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  JaseR33 said:
how long did it take you guys to get Casino Royale?

Did anyone with a non-aus delivered system get one when they signed on as Aussie resident?

Does Blu-ray have zone restrictions or PAL/NTSC?? Will the aussie Bond disc play on a Jap PS3?

1. I just received my copy last week.

2. I know people with non AUS systems that have registered and received the disc.

3. Some blu-ray have zone restrictions, while others dont. Casino Royale will play on any PAL/NTSC systems.

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  JaseR33 said:
how long did it take you guys to get Casino Royale?

Did anyone with a non-aus delivered system get one when they signed on as Aussie resident?

Does Blu-ray have zone restrictions or PAL/NTSC?? Will the aussie Bond disc play on a Jap PS3?

i got a copy and i sign up with a non-aus ps3 (jap spec), rumours are blueray dvds are not region coded yet and wont be for abit (the aus spec bond disc works on my jap spec ps3)

Anybody running Linux on their PS3 yet?


I'm going buy a USB keyboard so I can install YDL, then I'm going to get an external USB HDD, transfer all my movies & TV shows onto it, then hook it up to the PS3 so I can have my entire media collection to view on it ;)

Owww & just came across this tasty article


I think a 500GB external HDD plugged in with Linux on the PS3 will be very nice indeed. :D

  SKYLVIA said:
orly? well feel free to state the 90% of ports between the PS1, N64 and dreamcast.

I'll wait here.

Chances are you cant.

you fail to state the amount of ported titles there were for 360 launch. keep in mind most games made by EA etc arent exclusives ported to ps3, there port games in general, made at a safe GFX level etc, to suit every console.

PS3 console has better everything than 360 console except price. end story. less hassles aswell... 360's have had more f**kups after release than any other system release in history.

P.S. if you wanna battle exclusives...

Perfect Dark Zero vs Resistance: Fall of Man...?

Ill take resistance thanks...

Call of Duty 2 vs Resistance: Fall of Man...?

Ill take resistance thanks...

Oh and werent Need for Speed Most Wanted, Peter Jackson's King Kong, Madden NFL 06, NBA 2K6, Tony Hawk's American Wasteland, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 06, FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup, NHL 2K6 and NBA Live 06 all on previous consoles? which would mean they arent even new generation ports at launch... just another way for microsoft to make money... rushed production line, rushed launch titles leads to extremely poor release. but i guess the people had to buy something while waiting for ps3...

theyre only ahead cause they released 1 year before the ps3. whyd they do that anyway? i mean the 360 had heaps of bugs at release and games werent anything special... maybe they just knew the innevitable would happen if sony would release there puppy closer to the release of the little box of terrors?

ofcourse this is all speculation, who knows what couldve/will happen, i just hate fanboys, especially xbox fanboys, always jumping the gun and first to attack views different to 360 is god.

i can easily state 90% ports between the ps1 and the saturn . and remember the saturn was more powerfull than the ps1

and as for exclusives RFOM vs Gears of war . so far ive been more impressed by GOR . but thats about personal pref

im not quite sure what your point is

lots of 360 games are ports from other systems . losts of ps3 games will be ports from other systems . what is your point exactly , hat both systems have ports ? that launch titles are crap ? I still have a copy of time splitters the worst FPS known to man from ps2 launch so i dont think your exactly shocking anyone with that claim

you ps3 fanboys seem to think everyone who has anything negetive to say about it thinks the sun shines from bill gates asshole . it doesnt , ps3 is cool , very soon i will buy one and sit it next to my 360 , which incedentally works perfectly and has had no problems so far . if you think the ps3 wont have bugs your in dreamland , im on my 3rd ps2 it wont suprise me if in the 8 year life of the 2 consoles I have problems with both . ms released their console 1st because they were ready . sony were not , particularly cause they waited for bluray , which is nice but doesnt have a huge impact on just gaming alone (i dont want to watch movies on it).

my point was , even if the ps3 was marginly technically superior to its main rival system , which it is , that advantage will not be utilised much because publishers like EA make games generically for multiple systems therfore failing to take advantage of many technical abilities in a single platform , particularly if that single platform happens to have limited market share like which the ps3 has at the moment . just like the saturn was. the majority of its titles were barely optimised for its advanced architecture compared to the ps1 let alone specially coded just for it

sony have made some big errors in its timing , price and marketing and are behind in the marketplace now which will be hard to gain back through just technological superiourity though . the history of video games is littered with technically superior platforms that failed to gain market dominance despite their hardware advantages.

for instance

atari vcs vs intellivision

Nes vs sega mastersystem

sega genesis vs snes

gameboy vs atari lynx and sega gamegear

ps1 vs saturn and n64

nitendo ds vs psp

all those left hand systems are technically not as advanced as their direct rivals but failed for 1 reason or another , although some systems like SNES and dreamcast did very well in selected markets like japan but failed to gain dominance in others

as you said well just have to wait and see how it all pans out . ms have an early advantage , lets hope the ps3 can claw it back . if it was me i would dump ps3s at a loss , slash about 250$ from the aus price and try and gain some serious market share . and some big money marketing wouldnt hurt either

