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Look at the below picture.... what the hell happened???

I have tried searching on google and I didn't find any related news story. There are so many unanswered questions with this picture...

How did the horse get there? (Was it the horse lady from the cruise?)

Is it dead?

Where is the rider?

What happenned to the driver?

Can anyone tell me what the phuck happened!!??!! How does a horse get through the windscreen of a car?? Feel free to make up your own story as well. :(


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Hey everyone, long time no hear! I have been summering in Northern Marocco with an old school friend who also happens to be the second cousin of a certain royal that wishes to remain nameless though I will give you this clue, he is about to annouce his engagement. Anyway another about prince williams cousin.

So how has everyone been? Good? Bad? Indifferent? Irritated? oh well, there is always tomorrow. :(

Lets get down to brass tacks here. I want to throw a scenario into this strange mix, one that I just dont think anyone has considered. I want to rearrange the question that sneeza asked, its not so much "how did the horse get there" but "how did the car get there". I can hear all your minds finally clicking into place as I throw this suggestion up, I can hear you all saying, "f$ck this Artisia kid is really switched on" and you would be mostly right.

NB : I hate interenet explorer, anyone else? :(

Has anyone heard a song by Orlando Voorn called Paco Di Bango's World? Top notch. I first heard it about 10 years ago, it was the whole reason I love dance music, well electronica. I mean I like other music, like Craig David and Kenny G but they are unrelated to this song.

And on that note I have to jet, not literally, hahaha! I know what you are all saying and I want to give you the answer but I really promised her I wouldn't.

Later freaks! Love you all!

Love and honour thy neighbour.

merry christmas :(


Edited by Artasia's Ghost

I got my friend at the FBI to do some digging, he found this! Oh my god! I think this means case closed. It was obviously a murder suicide, the horse threw the deer into the path of an oncoming heavy utility vehicle and then threw himself into the path of the black gulf. My source says they were actually tailing the horse at the time and were about to arrest him before this tragic incident.

I once saw an elephant eat a darth vader hat, though he looked troubled even after his lacklustre success. :(

Anyway, I am now really late to the airport and the taxi is waiting in the driveway though its nice to keep them waiting sometimes :-)

Peace out lovers!

A presto!


\begin rant\

:( Royal Family :dry:

Waste of keyboard, what an incredible waste of public monies; they are'nt even British !!!!! These people are an anachronism...pointless fluff. They cant even keep it in their collective pants. Dont give me that holding British society together bull$hit, WW2 is over, we've moved on. At best they are a tourist attraction, at worst they are a drain on the public purse and touch stone for all the horse heads who want to perpetuate the class system. Old people get a 75p a week rise in the pension and the Royals get 7.9 pounds. Queen of Australia....What! a bunch of inbreds sitting in a castle in the UK decieding if MY government is fit to represent ME.

Storm the gates, sieze the gold and the properties and give them to the poor! Viva La revolution :rant:

The horse is funny, it's been around a while and i've never seen an explanation yet

...more animated fruit :PBJ: :PBJ: :PBJ:

\end rant\

I see what you're saying here - the Queen IS the horse.... deep... very deep. :D

Absolutely...a metaphore for my desire to rid our country of the imperialist leeches :laughing-smiley-014:

Viva La revolution

...and cue banana solo :D

Absolutely...a metaphore for my desire to rid our country of the imperialist leeches :laughing-smiley-014:

Viva La revolution

...and cue banana solo :D

Lol! Mr Keets my friend, you crack me up... you AND that bloody banana thing ;)

Gadzooks Liz! Now i have to re-write this thing. Just when i was going to envoke Enid Blyton :mellow:

How did the horse get there....I bet the horse and the driver were arguing about the spatio temporal reality of two object occupying the same space at the same time and the horse lost . Looking at the car and the emergency services guy 4th from the left i'm guessing it happened in Europe probably U.K. Horses legs arn't designed to flex back...unlike the Ostrich. so down he went. The Focus or Opel took the legs out from under the poor thing. Hello windshield and hello really weird pic.

Is it dead? Either that or having a big sleep.

Is the driver dead? Judging by the open left door i'm guessing the U.K and i would also guess that the driver lived..note no discarded ambo consumables near the scene, that i could see, no police, no blood, no characteristic forehead impact on windshield (airbag?) and little impact on the left front . But i may be wrong about everything i've ever said to anyone about anything!

'Cheer up! whispered Mr. Keets, from the gorse-bush, seeing her gloomy face. 'This is an adventure, you know.' :mellow:

Edited by Mr. Keets

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