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I Love Rainy Days

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Just thought i'd share my awesome experience. this hero in a SS ute was flogging it through traffic yesterday in canberra. it was pissing down with rain, so i though i'd teach him a lesson in how to drive safely in the wet.... have AWD! we lined up at the lights, then i looked over and this 'hero' was all show. as soon as i put my foot down (didn't even need to stall it up) i was gone, he sat there spinning his wheels sliding into other lanes. once i hit the limit of course he did the loser flybye, right in front of a flash-for-cash speed camera van. sucked in to him.

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I hate idiots like that who just think the wet means more of an incentive to give their cars some stick. Was coming out of block buster in Syndal (Vic), this idiot(s) in an old commodore decided to do a right turn on to high street and fish tail their way up the road. What absolute morons! While i was watching this, another blockbuster customer (a guy in his 50s) also was watching this - turns to me and goes "idiots in their commodores these days"....

It appears, that every time it rains, people drive a tad faster - or maybe its just that I drive slower. They are more careless and erratic. And, the funny thing is, its not always the driver of the car that gets hurt, its usually some innocent pedestrian or the driver of the other car that gets seriously hurt.....

Anyway, good for you for sucking this guy into speeding - hope he gets a huge fine, and loss of licence....wankers like that shouldnt be allowed to drive....

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As long as you werent racing him because we all know what happens to those type of threads........

Anyway, I had the same sort of thing happen about a month ago. There is only a few spots they can put speed cameras here in rockhampton, if you blink while you are driving through you'd miss it :rofl:

Anyway I was just driving normally to work, (the whole 10min drive from one side of rocky to the other), and I saw this red festiva weaving in and out of traffic and just hoped that he would hurry up and pass me because I hate those sort of people, always paranoid that they'd hit me.

Anyway he had been weaving in and out and ending up beside me at a red light. I saw the big white landcruiser in it's normal spot, and reved the stagea up and he looked across and smiled and reved the guts outta this poor festiva. When the lights went green, I took off nice and slow and calmly accelerated up to the limit.

Meanwhile, Mr Festiva had taken off in a screaming rage of 1.3ltr powah and flew past the landcruiser, *FLASH*FLASH* and just after the flashes he jammed on his brake. I didnt even get up to the limit as I passed the landcruiser, but started slowing down for the next set of lights, which were red.

I had to try not to laugh as I pulled up next to him, had this dirty great big smile on my face though, he didnt look too impressed. Serves him right, idjut!

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ha ha ha bogans!

I love my girls stagea!

She may have the traction advantage but i still wheel spin past her wet or dry sideways across lanes or straight! :rofl:

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i had a young idiot and his g/f in a vt commo v6 try and drag me off the lights yesterday spinnin his wheels and all to show his missus how mad his commo is, but i didnt bother as im a responsible person :P

no actually im still runnin it in, so if i see that smart arse again when its tuned its gonna be a different story :D

i'd only accelerate the limit of course and not break traction :wub:

Edited by CruiseLiner
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Some people hate being beaten by a station wagon.

Here in Auckland at the end of the motorway on my way home I stopped at a red light. It was about 1:00am and there was no traffic close to me on the motorway. All of a sudden this standard R32 GTS-t flys up next to me at the red light (almost not stopping). I sat there calmly and then when the light went green planted the boot. The two lanes merge into one about 100m past the intersection and it becomes a 50km/h zone. I left the GTS-t standing and hit the speed limit before I knew it, backed off and got to where the lanes merged.

This guy wasn't going to be beaten by a wagon (even though he just had been) and went flying past me after the lanes had merged and just about mounted the footpath to get past me (I wasn't blocking him, the single lane was not very wide). Then he slowed down and turned off at the next intersection.

He really showed me not to mess with him :cool: (LOSER)

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You know that if you accellerate rapidly up to the speed limit, you can be booked, however legitimately or not, for dangerous driving? Hooning, they call it.

Local cops love doing it. Dont need to exceed the limit or break traction. Theyve tried to hassle me about it, but with no solid rules (ie how fast is too fast? is it a percentage faster than the car next to you? whats the traffic like? etc). The thing is its so hard to govern, cos what one person calls "rapid accelleration" another might not.

Whats the story on this? cos i see guys getting pulled up and ticketed for this all the time.

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well whats counted as a drag? what if 2 old poeple boot it from the lights in a commo v6 and a falcon 6 both upto the limit because they are in a rush and not actually racing, is this illegal? its a grey area and thats how the cops like it so they can do and say what they like if they want to be arseholes or what not.

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