Edited by arkon
  arkon said:
i can easily state 90% ports between the ps1 and the saturn . and remember the saturn was more powerfull than the ps1

Id like to hear them, i wasnt aware any games were released on PS1 and saturn, didnt the saturn only have 16-bit graphics or 32-bit or something? but yeah chuck up the titles of ports between ps1 and saturn.

  arkon said:
and as for exclusives RFOM vs Gears of war . so far ive been more impressed by GOR . but thats about personal pref

GoW wasnt a launch title.

  arkon said:
im not quite sure what your point is

The majority of that post was toward kralster's comments about how PS3 games have and will only be 360 ports

My point wasnt stated toward you

  arkon said:
lots of 360 games are ports from other systems . losts of ps3 games will be ports from other systems . what is your point exactly , hat both systems have ports ? that launch titles are crap ? I still have a copy of time splitters the worst FPS known to man from ps2 launch so i dont think your exactly shocking anyone with that claim

Read above comment

  arkon said:
you ps3 fanboys seem to think everyone who has anything negetive to say about it thinks the sun shines from bill gates asshole . it doesnt , ps3 is cool , very soon i will buy one and sit it next to my 360 , which incedentally works perfectly and has had no problems so far . if you think the ps3 wont have bugs your in dreamland , im on my 3rd ps2 it wont suprise me if in the 8 year life of the 2 consoles I have problems with both . ms released their console 1st because they were ready . sony were not , particularly cause they waited for bluray , which is nice but doesnt have a huge impact on just gaming alone (i dont want to watch movies on it).

Im not even a fanboy in general let alone a sony fanboy. i own the ps1 and ps2, but ive also owned an xbox and currently own a 360. Again this comment wasnt even towards you, but if 360 fanboys wanna come into a ps3 discussion thread and say how bad it is, and are unable to give proof behind there attacks, then they should GTFO.

  arkon said:
my point was , even if the ps3 was marginly technically superior to its main rival system , which it is , that advantage will not be utilised much because publishers like EA make games generically for multiple systems therfore failing to take advantage of many technical abilities in a single platform

Yeah i agree, and thats what i stated, EA Games arent exclusives and shouldnt be treated as ports of 360 exclusives. not all, but a fair few multiplatform games ive played never seem to change dramatically depending on what system there on.

  arkon said:
sony have made some big errors in its timing , price and marketing and are behind in the marketplace now which will be hard to gain back through just technological superiourity though . the history of video games is littered with technically superior platforms that failed to gain market dominance despite their hardware advantages.

Id rather wait 9-12 months and pay abit extra for a great system with new technology and not have a problem, then have to replace my 360 3 times for over heating, then a 4th time because the firmware f**ked out thanks to gears of war. its still under warranty and i didnt have to pay anything but its still an inconvenience. MS shouldve taken abit more time IMO just to get it right.

in conclusion, I think unless people have actual facts with proof to slander a console, these things shouldnt be said.

Edited by SKYLVIA

i thought in reference to GOW you were talking exclusives , not launch.

the saturn was dual processor 32 bit system with 2 32bit video processors , thats about 2x as powerful as the ps1 . it was actually capabable of some basic 3d capabilities like transparency and light shading , which in 1994 is way ahead of the ps1 and woudnt be matched until the n64 . however it was difficult to program , particularly mutlitasking its 2 processors to acheive performance gains above single processor use and outside of japan it never really made a market impact.

outside of its sega specific titles , virtua fighter , sega rally etc all those classic arcade ports , most of its games were ports from the ps1 . i cant list them all but heres the link to its library . all the big early 90s games were ported , wipeout , quake , doom , hexen , all those EA sports games nba live 95 etc etc



again a very good example of what could befall the ps3 because

a - it had superior hardware abilities which are complex and harder to program making it difficult and expensive for publishers to exploit its benefits

b - it had smaller market share which again forces publishers to concentrate on the dominant lowest common denominator system

i dont think sony is as crap as sega to the let the ps3 become a saturn , their just to big and powerful . but i dont think we will see the absolute market dominance of the ps1/ps2 this time round . it will find a big chunk but it will share that chunk with wii and 360 much more evenly . they have certianly f**ked up the psp a bit and ds is still kicking its ass

  arkon said:
i dont think sony is as crap as sega to the let the ps3 become a saturn , their just to big and powerful . but i dont think we will see the absolute market dominance of the ps1/ps2 this time round . it will find a big chunk but it will share that chunk with wii and 360 much more evenly . they have certianly f**ked up the psp a bit and ds is still kicking its ass

Is todays console market share overly important to the consumer? No, as a consumer I just want the best product I can buy, so I have a PSP instead of a DS, I have a PS3 instead of a 360. If the PS3s market share never heavily dominates the others then who cares 'besides Sony wanting to make more money'? Their money & backing behind the PS3 is plenty to produce new amazing technology & results. In the future we're only ever going to have more variety & choice when it comes to video gaming so market dominate in percentage form is only ever going to drop for all consoles as more options arise as the market it spread out. Last generation we only had 2 closely battling competitors, the PS2 vs XBOX. Now we have the Wii, 360, & PS3 all highly popular.

