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Im sure none of you have put the foot down before.....dont criticise what you don't understand...you don't know what the circumstances at the time were and I don't need smart arse comments

I understand the concept of doing 94km/hr in a 50 zone. That's not easy. I can't think of too many 50 zones that aren't residential areas, so 90km/hr+ is a fair clip. I'd be lying if I said I'd never done 60km/hr in a 50 zone, but on the rare occasions I've hit 70km/hr its outside my "comfort zone" of what speed I want to be doing past people's houses.

And please, pray tell, inform us of what the "circumstance" was. Were you rushing to hospital because you and a family member share a rare blood type and they needed a donor? Perhaps you're pregnant and your water just broke? You had a bomb wired to your speedo and if you do less than 80km/hr it blows up?

I can't wait to hear, but all I can say is that your circumstance clearly wasn't good enough or otherwise you would have gone to court to appeal, and probably won.

What you need is a smack upside the head. What you got was your license taken away from you, which is not a bad start. If you didn't want people's opinions, here's a novel idea: don't post it on a publicly available forum.

Edited by scathing

lol guys he wasnt whining about what has happened.. He is simply stating to others dont be as foolish as me and be aware that it is now 12 months suspension..

geezs all you guys could sawy " a tough lesson learnt mate " .. no need to bag him out.

Coz we all can bag everyone out for speeding even 1 k over the limit. YOU are still speeding and dangering someone or yourself.

But that said, yes its stupid doin 90 plus in a 50 zone. He knows that now.. Its all good..

It could have been one of those bullshit situations that you have in my area...100kmh zone, just because they have roadworks signs up; it's now a 40kmh zone.....but wait for it, not one single pebble rock and/or bit of road has been touched.

Unless I see roadworks in progress the sign just shouldn't be there!!!

Hi as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago I had to go to court for a dangerous driving 94 in a 50 zone. I was on my P's at the time but moved on to my full license prior to receiving the summonz for court (im 22). I plead guilty and copped 6 months loss of license BUT i have to back on my p's on that new bulls#!t P1 P2 system because I was on my P's "at the time of the offence" :( . Just be aware all that 40kms over the limit IS dangerous driving, even if there is no one else on the road or no pedestrians its still dangerous driving because its a danger to yourself at those speeds. Be aware also that also if you get caught doin 40kms over the limit you will loose your license for a manditory minimum period of 12 months, yes 12 not 6 it has been changed..... Just thought everyone deserves a heads up as for me I got my bmx fixed and am gettin used to public transport again not to mention the unwanted attention I can expect when i get my license back that all p platers who own skylines receive by the cops....

we dont need u to tell us driving 40km's over the speed limit is dangerous, maybe u shouldnt have done such ridiculous speeds in a 50 zone. People like u wreck it 4 the rest of us.

yeah. tis the stupid thing to do.

i didnt appeal when i lost my licence (10months. 15 days to go)

yeah, flame me all you want. i know it wasnt a smart thing to do.

(128 at 2am in a NON-RESIDENTIAL, STRAIGHT and WIDE 80 zone)

but yeah. to those who are like me dont do it. its not worth loosing your freedom for such a long time


cheers. James.

EDIT: im not blaming anyone but myself, nor am i bitching. :(

all you flamers out there should be ashamed..... I dont believe he was lookig for sympathy, just alerting ppl to the 12month suspension, a nice warning to all of us to keep a feel out for the speed we are travelling.

sure, 94 in 50 is stupid, however after THIS I betcha all $100 that he'll NEVER go over 80 in a 50 zone again! leason learnt. it hasnt cost anyone any pain other then the driver, and he'll learn from this mistake, for sure.

look, we have all sped at some point in time (61 in 60 is speeding)........ most of us just never got caught.

Edited by Tangles

sure lesson learnt, but at what cost?

what if a child had run out to catch his dog

one deceased child and one likely deceased or injured driver.

the driver would have tried last minute abort attempt, likely lost control and killed the child and themselves. but again we could play the what if game all day so its best we dont

what if.................................

You cant look at it that way - because "what if........" didnt happen.

he is being punished for his 'dangerous driving', and thats fair enough. He pleaded guilty and didnt try to worm out of it - that shows some maturity. But he cant be flamed here on SAU for something that he didnt do.

edit: hell, I could be done for manslaughter for hitting and killing a pedestrian at 40kmph in a 60zone, when Im driving my olds big Patrol 4wd, Im too tall and cant fit correctly in the drivers seat, in fact its hard to operate the brake pedal. Accidents can and do happen, thats why they are called an accident.

