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heyyy guys

Got this little issue with the power output.

Car has been running fine till now

when car first turned on it idles at about 1100 then drops to about 500, used to idle at 1000 - 11000

sound from exhaust is like its riding fine then it drops a lil and picks up like its missing something.

Slow pick up on the revs when acc pressed, looking near the alternator section it sounds like its making a whinding noise, battery was replaced 4 months ago..........

car is 7000ks ova service schedule

(getting done this weekend)

anyone got any ideas ????

any help would b good :D;)


Edited by JUN`R32
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I thought that was pretty normal? Isn't it the cold idle control? Some little piece of metal that bends as it heats up apparently.

Still, have a search for "idle" or "cold start", because it sounds like a bunch of questions that have been asked before.

The whirring noise is probably your alternator or a belt... mine makes an induction kind of noise, but it's just normal belt sounds. As far as the accelerator pickup... are you saying that there is lag when you push the pedal, or that the revs climb too slowly when you jab the pedal? That could indicate an air leak.

I'm no expert, but if your car is well and truely due for the 100,000kms service, you could have something more severe if all these things started happening at the same time. A stuck idle bearing or pulley would make a lot of noise and also hold the revs back.

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But if he pushes the pedal down, the revs move too slowly... there has to be something amiss there! It's still a cable throttle-body, so when that is open, it should be drawing in plenty of air.

I guess even an air leak shouldn't cause that, otherwise it'd idle really poorly. Maybe a blockage or something more technical.

I'm at a loss really.

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A seized aircon, or water pump? Something is holding it back it seems... if the timing belt is rubbing against a seized idler or tensioner bearing, you won't have a timing belt for much longer.

Get your mechanic to check it out while he's servicing it mate.

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yehh i will have to get him too

thanks for the info

one more thing,

wen revving the engine to about 3 or 4 then releasing the acc the revs drop down to almost a stall, and pick back up slowly :S :S

when lights are turned of the engine revs rise a little,

battery has been changed for just a regular battery from kmart as it died 4 months ago, same power output though

anyone reckon this might be an issue aswell ??????????????

thanks heaps guys

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Do you have a BOV that vents to atmosphere? That can cause the car to actually stall when doing what you are doing... but then I think an air-leak could do that too. I also think that an air-leak could give you the slow revs. If not an air-leak, then some kind of bockage... either way it sounds like there's not enough air getting into the plenum/cyclinders etc. That's a novice guess, but i'm keen to hear what the problem turns out to be!

Don't buy batteries from Kmart and the likes.. they have probably been sitting on the shelf for 6 months or more. Best to get (at minimum) a Century heavy duty battery from a service station or better yet, from a reputable mechanic or auto electrician, as they turn over their stock much more frequently.

By heavy duty, I mean 11-plate, 400cca or more. You can go nuts on batteries, but unless you're running all sorts of flashy lights and multiple amps and subs, you won't need it. I run a 330cca 11-plate and one amp to drive my 4 speakers. No dramas with the stereo on for many hours while cleaning without flattening the battery.

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i got the oil and oil filter changed, as i didnt have time to do it myself, got car back on sunday

and it works fine, the revs go up and idles at 700 nicely, still need to change sparkies though

thanks for the info randy

will get myself a new battery aswell


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