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New Anti Hoon Rules Come In 1st Of July. Opinions

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i think weve gone around in circles enough but for those who have missed it;

yes you may brand me as a hoon, so be it

but i accept that and i accept that as an import owner i am likely to be picked on by the authorities? why, becuase my car fits in the "majority of bad dudes" bucket.

i simply accept that and move on with my life. yes its frustrating and annoying but thats one of the dilemma's you accept when you own a high performance import car. you are going to get picked on and selected out of a bunch, thanks to the majority. and hey if you aren't doing anything wrong and have no illegal modifications then you have nothing to worry about, right ?

many other people on the forum are of the same opinion, you will get picked on as an import owner. they accept and just move on. we have local law enforcement reading these forums and they themselves probably know the same style, pick on the import owners. their own bosses are probably telling them too.

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I can honestly say never to have had an issue with the police in my 18 (cough) years of driving.

Been pulled over plenty of times in plenty of cars. When I was speeding I got fined, when I was talking on the mobile, I got fined - all my own fault.

Yet I've never been 'harassed' by a cop.

I tend to find that a pleasant demenaour and a respect for the uniform and job that they are doing does wonders in appeasing them.

This means when you get pulled over, you have your licence ready, you turn down your stereo, you put out your cigarette and roll down your window and then interact courteously with the copper.

It doesn't mean 'kissing ass' just common courtesy.

Ohh and it helps not to have an unroadworthy or unregistered car :D

Just my 2c

i dunno about you older guys who are just quick to say, yeah well serves you right shouldnt be driving such a car on your P's. that kind of judgement is pretty poor, why should us younger drivers not be allowed to experience the cars that you guys do simply coz of age? especially if some of us, like myself were brought up around high performance cars from a young age and were being taught to drive from 8 yrs old....

Same reason why im not allowed to ride a 1000cc bike unless im licenced. The same reason why I had to do my HSC before going to Uni. Because that’s what they feel is the best way for the average person to progress from one thing to the next, based on maturity, and experience.

If I could have afforded such a nice car when I was on my Ps I would have loved one, and would have hated not being able to have one. But truth is my Dad would not have allowed me, he knew me better then i did. He knew what I was like and more importantly what my brother and friends were like. He helped me with my first few cars, but would not have allowed me to drive something that quick on my Ps. It would have been for the best too, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my licence is in tact. But not all parents are that interested in their children’s interests, or understand them as well as my Dad did.

So its sad that govt has to step in and try to legislate it so that everyone is assumed to be a pretty poor driver, rather reckless and immature etc, but what else to do?

Its not perfect, but what else would you suggest. Apart from parents who really knows how responsible their children are likely to be on the roads in a high performance car?

I mostly agree with JAR.

I also like to mention the "random checks" are quite random :D

They always seem to happen on the Skyline, but never on my parents Commo, yes quite random given that I drive my the Como 95% of the week. :D

I know there is nothing we can do but I do believe the stereotype of young male driving turbo import is a hoon is wrong. Though I would like to admit that I drive more "hoon-ish" in my dad's Commo rather than the Skyline (trying to keep the image of Skyline drivers clean, I don't know why I bother with so many dickheads around but).

I was also driving the Commo on bald tyres, low pads, and thin rotors (due to lack of funds) for a while, but hey no random checks for a safety hazard to other road users... I'm guessing the number of clicks on my Skyline's handbrake, or pod filter or some other bs they look for was posing a higher risk to other drivers and pedestrians around me. :D

Same reason why im not allowed to ride a 1000cc bike unless im licenced. The same reason why I had to do my HSC before going to Uni. Because that’s what they feel is the best way for the average person to progress from one thing to the next, based on maturity, and experience.

If I could have afforded such a nice car when I was on my Ps I would have loved one, and would have hated not being able to have one. But truth is my Dad would not have allowed me, he knew me better then i did. He knew what I was like and more importantly what my brother and friends were like. He helped me with my first few cars, but would not have allowed me to drive something that quick on my Ps. It would have been for the best too, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my licence is in tact. But not all parents are that interested in their children’s interests, or understand them as well as my Dad did.

So its sad that govt has to step in and try to legislate it so that everyone is assumed to be a pretty poor driver, rather reckless and immature etc, but what else to do?

Its not perfect, but what else would you suggest. Apart from parents who really knows how responsible their children are likely to be on the roads in a high performance car?

thats true for some

however like i said in my previous post, i was put behind the wheel of cars from 8, and taught to drive, not by my dad, but by one of dads mates who has been around performance cars for his whole life. and through him, i got a basic understanding of cars from a young age, and have learnt more and more ever since.

like i also mentioned previously though.... blanket bans arent the answer. think about of the government put more money into driver education rather than thinking up new laws and powers.

to get your P's these days is a f**king joke.... i literally, drove around town for 15 mins, and did one reverse park, and was handed a licence.... that to me is bullshit. and they freely admit, they dont teach you how to DRIVE they teach you how to FOLLOW A SET OF ROAD RULES AND STREET SIGNS.

now think.... if they invested more money into courses like what sau does at deca, and taught alot of P platers how to properly control a car, like they do in europe.... dont you think there would be less young drivers adding to the road toll? sure there would still be hoons, however probably less accidents due to they would have a basic understanding of how to control a range of cars, not just know that red means stop, green means go. :D

however like i said in my previous post, i was put behind the wheel of cars from 8, and taught to drive, not by my dad, but by one of dads mates who has been around performance cars for his whole life. and through him, i got a basic understanding of cars from a young age, and have learnt more and more ever since.

