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SilviaWA and SAU cruise


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I sorry HKS-s14, I think I was bit busy with uni work so didnt relised he set up the cruise on 21st!

but as you probably know we are having cruise on 23rd and many of us will be saving our $$$ for the day.

I am sorry we can not meet up on this cruise but I know we will soon or later for bigger and better cruise.

anyway you polly still have hard core cruisers on the day!

I wish safe and fun cruise for you all!



Perth Cruise Nazi! :D

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Originally posted by hks-s14

So are any of you girls coming along???  Or are you all too scared of getting the chop by Silvia's??? :P  

*the bait is out there - waiting for a bite*


Sorry not me as previously stated got the cruise on Sunday and shelling out heaps to have things done on car my bank account cant handle the price of fuel as well :P Have fun boys!

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haha yes very very buggered - and u all were just thinking i was doing the typical whinging chick thing! Hey do u know what brand they were? just curious - because when they were working they were doing a good job for a lowered car! Just KYB's! PS - if you saw the car too its not always that dirty honestly haha!

Anyway this i sway off topic so i'll shut up before i get slapped by Troy!

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Reckon its a pity that more SAU people wont be reprezenting..

Campbell and I will be there.

Apparently the price of oil fell again overnight. The fuel companies should drop their prices today under threat of investigation by alan fels.

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pity more pplz aren't going to come along - well doesn't sound like it anyways... oh well - their loss i guess...

as for the no $$ for fuel excuse - u got enuff $$ for buying a skylor - can't tell me u don't have the $$ to use it! :) hehehe

ps - me expecting much abuse here.. :D

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