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New Anti Hoon Rules Come In 1st Of July. Opinions

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why do you feel its wrong? the police offer was under the impression it was too loud and therefore thought you should get it tested to find out. whats the problem? why is it wrong? you passed the test didnt you, so whats the problem?

do you think he should have instead have chosen a 1996 holden commodore and sent that to get its exhaust tested instead? which do you think was more likely to fail?

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not to mention taking a day off work aswell, stress, petrol etc

then perhaps you should consider your vehicle of choice.

it is likely that as an import owner, and twice likely a high performance one to be branded a hoon, to be charged higher premiums for insurance, to be picked on more by authorities, as under their eyes the majority of the owners of these types of cars are hoons and do misbehave. if you dont like that, which is fine, then you should move away from the majority group.

branding p platers driving imports as hoons is wrong, making me go get a noise test on my exhaust and paying $35 and passing is wrong

Im not disagreeing with you, but your not being branded a hoon simply because you are on you r P-plates. I dont really agree with the thinking behind the P Plater law, but its not up to me. The way i see it, its no different from me riding a Suzuki TL without my bike licence. No different. If i get pulled over and it happens they find im not licenced then im a bit silly arent I?

And again noone is saying you are a hoon for beign oin your P plates, i understand you have to be caught doing something silly before that happens. Oh, and do you believe the word "hoon" is as offensive as what you call police?

Ah forget it, ppl are creatures of their experiences. And thats all people, including police, so its hard to change history, but dotn understand why that means there should be animosity

Animosity between who, Roy? From what I have experienced it is pretty much human nature for people to either look for an excuse for their own (bad) behaviour or at minimum point to someone else doing the same.

I think that to a very large degree people get upset because the new laws are absolutely punitive. Essentially they are a damning indictment of the failure of the various government bodies (including the police) to do something effective about lowering the road toll. So the best they can come up with are these nonsense laws & ever escalating fines.

At the end of the day is a burnout sufficiently dangerous (& I am not advocating anyone do them because they are fkn pointless) or antisocial to warrant the application of a fine that may be the equal of $25,000 or more, ie the value of your car? What else would you have to do to warrant that kind of punishment?

I only hope that one day all the do-gooder safety nazis implode in a cloud of self righteousness. Grant Dorrington first.

Animosity between who, Roy?

Modified car owners and Police. But that goes for anyone driving a car really, as I know plenty of A to B car type ppl who don’t like the police a whole lot because of various fines etc.

LOL, im having a bit of a lovers tiff with parking police at the moment, i got booked 3 times in my own street in one week for parkign where i was previously allowed to.

Actually its not just car related, there seems to be a general trend these days that ppl dont often speak well of groups, everything seems so negative. :D

Except GTR drivers, its ok to label them cheats :D

why do you feel its wrong? the police offer was under the impression it was too loud and therefore thought you should get it tested to find out. whats the problem? why is it wrong? you passed the test didnt you, so whats the problem?

Paul the problem with u is that assume too much, please read the thread that i posted up about my last encounter with the cops. He was never under the impression my car was loud.

cop said to me that i had to fit mufflers in my exhaust to meet EPA requirments, i told him that its not loud and he replied yes i know. U c Paul where im getting at mate, they dont know how to do there jobs properly.

So the next week i rang up VIC roads RW department and spoke with engi, he asked me if my car was blowing smoke or if it was loud, i replied no. The engineer told me to go get the test and if it passed speak with the issueing officer

Paul u go on and on about how i shouldnt be driving my car, yours isnt exactly "Road Worthy" now is it? I remember the first time i met u at the Albert Park meet, u had to me a hero and rip a long burnout spinning the f**k through your tires when u left.

Please look at yourself before judging other people.

i dont recall a long burnout. my car is road worthy, but has illegal modifications. like many others on this forum. for those who dont like being picked on and selected out, from the majority of other car owners. like yourself, then you should perhaps consider an alternate car.

as like i said owning an import is likely to put you in the bad bucket along with all the other bad "branded" import owners. im in that bucket too. it simply means accept it and move on. not have a 6 page thread about how bad the cops are so forth

i dont recall a long burnout


then you should perhaps consider an alternate car.

no im not and will not consider another car, my car is a keeper

my car is road worthy, but has illegal modifications

explain to me how that works

Paul u go on and on about how i shouldnt be driving my car, yours isnt exactly "Road Worthy" now is it? I remember the first time i met u at the Albert Park meet, u had to me a hero and rip a long burnout spinning the f**k through your tires when u left.

Please look at yourself before judging other people.

i dunno when that was, but could of been me!

If thats your car in your sig then i completely understand why its a keeper. Looks great!

yes it is and thanks for the comments, i appreciate it

sorry if im offending any1 here though thats just the way i c traffic cops, i have encountered quite a few in my 2 years of driving and all of them were smart ass's to me, and trying to defect me 4 ridiculous things cause they cant find any major defects. Im yet to come across a nice, understanding cops that actually does the job correctly

Look, these laws are too much power. END OF STORY.

Stereotypes exist, get over it.