I think we flame tooooo many ppl here on SAU. With the excuse "you give the rest of us a bad name"... thats BS, it is you and I who give yourself and myself a bad name, not someone else.

Edited by Tangles

Oh look at me I will proove myself as such a mature and responsible adult if i get on an internet forum and tell someone else how much they wont receive anyone's sympathy and how you should leave it for the track, and I never speed or break any laws. GEZZ I am suprised some of you can see us lonely common folk all the way down in the valleys cause your perched so damn high up!!!

The guy doesn't want sympathy it was just an expression on an internet forum, all you wanabe priests that never sin and never speed in your car are talkign rubbish, you own a skyline or any turbo car for that matter and you can't tell me most of the appeal of the car isn't the performance, and youve never experinced that on a road!!?? As if you guys haven't all done 40 over no matter where or when on a public road at some point... whats that you have never seen redline in 2nd on a residential public road??? Thats speeding right there, so stop all trying to give out the life lessons and trying to look so good damn righteous!!!


PS I don't condone speeding, but at the same time I dont try to flame people who have made mistakes, becasue I know I have done it before and know everyone here has they are just lucky enough not to have been caught!!

Edited by Fitzpatrick Speed Works
Oh look at me I will proove myself as such a mature and responsible adult if i get on an internet forum and tell someone else how much they wont receive anyone's sympathy and how you should leave it for the track, and I never speed or break any laws. GEZZ I am suprised some of you can see us lonely common folk all the way down in the valleys cause your perched so damn high up!!!

The guy doesn't want sympathy it was just an expression on an internet forum, all you wanabe priests that never sin and never speed in your car are talkign rubbish, you own a skyline or any turbo car for that matter and you can't tell me most of the appeal of the car isn't the performance, and youve never experinced that on a road!!?? As if you guys haven't all done 40 over no matter where or when on a public road at some point... whats that you have never seen redline in 2nd on a residential public road??? Thats speeding right there, so stop all trying to give out the life lessons and trying to look so good damn righteous!!!


PS I don't condone speeding, but at the same time I dont try to flame people who have made mistakes, becasue I know I have done it before and know everyone here has they are just lucky enough not to have been caught!!

I'm not a wannabe priest, nor do I proclaim to be a perfect driver.

The only point I was trying to make is that excessive speeding is dangerous and should be severely condoned as it can have consequences that are much more serious then loosing your license for 6 or 12 months or whatever it may be. When someone publically posts up their actions on a forum and then others subsequently make comments suggesting that they've been unlucky to loose their license or imply that everyone speeds and that they must have just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, it does nothing (in my opinion) to dissuade the person from doing the same thing again and sometimes even glorifies their actions.

Some people (particularly some of the pubescent tools that frequent this and other car forums) don't realise the implications of their actions till it's too late, so I think it's important that the rest of us supposed enthusiasts collectively and repeatedly condone their actions.

I'm sorry if you interpret my spiel as some sort of rightous, high and mighty rubbish, but perhaps when you open your eyes and actually think about how you'd feel if you lost someone you know as the result of someone else's reckless actions, then perhaps you might feel a little differently about this issue and might proactively try to do something about it.


Oh look at me I will proove myself as such a mature and responsible adult if i get on an internet forum and tell someone else how much they wont receive anyone's sympathy and how you should leave it for the track, and I never speed or break any laws. GEZZ I am suprised some of you can see us lonely common folk all the way down in the valleys cause your perched so damn high up!!!

The guy doesn't want sympathy it was just an expression on an internet forum, all you wanabe priests that never sin and never speed in your car are talkign rubbish, you own a skyline or any turbo car for that matter and you can't tell me most of the appeal of the car isn't the performance, and youve never experinced that on a road!!?? As if you guys haven't all done 40 over no matter where or when on a public road at some point... whats that you have never seen redline in 2nd on a residential public road??? Thats speeding right there, so stop all trying to give out the life lessons and trying to look so good damn righteous!!!


