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Another Heartbreaking Got Defected Last Nite Story.

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hadnt touched my 32 all weekend had my gf driving me around in her charade.

took it out tonite to drive my brother home to air force base at richmond.

at 9:50pm i pulled into a random breath testing station on the side of the road on gt western highway around

st marys area i was the last of 4 cars to go in.

everyone got tested except for me and the other cars drove off 1 cop tells me to move to the front of the que where a male cop breath tests me.

then this female cop comes to the front of my car with a torch has a look at my intercooler and turns to her cop buddy and gives him the thumbs up and a smile, she then comes to the window and tells me to move foward turn off the car and pop the hood and boot.

so i did not saying anything to her at all.

she then tells me my brother and my freind to get out of the car so she can look at the seat belts.

as i get out of the car she says to me lose the attitude or i will red sticker ur car and u will have to leave it here, at that stage i hadnt opened my mouth at all, and just looked at her in confusion as to why she would say that to me, then she goes through my boot with a fine tooth comb for what i have no idea and she made me take my jack and shit out and show her. i did, all this time i hadnt opened my mouth at all nor had any of us.

she then comes to me like shes my best f**king freind and says hey these modifications u do them urself ? in a tone where if i said yes i did then she would be impressed by it.

i said no i bought it like this and thats all i said.

she then checked the ride height which is stock as and proceeded to under my bonnet where she just breifly looked at it with a look on her face like she doesnt have a f**king clue what shes looking at.

then she started going through the inside of my car, but before she got in she goes to me with a really smug attitude " is there any drugs or weapons in here i should know about ? " she said it like she was having a really f**king good time at this point and i just looked at her. and she went through the inside of my car for the next 10 minutes by herself with every other cop there going about their breath testing business ignoring us.

then she told us to get back in the car and she comes to the window and goes to me, your car is being defected as is does not meet nsw requirements some f**king bullshit.

and gave me a defect list as long as my leg




boost gauge

boost controller

an exhaust noise and emissions test aswell ( my car is very quiet, very very quiet my gfs charade is louder)

about $800 worth of fines she said i will get them in the mail.

+ the costs of emissions tests and engineers certificates and stock parts that i dont have

+ i have to get it towed down there it cant be driven.

she also told me she is giving me one hour to get home, and if im caught driving after that my car will be towed and im f**ked.

i told her im further than 1 hour away from home and that ive driven this far to take my brother to richmond airbase and she looked at me and said thats not my problem i dont care ur lucky im giving you an hour.

at this point i got upset as u could imagine, and i said exactly like this " are u f**king serious"

this was prolly the first thing i said to her other than "no i bought it like this".

and she goes i warned u about ur attitude swear at me again and u will go for a ride in the paddy wagon.

if i said anything else to her u could see she was itching to take me back out of the car its like she was burning with desire to get me any way she possibly could.

i was never rude to her at all.

im clean cut polite well mannered well spoken white boy, i wasnt wearing a hat or anything like that and i was well dressed, this bitch was just out to f**king get me on her rags.

i cannot fkn believe this shit.

my 32 is stock as.

yes i have a front mount but everyone does.

inside the car i have one little boost gauge a hks one, its at the very base of the apillar and as low as u could get it.

i have stock as s14 rims and my car is quiet as and stock ride height no body kit or nothing.

everyone has a pod filter

and my boost controller was hidden its a gizmo one that u cant see where ive mounted it in with the fuses.

i have a greddy type s bov but its plumb back and i dont run jack shit boost so u dont hear it anyway.

i was doing all i could not to get attention with my car and not keep it balls stock.

i realise just cause everyone has one doesnt mean ok so dont gimmie one of those replys it hurts enough already.

this has absolutely crippled me financially, i dont even know how im going to get to work tomorrow im completely screwed.

and before u guys go should have had engineers certs f*k off nobody has them and i havent really done anything to the car yet its pretty much as i got it.

no wrath like a police womans scorn.

Edited by ODessA
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tell me about it :)

im gonna lose weeks of sleep over this.

i was going to buy rims this week for my birthday, i been saving for them for like 4 months.

now i will be lucky if i can afford to keep the car.

im absolutely heartbroken, u work hard and do the right thing for what u want and then some bitch cop steps in and f**ks u up completely cause shes in a bad mood.

i pay 10k a year in tax and this is how the government treats me makes u wanna just move overseas.

really havin trouble coming to terms with this.

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are you sure you definatly got fines?

I thought it listed some where on the defect notice that you got a fine or not?

never been defected so im not to sure

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it doesnt say it on the notice, but she told me theres about $800 worth coming in the mail, 7 alltogether.

she didnt select warning or minor, she selected major grounded and un roadworthy.

my rego was cancelled 1 hour afterwards.

she f**ked me as hard as she humanly possibly could.

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boost gauge

boost controller

an exhaust noise and emissions test aswell

and ur car is deemed not road worthy.. yet you see other shitboxes covered in rust, doors barley hanging on driving around.

Its seriously bullshit, just wish there was some thing we could do about a cop on a power/pms trip :)

ok soccer has started time to watch

Dont stress to much mate hopefully wont be as bad as you think

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Get some legal advice Odessa. Fight it,I say! Something in the procedures she went through doesn't seem right:I wont get into it here,at 4.56 am,but it's seriously worth looking into. After that,get and engineers cerificate for all you can,change the bits that are blatantly illegal,and move on! Good luck! Jayce

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they wonder why cops have a bad reputation and i have always found the women are the worst offenders, and usually the men are polite and show some maturity in 99% of cases.

they are jus upset they arn't as high in society as the males so they gotta take it out on anyone they can and thats most likely the reason they become cops because then they got the power to act like arseholes and boss around males.

i think most female cops i see should have joined the army the way they act.

why do they always have to make it like they got something to prove?

just my 2 cents and good luck mate, i woulda opened my mouth before u did and let some harsh words out from pure frustration.

and no i dont hate cops just the ones with a chip of their shoulder

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i'd be going to the dept of transport and getting them to have a look. i'm not sure what the ruling is down there regaurding bovs, but as long as it is plumb back you should be fine.

but i'd fight this all the way.