Like I said in my reply in the Today Tonight thread, more people in Australia commit suicide per year than the road toll. Its almost something like double. Of the road toll, i bet 95% of them are people who are drunk drivers (not car important), truckies or pedestrians who walk across princess hwy or something.

TracidTrax: My misses drive's a TT supra on P's and has never been pulled over for it. Maybe cause she's female, possibly doesn't attract attention the way she drives it possibly because she doesn't have large FMIC like yours. I am all about bridging the gap between import owners and police but some like yourself don't seem like you want the gap bridged..then you will get what is most likely coming your way fines/EPA etc as you have FMIC and I assume more.

On another note, someone explain to me how you can get defected for "not enough clicks in the handbrake" when the more clicks you have in the handbrake the less pad you have on the handbrake pads??

how about my car, it doesnt even have clicks on the foot handbrake? haha, id probably get done for not having a hand handbrake....f**kers :D

sorry if im offending any1 here though thats just the way i c traffic cops, i have encountered quite a few in my 2 years of driving and all of them were smart ass's to me,

LOL, and im not trying to sound like an old fella, because for starters im not that old :D But im about to turn 30, and have driven since the day i was old enough to. Never been booked, never had a moments problem from the Police, and i have owned two modded Skylines, my R32 for 6 years.

You just have to live with the fact that at a young age you are assumed to be a liability, as the percentages of accidents and deaths suggest that to be the case. Itsd enough of an excuse for the govt to make some money to boot, whislt hopefully getting re-elected and probably save a few lives in the process

On another note, someone explain to me how you can get defected for "not enough clicks in the handbrake" when the more clicks you have in the handbrake the less pad you have on the handbrake pads??

how about my car, it doesnt even have clicks on the foot handbrake? haha, id probably get done for not having a hand handbrake....f**kers :D

Who got booked for that?

Paul the problem with u is that assume too much.


Please look at yourself before judging other people.

correct again. you may not say how you drive on the forums paul, for obvious reasons. but vic wastelanders know you are no angel on the roads.

my car is road worthy, but has illegal modifications. like many others on this forum. for those who dont like being picked on and selected out, from the majority of other car owners. like yourself, then you should perhaps consider an alternate car.

i'd also like to know how your car is roadworthy, yet has illegal mods.... which technically... would deem it to be an unroadworthy vehicle. :D

and you cant tell me that when you get pulled over for "random checks" it doesnt shit you in the slightest. why should i have to drive some shitbox purely not to get targetted? i can afford my skyline, and thats what i want. so i will drive it, regardless of being on P's or not, or the bullshit laws.

and idiot, is n idiot behind the wheel of any car. it doesnt matter if its a 500hp street registered skyline or some heap of shit 80hp kia or something, a hoon will be a hoon in whatever car they get into. regardless of power etc.

im going with the flow and agreeing with tracid here. these laws, bullshit. like ash said, its about more power. thats all it is.

ive been targetted for "random checks" numerous times and some times.... it was clear i was the one being targetted.

one time when i got pulled over by a cop obviously looking for something to defect me on, i was standing with the cop as he was going through my engine bay, some heap of shiz VL comes drifiting through the intersection ( was wet ) the cop gives a glance, then continues to inspect my engine bay. i just looked at him like..... wtf..... obviously breaking the law right in front of him but no, we'll just stand here and look for shit to pin me on. that to me.... is bullshit.

i understand not ALL cops are like that, but with having more experiences like that one towards me since i've had my licence and car, it hardly gives me a good impression as to what other cops are like now does it?

and with more and more bullshit ass laws being introduced like this, more and more power trippin cops are gonna be out to target p platers in imports, as if it isnt already f**king bad enough.

i dunno about you older guys who are just quick to say, yeah well serves you right shouldnt be driving such a car on your P's. that kind of judgement is pretty poor, why should us younger drivers not be allowed to experience the cars that you guys do simply coz of age? especially if some of us, like myself were brought up around high performance cars from a young age and were being taught to drive from 8 yrs old....

i understand not all P platers who drive the cars we do are like me, however, blanket bans and bullshit laws such as this, are not the answer. if the government put more time and effort into young driver education etc than thinking up new laws and bullshit powers to give cops. we'd be better off.

TracidTrax: My misses drive's a TT supra on P's and has never been pulled over for it. Maybe cause she's female, possibly doesn't attract attention the way she drives it possibly because she doesn't have large FMIC like yours. I am all about bridging the gap between import owners and police but some like yourself don't seem like you want the gap bridged..then you will get what is most likely coming your way fines/EPA etc as you have FMIC and I assume more.

There ARE some nice cops out there.

I've been pulled over stacks of times, usually "random" checks and have been defected a few times as well, but the power to weight rule has NEVER come up. I'm assuming either the cops that pull me over don't know what the car is (unlikely) or they know i'll drive the car anyway so no point.

I like the "bridging the gap" idea. If cops showed that they can understand the enthusiasts point of view, there would be peace. lol. But at times, it seems they are manipulated by the public view of "hoons" so they'd rather pull over a "sporty looking" Skyline, over say a 1985 Holden "xxxxx" with bald tryes, rust, no exhaust etc.

Oh an TracidTrax the whole defect/getting pulled over thing sucks, but we all go through it. That's part of owning an import!

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