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New Anti Hoon Rules Come In 1st Of July. Opinions

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There are decent traffic cops around. I met one. Once. And I still got a fine. Full fine, no dropping 2 km to put me back to the last bracket. I was young and stupid - but it still wasn't unsafe.

Too much power in police hands. Pretty steep 1st penaly for a pretty loose definition of 'hoon'. Chirp the tyres, 80 by the time you reach the other side of the intersection, and I lose my 'hoon' car (any imported car MUST be a hoon car) to a power trippin copper.

I don't mind police... Its just the ones on traffic duty...

The laws make some sense - they are just not balanced, and its the lack of balance that concernes me. Perhaps one day I'll meet a balanced copper, and thank our wise and benevolent government for their vision.


Its all Crimespeak. Unthankfulness and Crimespeak. Long live Big Brother, and victory over the Enemy


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There are two fundamental problems with the "Hoon" legislation.

1. Our beloved state government(s - it is happening elsewhere too) are deliberately targetting (vilifying) car enthusiasts as a community. For every bogan doing a burnout in a Commode there will be some self righteous copper who wants to hassle people just because they happen to take pride in their car.

2. The penalties imposed are a very long way from being proportionate. Now I for one hate people doing burnouts. Frankly it gives me the shits. BUT, last I heard no one had ever been killed doing a burnout. Can anyone else offer up an example of an offense that carries with it the equivalent of a $25,000 fine?

Lastly, for my 10 cents worth, I would refer everyone to the Lyrics from Frenzal Rhomb's song "Who'd be a cop?"

too bad i havnt encountered any of these types of cops, more like complete opposite in my case.

Do they ever wonder y they r called cops?

The problem with most people is that they have done the wrong thing but simply cannot accept the fact that they were actually caught! Over the years I've had many encounters with the cops and amazingly, every single time I was actually doing the wrong thing, which is why they actually pulled me over in the first place....amazing isn't it?

Sure some of them seemed like bastards on power trips, but what do you expect when you're the 50th person that week he's had to tell off for doing the same wrong thing?

Maybe they should came upto the drivers window and say "oh hello dear, can you please try not to do that naughty thing again, its just a little bit dangerous and little sally crossing the road over there is scared, thanks muchly, please move along"

While people have an issue with the amount of power cops are given at their "discretion", if you're old enough to have a licence and be driving then its not too hard to accept the consequences. Want to speed? Accept you may be caught and given a fine. Want to drag your mate or do a launch from the far left lane to bypass all the traffic at the lights? Accept you may be caught and the cop that does so may not care for just giving a warning.

Anyone saying that they cannot drive without even chirping tyres and so forth is just jerking their chain that little bit too hard!

Being that I am moving into that profession soon (the po po) I do kind of get dissapointed with attitude towards the police because of a small group of idiots who make it their goal to purposely target certain groups.

I do find it a pretty stupid law but if it was upheld correctly could be a good thing.

I guess half of NS.com will be losing their cars.

its a case of majority break the rules so the majority suffer.

and chances are pulling over a high performance import the owner is likely to have broken a rule or a few. and yes tracid you were breaking the law, high powered vehicle

Ive been pulled over many times... and at least half of the time it was for nothing but they let me off because 1) i wasnt an idiot towards them and 2) because they saw i wasnt really doing anything wrong

the other times however... 105DB exhaust... fair enough lol

and yes tracid you were breaking the law, high powered vehicle


so the cop some how knew that the car was TT when i got pulled over? and last time i got pulled over they even asked me if the car was turbo

the point is, it doesnt matter. the majority of high performance owners are likely to be breaking the law, or at least 80% more likely to break than law than your average mum and dad. and whats it all comes down to, the majority of the bad dudes.

an owner with a high performance (or even high performance looking car) is much more likely to have illegal modifications and have done some form of illegal activity than my gf's dad's uncle's friend who is 55 and drives a falcon futura wagon. so who do you think they are gonna go for and assume is doing the wrong thing?

