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Anyone been along to their cruises? Saw them in Chadstone Saturday night whilst I was working. I Was good liason between police and car driver's always preaching how good SAU is though. They seemed good/level headed group of people similiar to SAU with wide band cars, saw everything from WRX,SKYLINES to VL Turbo's and everything in between.

I think our cruises and clubs like these good for our whole community in showing not all car lovers "hoons" and frowning on that sort of behaviour and everyday I also try yo bring Police/public and our community closer together. Just thought I would mention this and say keep up the good work. Also TMU members present not looking to hassle people just ensure everyone behaves appropriately. Shows if we can give SAU members good name will help us be known for the right reasons.

On sour note earlier this week saw accident with Skyline driving stupidly loosing control entering service road, hit gutter and collide with parked car, luckily no-one was hurt, not trying to be harsh but his sort of behaviour put all of us in bad light so take care everyone and lets keep working towards promoting skyline owners in positive light.

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Good to hear, might have to check it out if there is not too much heat. It's nice to get out with other car lovers for a drive. Normally just the thought of silly drivers attracting unwanted attention is a turn off for me. No one wants to be defected on a leisurely cruise. Do you attend many of these cruises FEMFTL? Have many problems with TMU etc?

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Good to hear, might have to check it out if there is not too much heat. It's nice to get out with other car lovers for a drive. Normally just the thought of silly drivers attracting unwanted attention is a turn off for me. No one wants to be defected on a leisurely cruise. Do you attend many of these cruises FEMFTL? Have many problems with TMU etc?

I've been to a couple, the first one I went too the cops showed up and I think they defected a few people, this time around the organisers spoke to the cops and they let us be.

I've personally had no trouble from TMU etc. Of course you're always going to have one d!ckhead who will do burnouts etc and wreck it for everyone. But most of the people are well behaved.

It's about 90% commodores because most of what was left of commodore club joined up and/or started ausrevs. There was a nice little group of skylines there on sat night, so definatley come to the next one!


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I work as police in that general area. I was the police van that turned up and spoke with the organisers, admired some nice cars got a couple to show off their stereo's and basically showed the police flag in a fair non-biased way and didn't hassle anyone and didn't plan to. I know most TMU in that area and most not biased to import driver's because in that area they aren't the problem. I try very hard at work everyday to show/state how most import driver's mature and drive sensibly just love thier cars, that's why when I come across groups like this it helps to proove that. But don't be angry at me because when an import driver is stupid in front of me I show no leaniancy because they portray us in a bad light which is the last thing we want.

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I don't know anyone at my office that even knows what it is and when it starts and this would be the same for most general duties members pretty much only TMU members will use these powers. Most of the time the courts go on the side of defendant's and will be very interesting to know what is needed to proove a succesful case of hooning in court as I can see everone contesting it that gets their car taken. It will become Tuesday "hoon" day at court or something like that with case after case after case..I wouldn;t give my car up for months without a fight what about you guys?

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Mate thats exactly what i think, thanks for your input aswell. Ive put a thread up on it. Im kinda worried that a hot headed TMU member might just be having a bad day, e.g. see someone taking off a little fast they might try and book him/her for this. I really dont think it will stand, as you said you cant really prove it, it would be very hard. Oh yeah to your question, i would fight all the way and if I lost I would send my car over a cliff lol

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Thanks for the positive input gdogzgtr...

I was a lil disheartened by a few of the comments made in my thread in the Events area but at least by having a police officer give positive feedback it simply reinforces my statements made in that thread.


I remember who you are as i was standing next to Craig whilst he was giving you some details...It was great to see a member of police take a postive interest in our cruise....

P.S: ...its spelt ausrevs :)


Would anyone like some pictures of the cruise posted up in here?

Edited by R33_STEALTH
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Hi All,

I'm one of the Directors for AUSREVS and I just want to say thanks for the kind words! We try out best to limit the dickhead factor at our cruises, and to keep the police on our side. We don't want any trouble at our cruises, as this is the last thing anyone needs. Causing trouble (burnouts/speeding etc) just makes it hard for ALL members, not just those breaking the law! Obviously you always get 1 or 2 idiots but we tend to find these people aren't 'part' of the club as such, and have just turned up because a mate of a mate has heard about it. We always try put a quick stop to it. I think behavour at our cruises is really good, better then a few other meets I've been too in the past (esp the old CCC days, not the new ones)

From memory 1 defect has been handed out at our cruises (cruise number 2) for a VK which basically looked like it doesn't have springs.... lol Sim (the guy who copped the defect) is a good bloke and isn't complaining about it. He was surprised it took this long to get defected :)

Police have shown up at cruises 2 and 3 and we always try address them as best we can, provide them with a map etc. We are all for a good working relationship with the police. The last thing we want is a cruise turning into a canary fest! Hell if police attend and stop idiots even considering doing burnouts even better I reckon.

Anyway, we are planning our next cruise soon, be good to see a few more Skyline owners show up!



Edited by da_ilks
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