It comes down to the individual of what they want to play, I chose the PS3 & you don’t see me desperately making an effort to dis the 360 at every opportunity. Marketing does play a huge factor into the success of a system but as a researcher like myself, I can look past the marketing BS & purchase what I think’s best.

FFS whingers, stop the b#tching & enjoy your 360 or PS3, they’re there because we have a choice & neither is wrong, one system will just better suited to 1 person than another. The main issue separating people between the 360 & PS3 is the price, for those who can afford a PS3 they’re paying for a technically superior product & the price is to be expected.

Personally I think the PS3 is great value because I use it for so much more than just a video gaming system. I use it for PS3 games, I watch Blu Ray movies on it, I go on the web on it, I watch TV shows & Movies on it, it’s an entertainment system, not just a gaming console. For the entertainment it has brought me & will continue to do so for years, it is well worth my money.

market share is imprtant to the developers

it will detirmine what they develop for , how much they invest in specific features and optimisations for a particular platform . it will affect size and quality of the library developed for the platform . ps2 was the least technically advanced last gen console but huge market share ensured the largest library of all the consoles

i dont think i ever once dissed the ps3 apart from its cost and lackluster marketing from sony

  arkon said:
market share is imprtant to the developers

it will detirmine what they develop for , how much they invest in specific features and optimisations for a particular platform . it will affect size and quality of the library developed for the platform . ps2 was the least technically advanced last gen console but huge market share ensured the largest library of all the consoles

i dont think i ever once dissed the ps3 apart from its cost and lackluster marketing from sony

Yeah agreed, but I think its safe to say we’re going to get some amazing results out of the PS3 with its current market share already, & if it gains more then it’ll be better again.

Yeah I agree on Sonys shit marketing for PS3. It might work for Japan but not here.

  arkon said:
i dont think i ever once dissed the ps3 apart from its cost and lackluster marketing from sony

My last post was not entirely directed at you, a lot was just directed to anybody who is simply reading :P

both Sony AND Microsoft are still losing big bucks on their latest systems.. which does not really bode too well for the future beyond these current systems. Best does not always win.

Nintendo is the only one laughing all the way to the bank at the moment..

  predator said:
both Sony AND Microsoft are still losing big bucks on their latest systems.. which does not really bode too well for the future beyond these current systems. Best does not always win.

Nintendo is the only one laughing all the way to the bank at the moment..

I wouldnt be worrying too much, this is almost ALWAYS the case with consoles, where they make their money is from the software sales, they rake in the profits big time from them.

The Wii is probably one of the first consoles in history that is actually selling at a profit, hell even the PS2 was selling at a loss until its fifth year released or something crazy like that.

Edited by R3LOAD

Just to stir the thread up some more :P

I was originally 100% commited to the PS3.. the price turned me off a bit, but thats okay with the price of technology and all... right up until I heard that Sony ripped out the backwards compatibility chips for our market... Thats plain rude...

In summary.. I will purchase an XBox instead now :rant:

But I do like both consoles :)

  MrGTST said:
Just to stir the thread up some more :)

I was originally 100% commited to the PS3.. the price turned me off a bit, but thats okay with the price of technology and all... right up until I heard that Sony ripped out the backwards compatibility chips for our market... Thats plain rude...

In summary.. I will purchase an XBox instead now :)

But I do like both consoles :ninja:

my jap spec ps3 has no issue playing ps1 and ps2 games :P plus sony has now rls PSX games for download on the PSN store :D

nothing like only paying 1000yen to play ur favour oldskool psx games

  MrGTST said:
Just to stir the thread up some more :thumbsup:

I was originally 100% commited to the PS3.. the price turned me off a bit, but thats okay with the price of technology and all... right up until I heard that Sony ripped out the backwards compatibility chips for our market... Thats plain rude...

In summary.. I will purchase an XBox instead now :)

But I do like both consoles :action-smiley-069:

Thats true, but they did instead implement emulation software to run the PS1 & PS2 games, and in the near future will be implementing upscaling for the games to support resolutions such as 720p and 1080p, which the jap & US consoles with the backwards compatibility chips cant do.

True the backwards compatibility as a result of the emulator's arnt as good as with the chips, but thats not to say it will always be the case, they can refine to software to be just as good, and with the upscaling on the horizon, even better than the chip.

And i quote,

> David Reeves, President of SCEE. "We will be adding additional titles

> to


> this list in future firmware upgrades, but as we have made clear before,

> in


> the future our resources will be increasingly focused on developing

> new


> services and entertainment features exclusively for PS3, rather than

> on


> delivering PS2 backwards compatibility.”

It will be just like the 360 they will do a bit of backwards compatibility to begin with then just stop adding titles like microsoft

(please note i am badmouthing microsoft)

They might, or they might not. Time will tell.

But seriously WTF are you doing buying a PS3 to play PS1/2 titles anyway? If thats the case you probably already have a PS1/2, just keep it setup and play them on that, the consoles dont take up that much space..stack em on top of eachother, its worked a charm for me.

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