Anyway, so many different opinions and there isn’t a right or wrong answer. But the whole point of mentioning my fathers interest in how I drove and what car I could drive…it had nothing to do with being able to control a car. Driving on the street is 90% attitude, being able to control a car is a distant 2nd.

It has everything to do with what is going on between the ears, that is damn near impossible to legislate for. Especially when you throw other friends in your car, or drive in a pack of cars with other friends.


TracidTrax: My misses drive's a TT supra on P's and has never been pulled over for it. Maybe cause she's female, possibly doesn't attract attention the way she drives it possibly because she doesn't have large FMIC like yours. I am all about bridging the gap between import owners and police but some like yourself don't seem like you want the gap bridged..then you will get what is most likely coming your way fines/EPA etc as you have FMIC and I assume more.

Graeme, i know u r a cop and i like ur attitude towards import drivers (probably cause u r one) but i dont see "bridging the gap" happening any time soon. Believe me id like it to happen cause it can only be an advantage to me cause i wouldnt be picked on and cops not fussing over a pod and FMIC or car height but certain individuals wreck it for all of us. So this whole "Hoon Epidemic" can only get worse before it gets better.

BTW where abouts to u patrol?

to get your P's these days is a f**king joke.... i literally, drove around town for 15 mins, and did one reverse park

ye so is being fined $110 for the power to weight ratio and then being allowed to drive away because some how u temporarily have enough experience with the car to be a safe driver

New Anti Hoon rules will be introduced to Victorian roads from the 1st of July.

"Police may knock on the door of a hoons parents to impound a car".

"Police will have the power to impound a vehicle for 48 hours for a first offence".

"A second offence could result in wheels being clamped for three months, and a car could be seized permanently for a third offence".

OK ppl what do you all think of these rules, I personally think that permanently siezing someones pride and joy is a little harsh, i would prefer running the car into a brick wall rather then giving it to the cops as a gift or maybe selling it as parts and giving them the gear knob.

btw im no hoon :P

I agree you with on the smashing the car into a brick wall than letting the cops have it. Could you imagine it being sold at a Police Auction and then you see your car later driven by someone else, you would go nuts...

i like the attitude cops have started taking a noble maccas. they just come and sit there, dont do anything, but just sit there and talk to everyone.

they see people doing shit, but they dont pull anyone over more just a deterent than a threat. They are good guys for chats

as i said, i think its extreme for people to get done and their cars taken. i could more understand people having to sell their cars, but thats like a 20,000+$ fine which is really quite a bit extreme.

hell, if you are in a gtr, it could be 100,000+$

the guy that done for clicks in the handbrake was a mate in an s13. i also know someone who got done for "too much play in the steering wheel when the car was off" aka, about 15 degrees move before you had to use force to turn the wheels.

so does this rule also apply if your neighbour or some memeber of the public files a complaint against your car?

Eg. Mrs Smith calls up the police and says xxx-ooo speeds down my street every day blah blah blah.

I don't speed down side streets, but have been accused of it b/c my car is louder than stock.

Most of you prob understand what i'm saying...just cos our cars are slightly louder ppl always assume that we are speeding even tho we are not, or cos ure suspension is stiff the headlights bounce quite rapidly.

Will the police have the power to act if a witness claims something that may/may not have happened? Or do the officers have to see it with their own eyes first?

So the next week i rang up VIC roads RW department and spoke with engi, he asked me if my car was blowing smoke or if it was loud, i replied no. The engineer told me to go get the test and if it passed speak with the issueing officer

I said to take it to court.

And send a letter to the ombudsman asking for an explaination...

Have you done either as yet? im taking a stab at a big fat NO.

But ill gladly wait to be shown wrong

At the end of the day, its like this.

You can sit here and complain all you want, but if you are not going to follow the avenues to have things like this change, then whinging on a forum is fruitless.

Having a go at each other for "past behaviour" is also fruitless and isnt going to change the law, which is the purpose of this thread.

Ive taken up the challenge everytime. Some you win, some you loose. But its never going to change by just whinging about it.

It requires action.

Kepp it on topic, its not about who is a better driver than someone else.

ye so is being fined $110 for the power to weight ratio and then being allowed to drive away because some how u temporarily have enough experience with the car to be a safe driver

Would you prefer a $500 fine and instant loss of license?

I dont think so

so does this rule also apply if your neighbour or some memeber of the public files a complaint against your car?

Will the police have the power to act if a witness claims something that may/may not have happened? Or do the officers have to see it with their own eyes first?