i've been harrased by cops for just hearing my factory BOV, not doing anything wrong, no traction loss, no speeding, nothing..... an this cop was tring to bait me into answering back etc...by me telling me he couldnt wait to take cars of drivers like me etc etc. (i just stood still repeating "ok" after everything he said) I've lost a total of 6 points over 8 years of driving.......so drivers like what?? he just saw an "import" and automatically I was labelled "HOON".

am I going to lose my car for my car having a kit, mags an a BOV all be it factory??

time will tell

i've had a similiar experience to that. and like abcent has said, i will be waiting to see if i get harrassed moreso now due to the car, moreso than driving style with these new laws in place.


so the cop some how knew that the car was TT when i got pulled over? and last time i got pulled over they even asked me if the car was turbo

...hang on so you arent legally meant ot be driving a TT Supra? Does that mean you are on your Ps? In my eyes thats no big deal....but you are aware of the law, and im getting ahead of myself here. But based on the above being correct...

He WAS right, your car is a TT and you shouldnt have been driving it, so whats the problem? In my eyes its not a big deal, especically if you were driving sensibly, but is the car registered in your name, insured in your name. It wont be too hard to work out whether you shoudl be behind the wheel of it????

Anyway, not the point...more then ever it seems the "Blame Culture" is taking over. Im just so bored of the same old tales of ppl complaining about Police etc. :( Unless something has fundamentally changed, it wasnt the Vic Police that passed this legislation, so the beef should be with the State Govt

yes Roy im a P plater driving the TT, yes its rego'd and insured under my name though y is it that if u get caught driving a car that u r not meant to they let u drive off after being booked in the same car? y is it that its only a $110 fine with no point loss? they couldnt care less what u drive, just comes back to revenue raising like many other things

read my last encounter with the cops:


well i thought it was obvious, they do care what you drive, thats why there law is there. the law believes that it is not safe for a p plater that lacks experience to driver a car over a given power level. what part of that dont you understand?

calling them cops on an open forum hardly gives the skyline community a good reputation as well. it seems the poeple who complain are the people breaking the same set of rules or laws. im not a fan of being shafted either cos i own an import, but my car is like many others illegally modified and if i am picked on for doing so, then be it. i accept that and basically just cop it sweet. it doesnt give me a great stance and a chance to say nah nah the cops always pick on us import owners. of course they will

Although the laws in theory are great.......in reality, they won't be.

These laws vest too much power in the police, everybody knows about POs tendencies to abuse their discretionary powers (some, not all.) I believe most POs will have formed a stereotypical image of a "P Plater Hoon in a Turbo Jap Car." So as someone mentioned above, the slightest loss of traction will result in punishment! Oh an in terms of cops abusing their powers, I was pulled over because I did a burnout apparently, in my AWD GTR....then it turned out that I was actually pulled over for a "random check" and the car next to me might have done the burnout.

I guess my point is that these laws need to be regulated properly, there needs to be some sort of mechanism to prevent abuse of power. Also, in terms of permanent confiscation on the 3rd strike.....well let's just say I can see the number of pursuits (and pursuit related accidents and fatalaties) going up.

well i thought it was obvious, they do care what you drive, thats why there law is there. the law believes that it is not safe for a p plater that lacks experience to driver a car over a given power level. what part of that dont you understand?

Paul i never asked u to explain to me y a P plater cant drive a powerful car

y is it that if u get caught driving a car that u r not meant to they let u drive off after being booked in the same car? y is it that its only a $110 fine with no point loss?
read my last encounter with the cops:

Branding any group of people a name that may be offensive to them is wrong! I don’t care if you are talking about Police, people living in Public Housing or your “insert ethnicity here” neighbors etc etc. ITS WRONG?

Doesn’t solve anything or improve the situation…hole gets deeper, and if that makes you feel better then… ?

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