PS I don't condone speeding, but at the same time I dont try to flame people who have made mistakes, becasue I know I have done it before and know everyone here has they are just lucky enough not to have been caught!!

ffs all this over a guy who just tried to say dont do it its stupid and ive learnt my lesson, the amount of times people have changed his story is rediculas skyline drivers should be helping each other out not baggin each other, if they do something that puts our name in the dirt than yeah but he didnt so go back to his 1st thread and read it properly, he thought he was doing the right thing,he didnt brag about it, at least you learnt your lesson mate :D

fat32- Not sure where you stand after that, am I to assume that casue you quoted me, you are having a go, not having a go back I just don't understand if your just saying it in regard to the original poster, thats exactly right!haha

ECR033- Mate not having a go at you directly not a personal attack, im just sick of everytime there is a street racing, or raced off the lights or any speeding post people start having a go thinking they are so perfect and that they will look so cool if they denounce this behavior and all their peers will join the bandwagon and they will the popular kid cause they downcasted someone for something they have, with 99% certainty, done themselves.

People don't kid yourselves no one cares what is said on an internet forum about laws except the people that have posted on it; and this is in regards to laws, infringments etc, not useful information. Your retarded if you think police constantly monitor forums to try and find hoons etc its simply not the case they dont have the resources. They might check were large gatherings are happening through the forum but not try and hunt down individuals who brag or talk about illegal car activity after the fact!!!

I just feel it's not our responsibility either to look out for the kids that get on here and might read something and go and do it and something might happen- again the What IF theory, what if I was stolen by aliens???? Who really thinks that a kid is going to get on the net read a post about someone doing 140 in their line then go and do it casue some other idiot did it? If he does then there is no need to worry cause no amount of "keep it for the track "" your an idiot you don't do that on a public road" was going to deter the behavior.

My point was and remains I am sick of these threads were everyone chimes in and says "you idiot you give us bad names etc" you give yourselves that- if your not doing anything you don't get in trouble and if you do get pulled over for nothing you can easily fight it!!! people getting all righteous and pretending they haven't done the exact same thing just gives me the sh..ts!! This isn't directed at anyone person in particular just commenting on the general contents of threads like this one and others like it, not personal attacks!!!

Let the Flaming commence!

Edited by Fitzpatrick Speed Works

Oh and as another note I have lost 2 friends at once in a car accident that involved excessive speed and it wasn't either of their fault. I have also been the recepient of a t-bone at a green light when a driver ran a red, and I have been in a serious accident where the car flipped 3 times casue my idiot mate thought he could take a 35km bend at 90km's so its not as if I don't have the experience of what can happen when people act the idiot on the road. But again drawing on an earlier point, even if excessive speed etc is involved accidents are still accidents the driver never intended the outcome!!! And the guy cleary states he learnt his lesson that all you can hope for, he doesnt need more of an ear bashing!!

Edited by Fitzpatrick Speed Works
fat32- Not sure where you stand after that, am I to assume that casue you quoted me, you are having a go, not having a go back I just don't understand if your just saying it in regard to the original poster, thats exactly right!haha

ECR033- Mate not having a go at you directly not a personal attack, im just sick of everytime there is a street racing, or raced off the lights or any speeding post people start having a go thinking they are so perfect and that they will look so cool if they denounce this behavior and all their peers will join the bandwagon and they will the popular kid cause they downcasted someone for something they have, with 99% certainty, done themselves.

People don't kid yourselves no one cares what is said on an internet forum about laws except the people that have posted on it; and this is in regards to laws, infringments etc, not useful information. Your retarded if you think police constantly monitor forums to try and find hoons etc its simply not the case they dont have the resources. They might check were large gatherings are happening through the forum but not try and hunt down individuals who brag or talk about illegal car activity after the fact!!!

I just feel it's not our responsibility either to look out for the kids that get on here and might read something and go and do it and something might happen- again the What IF theory, what if I was stolen by aliens???? Who really thinks that a kid is going to get on the net read a post about someone doing 140 in their line then go and do it casue some other idiot did it? If he does then there is no need to worry cause no amount of "keep it for the track "" your an idiot you don't do that on a public road" was going to deter the behavior.

My point was and remains I am sick of these threads were everyone chimes in and says "you idiot you give us bad names etc" you give yourselves that- if your not doing anything you don't get in trouble and if you do get pulled over for nothing you can easily fight it!!! people getting all righteous and pretending they haven't done the exact same thing just gives me the sh..ts!! This isn't directed at anyone person in particular just commenting on the general contents of threads like this one and others like it, not personal attacks!!!

Let the Flaming commence!

im guessing you mean fat31 and no sorry dan i wasnt quoting you i actually just wanted to reply to the subject and it quoted you so no i wasnt having a go mate just thought id join in on the festivities, im almost ready to take the day off work for this, mate im with you not against :D

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