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Typical Canberra day - cold and wet with very slippery roads. All sorts of cars, and drivers sliding everywhere.

Funny thing is you get some real 'dirty' looks as you merrily flash past in the Stagea - AWD and you are gone, grip, grip, grip, fun, fun, fun

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funny you should post that - its raining here for the first time in two months, and this morning i went out and did everything in my power to intentionally BREAK traction... lol had some fun, love it.

good times.

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stageas are alright sideways, just need a big enough area.

awd makes for some good sideways action, but open rear diff doesnt. Must balance the two.

Also, my issue is i hit the limiter in 1st too quickly. I dont like getting sideways in D and so i leave it in 1, but then i hit the limiter too quickly and then slow down etc. ... must.... buy..... manual.... stagea

Bloody 260RS's, manual AND LSD'ed up :)

BTW, in the wet i always get this

Stall... launch.... beat other car... next lights

"IS THAT 4wd??!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!!"

Im like, yeh, hahah

Interstingly enough, if i nail it sometimes just driving forwards and the road is on a slight tilt and a bit wet/dirty, i loose the rear and start fishtailing.... (i think ive taken stagea beyond what it was designed for :P)

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hmm you'd be able to get an LSD centre though, right? might look into that.

and yes, breaking the rears loose under those conditions probably means that youre exceeding the boundaries of said stagea, dude. noice one.

with stageas, does it start off with most pwr to the rears, then gradually feed more to the fronts when it detects traction loss ie. difference in rotation speeds front and back? or is it a constant thing? cos i know my cars whips right out, spinning crazily at the back, bouncing off 7K, then the front start to spin and pull, and the rear swings back, so i figured that may be the case.

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Yes, but rpm limiter launch + wet road = 4wd spin for me :P

Very scary having your car suddenly jump sideways!!!

But yeah I can easily break traction in the wet, in the dry I havent been able to.................. yet.

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I'm starting to enjoy the occasional sideways slide, but am really hanging for when I can afford a skid-pan day so I can explore my car a bit further.

Up till now, I've never really had the run-off room to feel comfortable sending my car sideways, and I never do it when there are other cars around just-in-case.

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Guys NO ONE should be doing anything like this on the road.

Skylines Australia does not allow the disscussion of performing such activities on public roads, because it is illegal and might lead to future litigation.

We dont want this thread to dissapear like the "Blown Away" thread now do we :P

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Drove the Stagea in the wet for the first time today, seems pretty much idiot proof to me, I guess if you get one sideways you're already being "really silly", so something could go wrong in a big way... Would be a great first car for young guys/girls, definitely save a few telephone poles along the way too! Or maybe the limit of traction is too far out there and would provide over confidence? Any comments welcome, moving this thread in a positive direction possibly...



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Oh mate, this is my first car (that got on road) and yeh, DEFINATLY a great first car.

The only downside i see to it is understeer in the wet. With my old nankangs the bitch used to understeer going around the corners with mild speeds. The K104's have really improved that now and it has no real issues (unless i cause them >_<)

Ive told my best mate over and over, if i was to buy a first car for my kid that was turbo, id have to choose the stagea.

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Over here in NZ there has just been a huge dump of snow in the South Island. 6"+ down to sealevel! Unfortunately, I live in the North Island. I want to go to the South Island to drive the wagon in the snow!!!

Wet roads are boring in the Stagea, although since no one knows the car, they all think you must be a good driver to take the corner at that speed and not slide.

The Stagea makes you look good in bad weather.

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Have driven a stagea in the snow - my own. Some of you may know i bought it off my family in japan. we took it for a drive from tokyo to about 50km north of Sendai to go snowboarding.

you have to ktae it slow, of course, and drive on the rougher patches where it isnt quite too slippery, but it went fairly well, in "snow mode", and no mishaps or even close calls. was still very nervous the whole time though.

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