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Hey guys n gals !!


Quick question, can a set of 4 32gtst rims with rubber fit in a 33gtst somehow?

Never tried and have to pick them up tomorrow so any advice would be great!

Plus theres 2 people in the car....!!




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Across the back seat mate, will be tight but turdy did it down to wakie to trackday. :(

Yes I did! It fitted snugged and with lots of room still at the back.

Fit them standing up sideways.. like umm...

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|/ / / /| /=tyres, _______=Back Seats, |=Sides


At first I thought no way in hell I could fit them in being GTR rims 16/225s. Then after actually getting off my lazy ass and trying to fit them they fit! With extra room. Also had a 20L jerry can. A box of oils and other crap.

Dont forget to get some garbage bags and cover your back seats in them otherwise if the tyres/rims are dirty there goes the back seats $180 detail commng up.!

Might also wanna bulk it up, with cardboard or foam or someboxes or something coz the tyres might move against your seats when you brake or accelerate.

Man if i could fit a whole computer desk in my skyline im sure you will be able to fit wheels in.

Mind you the computer desk is like 6 feet in length. VERY VERY tight fit. But i had no other car :wave:

Guess havin a family car comes in handy!!

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