeat what others have said a billion times before.""

I think the situation is enough to make anyone think, exactly...... you're exactly right, you didn't need to say anything.

I don't think racing F1 cars is THAT easy. And flying an 747 plane is THAT easy. It takes certain types of people to do things like that. How many people take the time and effort to do their CAMS course? Lots I'm sure, but not every single person who can turn the wheel and push pedels.

I only feel for the parents which have to bury their son. No parent should have to bury their own kids. If this kid thought about things carefully, he wouldn't want his parents to bury him. But he failed to think that, and paid the price.

Add 1 vote for street racers = dickheads.

Damn right I've done it...I was being a dickhead.

It always cracks me up that people will spend all that money getting 300rwhp, but won't spend $200 a month for a track day, or $1000 for some track driver training. What will make you drive faster?

Keep it off the streets, otherwise we'll be able to open our own kill forum.

And can I add, track racing is comparably very safe. I've


Spun at 150

Scraped window mirrors at 140

Taken a corner at 190

Never had any injury (except to my wallet). I spent the day doing flag duty at a race meeting at wakefield park, the amount of effort put into safety is excellant.

Guest Oz Elitesport

Maybe the kid was'nt a dickhead at all. Sounds to me the parents were.

17y.o + fast car = probable accident.

Buying a car like that for a teenager is stupid!! They think they know everything, can handle whatever comes their way, but in reality, no dip shit.


hey i'm 17 got a gts-t? and i know what everyone thinks of it, stoopid rich boy, living of his parents and the answer is no!

i pay for it not my parents! and can safely say i don't think i can handle everything or handle whatever comes my way! i know what i can handle and same with my car i know what it can handle! i just had a mate in hospital he wrote off his 180! and ended up with serious injuries, the first words i spoke to him when he took mw for a spin when he first got it was, "be careful, this thing is lite as shit, you'll spin out easy" he obvious didn't listen to me hey? i probably just rambled on about a whole load of shit but just trying to spread the message on that not all 17 yr olds are stoopid, try to be rally drivers on city streets!

adrian ;)

What Adrian said.... im 19 and the only accident I have had is stupid kangaroos that decided they wanted to cross the road right infront of my ute when I was heading back into town.

All these acco's you city people have are because there are too many drivers, I know if the enthusiasts knew what it was like out here they would love it.... Bugger all cops, long open country roads, fresh air, friendly drivers. ;)


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