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All of this stuff must go..

R32 auto shifter leaver, etc - $10

R32 manual climate controls in gc - $10

R32 drivers window, has the usual guide scratches (suit cheap temporary replacement) - $10

R32 auto brake pedal - $10

R32 GTS-T accelerator cable in GC - $10

R32 GTS-t bonnet latch and support in trendy black - $10

R32 GTS-T stock fuel pump (pump only) - $20

R32 GTS-T clutch slave cylinder in GC (with temporary actuator pin.. suit replace for leaking one) - $20

R32 aircon box - $10

R32 Heater box and core - $50.. No leaks. Useful for spare.

R32 GTS-T LSD centre.. in good condition and bearings still in good nick. Just needs cleanup - $60

R33 rear springs and shocks (unsure of shock condition, springs look ok - FREE pickup only)

R32 factory seatbelts (japan) - $10

R32 GTS-T non type-m (5 stud) single pot calipers front + lines + rotors - $free

R31 engine loom (from a s3 manual), is minus afm plug - $20

R32 Steering rack - $50 Came from GTS4, not sure whether suits GTS-T or GTR, may well do. No signs of leaking or anything. Useful as a spare

R32 cross member and Urethane bush - $60.

Not really suit street use, as sends a lot of vibration through the chasis. It does however lock your gearbox down rock hard. Would suit dedicated drifter or track car. UAS is selling these mounts or very similar for $195 !

Updated 1/10/06 - Everything needs to go..

Parts are on the Gold Coast, QLD - The larger stuff is pickup only, rest may post.
















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mate i'll take the radio suround let me know how much postage cost to nowra nsw 2540 please asap and your details how to pay pm or email me knoxtech@eftel.com.au.

also u wouldnt have the rear c pillars would u? it covers the rear window to the rear? let me know

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well the actual cylinder is fine.. I just rigged up a rod in there for a few weeks which seemed to work. Might do the trick. If you've got a stuffed one, just take out the old rod and use that.. Most of the new cylinders you buy don't have the rod included.

Updated... stuff must go in next 10 days!

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