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Help Needed: Possible Haunted House


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I would have to say its the baby itself, rather than a spirit in the house which is causing the problems... when the bed itself rocks gently, much like a cradle, you have to be suspicious. The baby is rocking the parents to sleep!

Perhaps the baby has a powerful spirit and is just getting used to life in this plane? If that is so then the problems should stop after awhile. You could try making sure the baby is as comfortable as possible when going to sleep and is in general quite relaxed.

I would recommend that you get an energy worker, such as a Reiki practitioner (you could probably find one who could help where classes about Reiki are taught) or a psychic. A Buddhist monk (a senior one who is very experienced at meditation) would also probably be able to help. Pretty much every high-end meditation book mentions that you will encounter spirits and beings from other realms when you get to higher levels of meditation. So the monk could help see if it is an actual spirit or whether its the baby's latent power.

Also don't forget that everything happens for a reason... perhaps this is some kind of lesson in spirituality for the couple. it might not be too wise to get involved too deeply.


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it could be the spirit of a kid that's always been in the house.

it might not have been threatened when the couple was just that, but when a kid came home it cracked the shits.

similarly, when the sister / husband / kid moved in for the week, the kid may have threatened the spirit.

also, has the kid been present in every room when the incidents


has the kid reacted at all, or changed demeanour during the incidents?

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I would have to say its the baby itself, rather than a spirit in the house which is causing the problems...

Maybe they brought home the wrong baby????


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I used to work in a production house in southern england back in 2000 which was practically a medieval church and deemed to be haunted. The old war tunnels under the town used to lead to right to this church. Anyway I used to do very late nights working alone and on several occasions I'd feel brushes of wind on the back of your neck which would really get the hairs standing on end. Also as it was a double storey I could often hear heavy footsteps upstairs on the wooden floors (I'm the only one there)...very eeeery at 1am let me say!!

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  • 2 months later...
Maybe the cute puppy they picked up from the pound had a previous owner?



f**k!!!! f**k!!!!!!


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ahhh hahahaahahahahah

Hey woman! its not funny - all i saw was something about a puppy or something in jamezillas post and so i expected something like a labrador or a beagle pup - didnt expect that "thing" to appear!! :laugh:

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