They will be able to do nothing.

I would highly doubt any law like that could be passed, and if so could be easily refuted in court

such a long thread to read....all pretty much saying the same thing over an over again...

my opinion on the matter is a few pages back. I think what sum's it up for everyone concerend about the law is that we dont like the fact that our group (import drivers) will be targeted with these new laws and that our prides an joy are at the mercy of wheather the policeman you encounter is having a good day or not. It's the grey area as to what define's "hoon" activity that makes me uneasy with the law.

Police in the end are just doing there job and majority dont deserve to be labelled "cops" or other detrimental labells. certainly some do, but less than a 1/4 of the cops i've ever come accross have been not so nice to me. I respect what they do and are glad they do it, imagine if they didn't uphold the road laws. So when telling your encounters with Police, call them just that. Say he was one of the bad kinda cops an leave it at that.

so does this rule also apply if your neighbour or some memeber of the public files a complaint against your car?

Will the police have the power to act if a witness claims something that may/may not have happened? Or do the officers have to see it with their own eyes first?

You can be EPAed via a letter in the mail because of a complaint somebody/s made, but i think there have to be multiple complaints and it does not carry a fine you only have to get it cleared etc. Has happened to a few friends of mine.

You can also recieve a fine (after a warning notice) from people reporting your driving. I recieved a warning notice with the threat of a fine if i do it again after I 'apparantley' failed to stop for a tram. It was at a set of lights I stopped behind it waited for the passengers to get off and the doors to close and then moved up to the line at the lights...driver went mental and I got the letter a few weeks later, I presume this must also apply to every old joe on the streets if they report it to the right people.

This could extend to the whole loosing your car thing aswell I know there is a big thing around my area in all the local newspapers etc "Dob in Hoon".....

I would highly doubt any law like that could be passed, and if so could be easily refuted in court

Really that should apply to this whole new law as well, there is no 'evidence' as such that you were hooning, it's your word against theirs...I will be interested to wait and see what happens with the first few people that get their cars confiscated for good and the law suits to follow etc.....

Edited by Omurru

Has there been a definition of the word 'hoon' in the laws?

If it's people that smoke it up on tram tracks in the wet down a crowded street on a friday night, I say bring it on.

If it's a person driving a performance vehicle with a litttle more acceleration than an average car (not speeding though) then I'm alot less enthused.

I've had my share of speeding tickets, in the last 6 months. 2 of them, both on 9 hour drives (Melbourne to broken hill) and got done for driving 61km/hr in a 60 zone, and 62 kn/hr in a 60 zone.

this despite sticking to 100 on the cruise control for 9 hours (well, me and my GF, I can't do a 9hr stretch, I don't think anyone can).

And before the sledging on my 'hoonish behaviour' starts, I suppose I'd better state that I was in a Nissan pathfinder, towing a speed boat at the time, and that I never noticed the needle go above 60, and have since had the calibration checked to find it all OK.

However, in a letter explaining all this, I received the usual "In a review of this matter... blah blah... hand over the dough letter in return.

Now, as these were two seperate offences, if the hoon law was in place, would this have meant that they could have confiscated my pathfinder for running a red in the next 6 months?

True, it's had some mods done to it, but only handling, durability and suspension based stuff. It's over 2 tons, and accelerates accordingly.

Hoon or not?

I bet if I hotted up a mercedes SLR I'd have fewer problems with cops.

Maybe when I win lotto, I'll buy a dozen of them, and dare cops to pull over every black merc they see.

correct again. you may not say how you drive on the forums paul, for obvious reasons. but vic wastelanders know you are no angel on the roads.

i dont agree.

and im not on his side

i have been a passenger in pauls car for longer than i can remember and from seeing him dirve, i would say i give it more stick than he does.

granted im sure everyone gives their car a run every now and then, but in general day to day driving paul drives like a grandma

(sorry paul!)

Guest IH8VEE8S

i know this will sound stupid but meh....

me reckons you should be able to drive a car regardless of its power or your age.

cops should leave you the f**k alone UNLESS you do something that will put other lives in danger, for example - speeding.

why should an older person be able to drive a certain car but a younger person isn't? experience? f**k experience. if you're gonna have an accident it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the car you're driving.

a P-plater isn't allowed to drive a car such as an R33 GTST, WHY? sure its quick but i can also do 180km/h in my parents' VT can't i?

tiz all bullcrap i tells ya!!!

oh and another thing that REALLY annoys me is when cops follow you for no reason. when i still had the wrx i was followed from the city all the way to my street, and this happened a few times. they follow you and you're doing NOTHING wrong and then they decide to pull you over anyway :D

errrm just a "random check" random check my arse, they look around and see the car is totally roadworthy and then just as about they're getting in their car, one of em decides to check one more thing. he comes over and pulls on my seat belt. "errm your seatbelt needs repairing or replacing :) ima give you a defect for that"

seriously, WHAT THE f**k!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

i didn't even say anything. i was speechless, i had no speech, i was without speech

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