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fkn cops...why they got to defect our assess when u get these stock standard commo's pulling almost 300 kws...not all of us r hoons...i really feel for u brudda..its almost like every time we go for a drive were at risk...its ridiculous...

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Someone do a group buy for recorders..

So basically once you get pulled over, turn it on, and it shall record all conversations.. So you have proof that you arent swearing or having a go etc etc..

But seriously man, go speak to someone higher in charge and explain the situation. Tell them, the cop wasnt poilte in anyway.. Hassle them till they drop the defect charges.

Go after it man.. Dont sit back and pay the fines!!

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just had a thought, ring up the cop station and ask for the head traffic cop. ask him if having an aftermarket bov is legal if it is plum back, ask him about having a pod, front mount and all that stuff. then if he says that some of them are legal tell him you got booked for them last night. you should have the cops name that gave you the defect so give him that too. then say that you aren't going to pay for the tow service to get your car to the emissions test as you have been booked for things that aren't illegal. if you aren't happy with the response you get off them go to the CMC (crime and mis-conduct comission).

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On what grounds did she conduct this search of your vehicle? Is she even allowed to open your boot or look inside your vehicle? Did you consent to it at any stage?

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NSW Police's Customer Assistance Unit on 1800 622 571

plus traffic lawyer.

Btw - I wouldn't stress yet the fines might not come.


^^ Assuming you know who it is.

Usually when I'm not in a situation where I'm being treated unfairly, and don't have a high chance of being branded a terrorist, be bashed, robbed or locked up by over-enthusiastic police officers, I politely ask their name, station of duty etc. Sometimes it just pays to be assertive without being an asshole - because at the time you won't win against an idiot. Afterwards however you might have your own way.

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1. sit down right now and write out exactly what happened

2. have your brother do the same

3. get a lawyer, there are specialists in road traffic law

4. use the lawyer to lodge a complaint about her attitude with her superior. Make sure it includes incorrect procedure and process and false accusations

5. through the lawyer ask for copies of the pictures she took. If she didn't take any pictures, you are home free.

6. change what you need to, engineers are in the yellow pages

7. take pictures of the car how it is now and after the changes

8. don’t pay the fines, tick the I want to go to court box

9. if it doesn’t have a defect sticker on it you can drive it

10. you can drive it until the court date, probably early next year

11. the first court appearance is just a formality, not guilty, come back in 3 to 4 months. Indicate through your lawyer that you will be seeking damages, loss of income, cost of lawyer, cost of engineers report (saying nothing is wrong), cost of engineer to come to court, pain and suffering etc.

12. second court appearance leave it to the lawyer if he/she is any good they will win easily.

:O cheers :O

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I sympathyse,

I have a story almost the same.

I was driving a freind home at 2pm o9n a tuesday doen Victoria road just before the bridge hedding to drymmoyne (spelling)

when I see an RMT on the side of the road. I pulled over and a male com asked me if I had had anything to drink. I said no officer and blew and was tested ok. as soon as the results came up a female cop came up and asked me if I had an engineering certificate for my exhaust. (standard oval muffler with a chrome 4" tip. I said NO is a supprised voice and she told me to get out of the car as if I had weapons in the car. she then went over my completly stock (and i mean factory stock automatic no boost guage, no intercooler car) making notes as she went.

She than asked me to pop the bonnett and started to point at the alternator and asked me what it was, I said "it is an alternator officer" is a semi smart voice. She then called another cop over and he had a look under the bonnet and tyres and ride height.

I got slapped with

Illegal ride height. the car has factory suspension and looks like a 4WD

Fail noise polution. test. once again factory exhaust

Illegal tint too dark. had this checked and it was within spec

Illegal BOV. WTF!!!!! the car dosen't even have a BOV!!!

Drivers window broken. this was true it would not go down properly.

and was told I would get a fine and had 7 days to get the car repaired and cleared or rego would be cancelled.

I fixed the window and took the car to an inspection station with the defect and the guy could not belive it. He asked me if I had put all the factory stuff back on and I told him it was defected exactly like it was there and then. He passed it and I got it sorted at the RTA.

3 weeks later I get a call saying I am going to have my car audited to confirm all the modifications have been repaired andwere legal. I fu*&n flipped.

A week later an inspector came to my house and looked at the car and was really nice as soon as he saw it was completly stock. he passed it and even said he was sorry to put me thru all of this.

It can happen to anyone. BTW the fine never came.


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they wonder why cops have a bad reputation and i have always found the women are the worst offenders, and usually the men are polite and show some maturity in 99% of cases.

they are jus upset they arn't as high in society as the males so they gotta take it out on anyone they can and thats most likely the reason they become cops because then they got the power to act like arseholes and boss around males.

i think most female cops i see should have joined the army the way they act.

why do they always have to make it like they got something to prove?

just my 2 cents and good luck mate, i woulda opened my mouth before u did and let some harsh words out from pure frustration.

and no i dont hate cops just the ones with a chip of their shoulder


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