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Thanks to all for another tops Wang weekend. Had no idea it was even on til Snowy mentioned it a few weeks back and I was already flying in to Melbourne for some quality time with Raechel. How convenient!!

Big thanks for the generosity of the Snowdaddy lettting me drive the GTR. What an animal of a car!!!!! If I ever find this ellusive EVO I will be happy to return the favour westside. Thanks to all the helpers on the day. A really slick run event. Adz and Ash, those wang burgers were the best yet!!!!

Did you finish up blowing your voice box James... Seemed to be getting a bit crunchy towards the ends of the battles. Great job mate. I am sure there is a role for you in an upcoming 2F2F. :)

Apologies Mav for just about having you jumping the armco on the long wang.. bit of a hairy moment.. :)

Great to catch up with so many of you again and thanks for making me welcome. Sorry I missed the Wang night out, but I think I might have struggled to convince Raechel that racing cars all day and then getting on the sauce with all you bad eggs that night and then being the enivitable broken shell of a man on Sunday qualifies as quality time :D

Look forward to getting back for another one..


Edited by Darkside

Lol Blaise no worries at all mate.... just was hoping that it would grip which it did, so their was nothing to worry about ...

Thanx for the Burn on the Skid pan that was Great fun... Never been in a car going that fast in my entire life...

the buleen bar sucked the wang and i couldnt work out why they were handing out bottle openers, i only saw today they had their logo on them.

the yahoo bar was tons better

You're kidding. I thought the yahoo bar was a hole, no a grimy cesspool, and didn't help the bouncer was a powertripping c0ck with Gareth who just needed a little more riverdance time to sober up. It all came down to Gareth looking down into his wallet for ID with the hat on while the flog kept telling him to look up at him, then griping because Gareth couldn't find his ID so he said "you're out"! Whatever lights your candles I suppose but I prefer to see and hear the people I talk to. The girls just flat refused to stay when they walked in.

Surely there are better places to drink in town.

You're kidding. I thought the yahoo bar was a hole, no a grimy cesspool, and didn't help the bouncer was a powertripping c0ck with Gareth who just needed a little more riverdance time to sober up. It all came down to Gareth looking down into his wallet for ID with the hat on while the flog kept telling him to look up at him, then griping because Gareth couldn't find his ID so he said "you're out"! Whatever lights your candles I suppose but I prefer to see and hear the people I talk to. The girls just flat refused to stay when they walked in.

Surely there are better places to drink in town.

i think paul was more pissed at the yahoo and therefore anything and everything was more enjoyable!!!

Top weekend guys and girls.

Thanks to all who helped out and thumbs up to Chris and Snowy for another fantastic event.

I dont remember much about Saturday night, but I'm sure it was a blast.

Bring on the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS. My bag is still missing - cancelled credit cards, phone and EFTPOS card yesterday - very very pi$$ed off. :)

love the trip and the driving cant wait for the next one where can i sign up now and pay the money

thanks to everyone who helped out cos if they werent there the day would not happen.

Great weekend, big thanks to Russel and friend (sincere apologies but im drawing a blank on your name), Nat, Mav, Leewah for helping run the back track.

His name is Ross and it was his first exposure to a motorsport event. The ride in snowy's GTR has ensured a future interest in the sport. He loved every minute of the day as did I. It was a pleasure to help out.

Also great to meet more of you this time and have a chat.

Highlights were the runs in Snowy and Petes cars. bugger... now he thinks my car is slow....


PMSL Age - thats gold.

Yeah Brisby how did our cabin have a layer of water over everything the next morning???

Funniest thing was Ash waking up and saying "Where the fark are all my clothes???" - his bag was on the floor completely empty and Brisby was snuggled up on the couch wearing them all.

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